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Kuqi's good start

lancy lad

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it just shows what Playershare can do!!!


Sorry lads and lasses but the last thread on this got moved after a couple of days (MODS if you could leave this here for another day or 2 it would be much appreciated) and it also helped get us another few paying members (aswell as me and a few others realising our funds had stopped going in, which allowed us to correct it - I felt I was also in a position to increase my payments by a couple of quid a month).


In Dickov we trust, he signed a cracker in Kuqi and who knows the next one could be decent. A quid a week or so may make all the difference but we could do with spreading the word..... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.



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We've had another member join up and contact me today. Cheers Mark for getting onboard and let me reassure you all again, every last penny remains in this pot until PD has exausted every other avenue open to him and ask's for the funds help. The day that changes will see me resign. I doubt that will happen.


I wished I could post this in the main forum but also aware I don't want to overkill to some. Please get onboard I really believe this scheme if we all pull together can make a difference to our viewing enjoyment.

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