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The EU referendum - 23rd June


The EU referendum  

216 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want the UK to leave or remain in the EU?

    • Leave the EU
    • Remain in the EU
    • Currently undecided

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Every now and then we post the biggest issues which are not necessarily football related onto the main page, we think this is one of those issues.


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Full Fact is factchecking the EU referendum.
Ahead of the vote on 23 June, we have started putting together a collection of impartial answers covering things like the membership fee, EU immigration and the number of laws “made in Brussels”.
Whichever side you end up on, get the facts.





The Government's EU referendum leaflet: what we know so far
Next week every household in the country will receive a leaflet from the government setting out its case for why it thinks the UK should remain an EU member.
We’ve picked out a few of the claims made in the leaflet for a brief round-up of what we know about them so far.
We’ll be checking more claims from this leaflet and from the leaflet produced by Vote Leave in the coming days.




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Shocking how little clarity there is from either camp so far.

More shocking is how long we've been in the EU and how little we understand. Or they let/want us to understand.


I'm undecided but must admit what the Leave campaigners say does seem to have a bit more meat on it's bones (whether I agree or not) whereas most of what the Stay campaigners say seems like gobbledygook designed to do nothing other than hoodwink us. Usually leaving me thinking "what did any of that actually mean?".


I'll be surprised if I'm swayed to vote to stay but I'd love to know why I should. Problem is they don't seem to want me to......

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I literally have no idea about any of this, i did the quiz on the above link and it said vote to leave.

For anyone who knows about this how would it affect every day life if we left? And what are the benefits to us if we were to leave the EU? Just interested to read peoples views.

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Shocking how little clarity there is from either camp so far.

More shocking is how long we've been in the EU and how little we understand. Or they let/want us to understand.


I'm undecided but must admit what the Leave campaigners say does seem to have a bit more meat on it's bones (whether I agree or not) whereas most of what the Stay campaigners say seems like gobbledygook designed to do nothing other than hoodwink us. Usually leaving me thinking "what did any of that actually mean?".


I'll be surprised if I'm swayed to vote to stay but I'd love to know why I should. Problem is they don't seem to want me to......

Very much where I am.
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We need British industry, the government can't help our steel industry because Brussels have the final say

No they don't and it didn't stop the banking industry getting bailed out by the British government did it? Nothing is stopping Cameron and his mates doing the same for the steel industry.

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Neither side has convinced me. As per, bollocks arguments which you can disect in seconds to be blatant hyperextensions of the truth.


Therefore undecided, and doubt I'll have clarity before the ballot. Usually would be pro-EU but their own obscurity as an organisation has cast doubt, especially with its future unmapped and unpredictable. Will probably go with gut on the day.

Edited by NewBlue
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Come on pal they had to Bail the banks out there would of been no money in the ATMs then we of all been :censored:ed

I'm aware of that and yes it was the right thing to do at the time. But the big problem in the steel industry is over production in china and the strong pound which has hit exports.

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Shocking how little clarity there is from either camp so far.

More shocking is how long we've been in the EU and how little we understand. Or they let/want us to understand.


I'm undecided but must admit what the Leave campaigners say does seem to have a bit more meat on it's bones (whether I agree or not) whereas most of what the Stay campaigners say seems like gobbledygook designed to do nothing other than hoodwink us. Usually leaving me thinking "what did any of that actually mean?".


I'll be surprised if I'm swayed to vote to stay but I'd love to know why I should. Problem is they don't seem to want me to......

It's a change in political philosophy really. Skip a few thousand years from the Big Bang. People elect their members of parliament. The leader of largest group forms the government. One person in this government is responsible for foreign policy. The responsibility for UK foreign policy is now in the hands of the British public. One person, one vote.


I've always hated the democratic deficit in the EU. From Thatcher to Cameron, none has ever said in an election manifesto: if I win, we're staying. I'm voting in this time. But that won't cure the consent deficit the EU desperately needs to resolve before it can truly be a thing worth keeping permanently.

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The in campaign seem to think one of their best arguments is the effect leaving COULD have on Premier League players. Not being funny but as soon as I saw they were attempting to use that I laughed. I can imagine the meeting over that one.


"Right gents. Those working class scumbags are all wanting to leave. They don't understand economics and such. How can we relate to them"


"Tell them Ngolo Kante wouldn't be able to play in the prem. That'll get them voting in"


I'll personally be voting out. Many, many reasons why. Nothing from the in campaign has actually come across as factual to me. All scaremongering

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The government can help the steel industry (currently are, sort of, a bit). They just won't nationalise it.....

They dont have to nationalise it to actually save it and run it. This Government just cannot be bothered with it as it doesnt really suit their political interests.

It always amazes me that this so called elite (of both major parties) dont have the brains to find the ways round these restrictions

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For those interested to know what the EU has done for us. I'm voting very much to stay in

Regardless of the other arguments, any line about science/farms/trams anything else spending being cut is false. The UK gives money to other countries for these things, not the other way around.
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