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Posts posted by insignia

  1. +1 on that.

    I know it’s bounded about that the club loses money on these Tuesday night games; and that a lot of fans don’t bother with them – but I’m with you; I think for a club like us; it should be a realistic target to get some exposure and some silver-wear into the club. It’s not like we’re ever going to win the Carling Cup or F.A Cup is it? But we could conceivably go all the way in this competition.

    A winning mentality is something to keep onto; wins in the early rounds in this competition will breed confidence – and if we get further up & into the quarters, semi finals and northern final; then surely attendances for those games would increase as people would want to come and watch the team trying to reach the final???


    I think we should give it right good go this season and see what happens – nothing ventured; nothing gained and all that?



    +1 for me too!!

  2. Arrghh – can’t believe I’m typing this; but…..+1. Arrrghh; I feel wrong just typing that……………..



    Anyways; Latics fans come from all walks of life; are all of different ages & all obviously have different personalities. The way they choose to support their club is down to them.


    I personally cannot ‘stand’ it when that stand up if you love Oldham song gets sung. It’s usually accompanied by glaring looks from the ones who have stood towards the ones who haven’t stood. As if standing up for less than 1 minute really shows that your love is greater than someone who hasn’t. It’s cringey and it’s sad.


    On match days; I sit close enough to the pitch to be heard by the players. I’ve got a pretty loud voice too which helps to reach further onto the pitch as well (!). I use this to shout encouragement to the Latics players; and to give sh&t to the opposition. That’s just what me and my mates do. It’s not right and it’s not wrong. I don’t expect that every fan around me should do the same. I sit around people who barely say a word all game; but I don’t glare at them, ‘offer them out’ or berate them for their lack of vocal support. They’ve paid their money and they can choose to act as they wish on match days.


    I wasn’t overly impressed with the Penney Out song and the people who sung it prematurely at games; but at the end of the day; they have paid to come and watch the club they support – and they choose to sing it; which they are free to do. If we all expected to conform to the same routine, if we all are expected to support our club in exactly the same way; then it’ll be the end of football.


    At Latics and at every other club in the land, within the fan base there will be the singers, the silent types, the young kids and the pensioners, the inebriated and the sober, the encouragers and booers. All are there because they care & support the club. How they choose to show that care & support is entirely down to them. A call to arms to every single fan to engage in some blind happy clapping is a noble notion; but it is flawed from the start.

    Cant' help but agree with such a well written piece. Totally agree! Well said (written)!!! :comeon:

  3. Name? Philip Coulson



    Location? Oldham



    How Long Supporting the Tics? As long as I can Remember but season ticket holder for 8 years



    Best away match you've been to? Huddersfield when we thrashed them last season!



    All Time Greatest Player? Stitch



    Biggest Rivals (in your eyes)? Hate Man Utd!!!

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