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Just a reminder to all those signed up that you're now able to enter your preds for Saturday's match: https://owtbpredictionleague.azurewebsites.net/
If you're not signed up, but want to, there's still time!

Signups for the 23/24 Prediction League season open now!
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OACT Oldham Foodbank Collection and Christmas Toy Drive
Can we make a difference?
Can you help?
Oldham Athletic Community Trust (OACT) are delighted to extend their support to Oldham Foodbank with three matchday collections planned prior to Christmas.
Saturday 22nd October – Food collection
Saturday 26th November – Christmas Toy collection
Saturday 10th December – TBC
The foodbank, which delivers food directly to people’s homes, has already fed more than 10,000 individuals this year. It is now appealing for additional help as donations have dried up with the cost of living crisis, yet demand has soared.
There will again be three donation points around Boundary Park, these will be:
Outside of the OACT Family Stand turnstiles.
Outside of the Jimmy Frizzel Stand turnstiles.
Within the Club Shop (this is a permanent collection point, available throughout the week).
For more details, please visit:
  • 11 replies

Good morning all,
I set up a just giving page yesterday asking ( begging ) people to donate to our club with raised funds going to the OASF trust fund.
It has reached £325 quite quickly with donations from Orient, Hereford, Rotherham, Sunderland, everton, Liverpool, Man Utd and a few anonymous ones too.
I spent all last evening up until 1am getting this page out to a lot of various media, famous, sports and ex footballers. I may have some interesting parties to speak to today but I cant divulge who but hopefully speaking to these people may help the page hit a more flush group of individuals.
I know of quite a few more people who have said they will donate but hzve'nt as of today but it has only been just over 24hrs.
I have done this as living so far away at the end of knowhere I feel I can't contribute the same as if I lived locally, and my job forces some restrictions on what I can and can't do also.
So if I put the link at the end of this waffle I would appreciate it if some or all ( even better ) could pass it on or spread it wherever you think may help.
I have informed Oasf of my page and intentions behind it and gave them a little insight to who I am, just incase people dont trust a random fund raising page. I am waiting for a reply from them.
Anyway here goes....
  • 48 replies

Book Reviews
I've been reviewing some football books over the last months for Programme Monthly - http://www.programmemonthly.com/ -and , whilst all discerning readers will subscribe to this magazine, there may be a few people who don't...

Anyway I thought it might be of interest to share some of the reviews with OWTB. And others can contribute too please.

Here's the first:

  • 158 replies

The Athletic: Oldham Athletic, a bag of £20 notes and a ‘pretty toxic’ mood
A very good, if depressing, summary of the state we’re in. 
It’s behind a paywall unfortunately but if you have a subscription or can get a free trial the football writing at The Athletic is very good (though not much below the Championship, sadly).
  • 50 replies

The Boundary Park Alert System Podcast
Evening Latics fans.
For those of you who neither frequent Twitter or Facebook, at the beginning on this season we launched The Boundary Park Alert System Podcast, hosted by me Matt Dean, with regular contributors and special guests too. The podcast is available weekly, from 7am every Monday and can be found in all your usual podcast locations;
Spotify http://is.gd/mS09wv
Apple http://is.gd/xbTgDQ
Google http://is.gd/Bak46X
YouTube http://is.gd/ge3YBo
An Oldham Athletic fan produced podcast, that gives voice to the long suffering Latics faithful. Controversy and uncertainty follow Oldham like a deranged stalker up Sheepfoot Lane and there's never a dull moment. Apart from during the actual football, obviously. Why not give us a listen & get in contact.
You can join in the conversation by emailing your messages, questions, rants and voice messages to bpalertsystem@gmail.com.
Follow the show on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook @oafcpodcast.
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  • 57 replies

Hi Oldham fans,
Hope you are all well.
I wanted to just drop in as it may be a video of interest to many of you. I am a presenter on Back of the Net, an AFC Bournemouth channel.
Yesterday, ahead of our FA Cup game I interviewed and discussed Oldham and memories with a very famous fan... Professor Brian Cox.
I hope you don't mind me posting this but I thought it would be of interest to many of you. For the video see below.
Please do feel free to leave your thoughts and all the very best for the rest of the season.
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  • 29 replies

Valley Parade - The Final Whistle
OWTB user Inspiral Carpet reviews the events after the Bradford City away fixture...

Forgive the new post when I could have put this in the Bradford thread but I am really surprised that the 5-10 minute period after the final whistle yesterday hasn’t been mentioned (unless I’ve missed it) on here.  Apparently it has been a hot topic (piss boil) on Twitter according to my lads but that place is way too toxic for me these days.
The support from Latics fans in the first half was brilliant.  Loads of singing, some good natured piss taking of certain Spanish players and constant ribbing of the non-existent home support.  It changed in the second half unsurprisingly and at 3-0 down, I remember thinking that I hoped the players wouldn’t come over to us at the end although if they hadn’t, we would never have heard the end of it I’m sure!
For those who weren’t there, the majority of fans booed at the final whistle.  For the first time in nearly 50 years, I was one of them. At Carlisle last season, I left just before the final whistle though to be fair.
Despite this, every player came over with boos and cat-calls ringing in their ears.  The crowd was toxic but none of them turned back.  There was no applause at all but lots of hand gesturing and particularly vitriolic comments (mainly warranted).  Got to be honest, if that had been me, I’d have thought “fuck you” and headed for the showers.  But they came. Right to the pitch edge.  Some even came to talk to fans although I think something happened with Azankpo leading to the Stewards getting involved and pulling him away from the crowd.  It looked like some were trying to abduct him!
Follow the link to continue reading...
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  • 124 replies

Lemsagam moves to get fans onside.
Oldham Athletic are looking to appoint fan representatives to join the newly formed Board of Directors. Over the past year under new ownership the club has tried to rebuild, with millions being invested in the team whilst also paying off past debts.

Not everything has gone to plan, with issues on and off the pitch and for certain areas the club has been rightly criticised.

With a owner who has the clubs best interests at heart, the events of last week have shown that there is now a disconnect between the fans and the club and the owner wants to repair that. Without the fans there is no club.

As a result, the owner (and currently the sole director) is in the process of reforming the board and is looking to appoint people that can add value in non-executive positions, through fan representatives.

Ultimately, the board will run this football club for the benefit of the supporters to create a better future. The board makes decisions on all aspects of the running of the club including commercial, property and staffing issues.

The club would now like to invite applications from those with a genuine love for Oldham Athletic to become a director, setting out their skill set and explaining in writing what they could bring to the role.

The role will not be remunerated and there is a requirement to attend all home and away games as a representative, whilst also passing the English Football League’s fit and proper person test.
Please email applications@oldhamathletic.co.uk by Tuesday 26 March 2019 to be considered.
  • 108 replies

I’m not going to pretend I have the answers, nor am I saying it’ll work, but something needs to be done and it needs to start immediately.
From a personal point of view, I’m more willing to take a Phoenix club situation starting from the bottom than have anything more to do with Latics whilst they’re run by this clueless egomaniac.
Will you boycott Saturdays game?
Will you boycott the rest of the season?
If you’ve already bought one, will you be asking for a refund on your ST?
Anyone else with any suggestions, or do we just toe the party line of ‘you only have one club, you must support it at all costs’? 
My response to that is to look at Blackpool. They’ve finally got what they wanted, but it’s taken them anawful long time. We need to do something quickly.
And finally, for those still defending AL, wake the fuck up.
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Featured Poll: Is there appetite for a boycott/protest? Vote now!
Featured Poll: Is there appetite for a boycott/protest? Vote now!
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