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Tractors Passing Through

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Posts posted by Tractors Passing Through

  1. Maybe you won't always see what goes at Championship level but as we've just played an entire season with it there's a player at Blackburn called Smodzics who is rather prolific.     In fact he's amazing, best striker there since Alan Shearer, he really is phenomenal. 


    Rovers very nearly got relegated at the weekend, managed to stay up, but if they had gone down I strongly believe Smodzics would have been sold.      As Oldham is quite near from Blackburn it's something of a romantic ideology but he could have dropped down a league or two and gave a season or two for you there.      



  2. 4 hours ago, Dave_Og said:

    As Ipswich is my nearest club there has been much happiness in these parts.  I do find it interesting that I've hardly met anyone in the area who isn't an Ipswich fan.  Yes, I've come across the odd bigger club fan but much fewer than one might expect in a region that isn't exactly over-populated with professional clubs.  Maybe it's something to do with general remoteness but there does seem to be a strong sense of local identity


    They came out in force during the last 48 hours in Christchurch Park (large recreational green within the Town) as some 50 thousand fans celebrated a return to the top league for 22 years.     We've always been about down there from you but up until very recently it's been something of an embarrassment to be a supporter of the team, often felt ashamed to be noticed or even associated with the club name.     Up until about 2 years ago fans with us were well squashed and forced to go under the radar but we've been given a new life, a second chance at existence you could say.


    I don't know who the owners are at Boundary Park or if they're really what fans there are happy with but that's where the poison was with us.    Marcus Evans had set a course of obliteration and was finally made to leave just before it really was allowed to get into total disarray.     Had he remained and still in position now, we'd be starting next season in League Two not the Premier League, of that I am convinced.     He was a lethal threat to everything the club name stood for and you'd have to have been a part of it for the entire time to truly understand.


    If the owners aren't the problem at Oldham, maybe the manager isn't up to scratch.     I don't wish to castigate your club personnel or really attempt to find fault but there's something inherently wrong with a once proud team set-up in a relatively recent time now finding themselves in a league outside of the professional structure and seems some distance off from making it back to standard League level.       I feel if one or two things could be rectified it would allow the club name to break free and at least move it the right direction.


    People today wouldn't understand or believe it but I can recall clearly when Oldham Athletic were in a better position to challenge for trophies than Manchester City, actually achieved more, in fact they did - and for a time at least, more successful then Blackburn or Bolton, all up there in the North-West area.      You just need to address the area you feel holds the club name back most, why you aren't progressing as you should, and take it from there.     I assume you're happy with the players, on another thread it appears the youth team set-up are promising and coming through so there's reason for hope in the future.        Identify where the primary reasons your club isn't progressing back as it should and do whatever you can to make it work.  Protest if you can, make the owners aware of what you feel they are doing wrong and try to find a solution or plan that allows the club to move back upwards towards it's rightful place or status. 


    We very nearly fell into League 2 about three years ago, however with a near entire club personnel overhaul and clear-out we now get ready for a return to the top level.      Oldham maybe can't or won't follow such direction in such a short span of time but I'd do or suggest whatever helps if it assists your club name on the route back towards some or many of us can clearly recall.    Thank you.  

  3. It's nothing like it used to be.    All right that Coventry / United tie a couple of weeks ago was an exceptional advert for the competition but on the face of it it's now overrun with sponsorship and commercial saturation that just seems to deviate away from any thrill or interest of actual play.


    Take me back to 1990 as I'm sure you'd agree where we had fantastic entertainment, end to end play and great observation and where money, sponsorship, corporate greed and most of all, messing around with the format and integrity of competition was then at an absolute minimum.      Things change and often not for the better.      It's a shame people have to tamper with traditions although I think over time we simply outgrow it and are forced to move on or face things even if they don't sit right or simply can't agree with measures taken.     


  4. Maybe it's not fair to mention or people don't want to be reminded, perhaps they've maybe forgotten - but right now this day in 1994 Oldham Athletic were finishing their last game as a top level club name.    30 years ago at this moment the players would be leaving the pitch as the last time this was a Premier League club, and all the time since have fallen away through lower leagues to now reside in the conference.    


    This is a shame, it's a definite pity, because those of a certain age and you don't have to be a Latics fan either to remember, can recall for a short time at least Oldham put together a strong squad that could compete with other club names far above them in in terms of accomplishment or recognition.     The final day action in 1994 was memorable for many, we were involved and in peril ourselves but survived that afternoon with a surprise draw at Blackburn and other results went our way.     The team was poor however and we were rightfully relegated twelve months later. 


    We all have individual recollection of this day 30 years ago and maybe not all for the right reasons, but memories that can live forever.     I'm sure they were all 3pm games back then, no midday starts just traditional kick offs but I never thought back then Oldham would be a non-league team 30 years from now or at least never play in the Premier League or be a top league club name again.


    I'm convinced the FA Cup games with Manchester United had something to do with it a couple of weeks before it.    I remember to this day an Oldham player had scored and the game was well into additional time only for them to equalize right at the very end.    You went on to lose the replay game by some margin.      That must have hit team morale badly and caused a level of shock or upset that the club never really got over from then until end of season.      It could have been, or would, an F.A. Cup Final (maybe win against a very average Chelsea team) and survival in the Premier League but I'm sorry there's not an awful lot anyone can do now.      Royle would have been manager as he didn't go until the end of the year but had Oldham survived I think he still may have accepted a position elsewhere. 


    It's such a shame the team has fallen behind since that day and now occupies non-league.      I remember exciting games and really good players if only for a short time there with Ritchie. Marshall, Palmer, Holden and Milligan for example but by today in 1994 a number of the old-stars had moved on and the squad was nowhere near as strong or competitive.     Fans of other clubs and those of a certain age, can look back (today) and feel a certain sadness to remember an exact time when Oldham Athletic fell from the very top league and not only never made it back but somehow occupy a (non) league outside of the main four divisions.  


    I was aware of todays date for some time before and just felt to give a mention.    You won't be forgotten, not even to fans of other club names.  

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  5. Read this on another teams message board last night.    First reaction I was really quite impressed.


    So many things to take into consideration with this endeavour - such as the weather elements, age of Mr Rothwell, the stamina to keep at it, the will to succeed, isolation at such a vast expanse of water etc.      People of fewer character just wouldn't entertain the idea.  


    Surely he's not going about this alone ?    I mean there has to be a support team at hand or others involved at close proximity in case anything goes wrong.    It's a great challenge and worthwhile cause but the idea of the man just setting out across the Atlantic as one individual without back up or nearby support seems maybe incredulous.      Seems too risky as a standalone effort that's all.


    Whatever the circumstances it's for a very good cause.   I've had family members suffer with the illness and it's a horrible condition that no-one should suffer.      I wish Mr Rothwell every success in getting to and reaching his intended destination and hope it provides substantial funds and support for the charity / research chosen.       As owner of OAFC it does send a very positive message to other clubs out there and something fans at Boundary Park can take pride in, a unique achievement when completed.





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  6. Some really good replies there, I went through them all.     Thing here is - You don't have to be a fan or supporter of Oldham Athletic to enjoy these memories or relive those times with a certain excitement - just be of a certain age where you can recall it and remember a team coming from almost nowhere (to us neutrals anyway, no disrespect) having these games, taking on really big heavyweight opposition, beating them and being one of the (success) stories of an entire season.      It only lasted a year or two didn't it.      OIdham think dropped out the Premier League in what was it 1994, haven't made it back in the time since and we escaped on the final day that year.    Didn't survive the season after though.   Fell like a stone into the second league, it were a disaster.  


    Someone mentioned the West Ham semi-final again.   I remember it like yesterday.    Had a friend at school, we was - and probably still is - a hammers nut, followed them through thick and thin but after the   6 - 0   game, didn't show up for school the net day.    Think the reason gave was ill or had a cold or something but we all knew the truth behind it.    He was simply embarrassed, too embarrassed to show his face the next day, it's one thing I'll always remember.  


    1989 - 90  I can still think back and recall Oldham making headlines time and again particularly in the second half of that season.    You were back page news in The Sun after beating Aston Villa   3 - 0   in the F.A. Cup sixth round, even after all these years I can still picture it.     You remember those games with Everton in an earlier round - course you do - the first 2 - 2  draw at Boundary Park, draw at Goodison in the replay then winning at the third attempt in the second replayed game.     They would have had players like Graham Sharp, Cottee, Neville Southall and a whole team of stars and you took them on, played really well and advanced.    Looking back now it was immense, I can still feel a sense of excitement.    It's a shame other than reading about it here, so many people won't care or remember outside of these pages about just what went on in those games by way of enthrallment and intrigue.    


    Around that time I had a 'soccer' annual where they devoted a whole feature to Oldham's season by way of game after game starting in August '89 right through to the Forest final and end of season.    I think you missed out on promotion only just but what a read it was.   Just wish I had retained it but it was a Shoot annual or something, kind of thing kids at school would have collected.    I think they'd be obsolete in today's age unfortunately.


    You always wonder how did such a great team and manager only make waves like that over the course of 2 or 3 seasons.     You had the time of your lives between 1989 and 1991 what with the promotion to the first division (now premier league) and all those great games and the Cup Final, but it ended almost as soon as it had started.     I'd imagine a number of players like Ritchie, Marshall and Milligan etc were sold off or the team just became less, but once again for a short time alone you provided something that could never be repeated in Latics history.     Reiteration isn't always necessary but if it's been said before, it's such a shame, it really is, to see Oldham where they are now in non-league rather than back then and making news and headlines time and again.     Think maybe rambled on too much but just remember those games and seasons from that time.    For whatever happens now and in the future, you'll always have that abiding memories and recollections.      Thanks.  





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  7. Here's the topic for what it's worth.     Some fans won't remember it but it actually happened and what a team you put together back then.     For some reason couldn't see any mention of it.      Sorry if this has gone through twice, there was a message when posting about 'server problems' or something.  


    Today - tonight - is the anniversary of the   3 - 1   League Cup win over Arsenal.      34 years back in 1989, I don't know where the time goes to.     Was still at school back then but that season alone, Oldham made what the Final itself and took Manchester United to a replay in the other semi-final.      You very nearly made two domestic finals, and what with the promotion to the 1st division the year after, it's kind of nice to look back on times like that.   


    Anyway that night in 1989 today, Oldham had players like Mike Milligan, Ritchie, Frankie Bunn, Ian Marshall, Olney was it, just names I can remember from that time and they were League Champions and what a night it was.    I bet (Latics) fans of a certain age can still be thrilled about what occurred that game.    Not only that you beat a good Leeds team over two games and West Ham  6 - 0  in the semi-final,  typing it out now it all comes flooding back the memories.     Joe Royle as manager, the plastic pitch, Oldham having the best two seasons of their history.    It were great, even for neutrals. 


    Just wondered what people's memories of that Arsenal game were.     I know you'd do almost anything to go back and relive again those times and great Latics team, and while you can't, at least we can look back and say those results and teams really did happen.    For a while, it were great.       Maybe you won't reach those heights again but for those of us who were there and can look back and remember, it was a night and season of Oldham's history that was remarkable.     Really gave neutral fans a lift and wanted the team to do well.     Ok ?    Thanks.  

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  8. Can't stand Ed Sheeran.     Grew up in the 80's with proper music, nothing like the absolute garbage they put out today.      The kid supports our team, for that he's acceptable, but for everything else, just a name I fail to recognise.        Well done again on tonight.    Seriously, wish Latics all the best in the season ahead, it's such a shame to see a one proud club where they are now.     Joe Royle was manager for both, he was - and is - a great man.  

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  9. Nice to see one of our former players doing well.      Wasn't part of the managers plans towards the end and good to see the player can do a job for someone else.  


    Still seems strange seeing Oldham in non-league.    Well done on tonight, a big win and get yourselves back into the football league soon as you can.     Do I have permission to start a one-off topic relating your club ?

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