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Posts posted by Mrsbammo

  1. 1 hour ago, Chaddyexile84 said:


    These seats haven't been cleaned in about 10 years 


    And as someone who also works in Health and Safety in construction we don't usually say "oh that's a nightmare to do so we won't bother"


    I'm sure you'll agree the HSE wouldn't accept that reasoning either.  Not that they deal with stadiums 

    Of course ... "we won't bother'" would never fly (pun alert again) and not one I suggested, but as you know ... the caveat of 'reasonably practicable' would be considered and I would stake everything I own that as long as a club could prove that they have a pre-match cleaning regime in place, then a succesful prosecution on preventing a bird naturally depositing mess in an open stadium at any given time would be zero ... however, if there was no cleaning done then ... best of luck defending that position I agree!

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  2. 1 hour ago, Chaddyexile84 said:


    No I haven't but having seen someone nearly lose a leg after he got a cut infected from exactly that on a building site I do consider it a concern.


    Any health and safety professional would ensure it got cleaned 

    Not on here to defend or not practices at your club but the bird muck issue is an issue many, many groiunds face all the time. Stadiums are open spaces and unless you can 'net' almost every nook and cranny (and its eye watering costs to do so) then our feathered 'rats' get everywhere! seats can be clean one minute then moments before the turnstiles open can find multiple seats covered in sh*t ... its a nightmare! never been able to find an total solution, wealthy clubs no doubt have an army of cleaners on their pre-match, during match and post-match cleans but many clubs will be on a wing and a prayer ... pardon the pun!

  3. On 1/12/2022 at 5:11 PM, Chaddyexile84 said:

    Interesting that they dont list NEBOSH As a requirement - any health and safety role demands this as a minimum 

    Thats not correct mate ... its not a traditional H&S Role ... its a Safety Officers role and thats a different role entirely and the requirement is a Level 4 Diploma Spectator Safety Management not NEBOSH as you correctly say is minimum for normal H&S jobs.

    Been in H&S for 25 years and work for a club in an H&S role. The advert for the OAFC job is correct.

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