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Posts posted by sheridansarmy

  1. Good people of OWTB...


    Give us your fudging money! :wink:


    Tomorrow morning at 7:45am three members of the 92 In Blue team (Simon, Ste and Paul) will be live on BBC Radio Manchester to help promote the journey and raise awareness for the Samantha Jones Trust, so please check us out and inflate our ego's by telling us how great we did!


    And whilst I have your attention... DONATE!!



    inflate our ego's


    could they get any bigger than they all ready are!!!

  2. When done with some skill or humour we have left them alone. However this is the 4th (?) one already this season and it's tiresome, especially when there's not even a pun or a gag involved.



    Yet another Draconian act by these "god" wannabes called "The Mod's"



  3. It's been working for ages, now just says that there is no internet to connect to - all of a sudden, i think its a modem issue - I am fooking useless with is though, it's only a matter of time before it gets thrown against a wall and permenantly broken


    I have it too, i have been having problems for a few weeks, called them and was informed that they are having problems up this way with the service, if you switch it over to 2g (58k) then it works fine but slow. The problem is only with the 3g Service.

  4. OWTB Statement: OWTB FC Forum


    Whilst we are keen to conduct correspondence on this issue via PM/email, certain posts on the subject have brought us to think it best to issue a statement.


    On 4 April 2009, the OWTB FC forum was closed. This follows numerous posts by FC's staff team indicating that they were to migrate over to a new independent website, as of the aforementioned date. This was the only information we had to work on, and in the interests of managing the site's bandwidth, which has become a serious financial factor for the site in recent months, we took the decision to close this subforum.


    OWTB FC has, in terms of its management, existed as a completely separate entity to OWTB for some time. Nevertheless, we have continued to provide a forum to facilitate the running of the team. That was closed, in accordance with statements made by FC's management, which were all we had to go on. We have since been contacted and informed that FC's management had intended to contact us to propose that the FC subforum remained open, alongside the new independent site. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, this did not happen in advance of the migration date.


    To clarify a point made in some posts on the subject, OWTB FC was supported by Oldham Athletic as an extension of OWTB's role as the official messageboard. Any endorsement that the club continues to offer FC is outwith any relationship either party has with OWTB.


    Some of the posts on the subject have been of an unfortunate nature and we would reiterate that OWTB will not tolerate abusive or threatening behaviour.


    In an effort to resolve the situation, we have put forward a proposal to FC's management of a subforum that fully caters to their growing requirements.



    How far did the dummy go when you threw it out of your pram.


    Nothing changes, those in their ivory tower talking down to us below.

  5. Whiter than white?



    I can honesty say with my hand on my heart that I have never driven in the morning when I have been out the night before. My job depends on my driving licence. Just isn't worth the risk or the consequences


    Just ask Douglas Graham's Family or Arron & Ben Peak's Parents or the thousands of other family's that have been devastated by drunk drivers if they think he should get away with it.


    The evidence is there that he was over the limit and should have been dealt with appropitately. However he is now free to go and do it again.

  6. Not got away with it yet, the CPS have not ruled out Appealing against the JP's decision. I for one hope that they do appeal and are successfull in the appeal.


    Drink Driving is one of the lowest things that a person can do. Everybody has a choice and Gregan's was to go out and have a few beers the night before, in the full knowledge he had a long(ish) trip to make the morning after. He made that choice and then made the Choice to drive the morning after again in the full knowledge that he could still be over the limit.


    IMHO he deserves to be banned for 6 Months, that might teach him a lesson. He only has to look at his team mates and players from other clubs to see the devistation drink driving can cause. Nobody should ever get away with it.


    I am a firm believer that the limit should be 0. Everybody has been or knows somebody who has been effected by the actions of a drink driver.




    The choice is easy don't drink or have a pint and risk ruining somebodys life/family.



  7. There used to be a pub called Tommy Ducks in Manchester.


    The time has come for a change, yes get rid of the lot and bring in someone who will get the respect of the players and not stand for any of this petulance. We may then have a chance of getting some players who want to play and get us promoted.


    Just for the record - I have been firmly on Shez's side during his time here but there comes a time when you cannot keep flogging a dead horse, and that time has come.



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