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Posts posted by latico

  1. You don;t think so?

    You might not see if a kid is going to make it big, but you can certainly see if he has the right attitiude.

    WE instinctlively and sub consciously judge people within 5 seconds.

    Think about it, you do this allt he time.

    How often have you thought you were wrong about someone?

    You are normally about 80% right on your instincts, I think, happy for someone to quote more correct figures.

    I'm usually 80% wrong pal.


    This thread should give everyone confidence of a bright, blossoming future. :wink:

  2. Dwindling crowds? New season new start. That was last season.


    Also admin looms? Well only people we owe money to is Mr Blitz & Gazal. They put us in admin = not the £3m back for them.

    And even if Admin did loom - Eaves and Taylor being sold will bring in around £500k. Stephens would bring in another wedge of cash.



    With PD in charge, the teams playing better and more attacking so more fans will come back and that means more money into the pot.

    Stop being all negative.







    Also, Mr Mancini if for some weirdly strange reason you are reading this, please sell Micah Richards for alot of money :grin:

    Yeah, but lets not get all misty eyed, if we're anything lower than top half, the crowds will be utter :censored:e.


    And yeah, that sounds fandabbydozee that, lets sell all our best players. Eieieio? :s


    Alright I'm a negative sod, get over it. :D



  3. In your opinion. Obviously not in Dickov's. He has yet to sell anyone he wanted to keep. End of story. Stop turning your grief of losing your personal favourite player into a complete non sequitur about doom and gloom.

    Well, I'm worried about Dickov then. You can't judge an individual in a month let alone judge a professional footballer in a pre-season.



  4. so we take a player who didn't fit the manager style of play and sell him and suddenly everything is doom and gloom. Other players in that situation in the last 5 to 10 years we have either released on a free transfer or payed up their contract. Im guessing when we release them on a free transfer to a lower league club on less wages they will also get a nice pay off.

    So for once we have done good business. All may not be rosey but lets not winge for the sake of it

    I thought Abbott was a great player, I know my opinion counts for zip all in the scheme of things but as a paying fan I have my opinion on on and off field matters and at the end the day I am a paying customer who's money will more than likely not be going in the coffers next season if things like this carry on.


    Some of the predictions on here, play-offs? I would literally put my bollocks in a blender if w get anywhere near the play-offs come May.

  5. Two things:


    1. The squad may look weaker than last year on paper, but in practice I expect them to be stronger so long as our manager is up to the task.


    2. It is a very young squad but there is some real skill and potential in the side (and maybe more to come). With that inexperience anything can happen. We may have a very good season or we may be frustratingly inconsistent. But I fully expect us to be well clear of relegation by May either way. The enthusiastic talent we have and work ethic alone should be enough to see to that.

    When we're on a losing run it'll be interesting to see just how tough these kids and Dickov are.

  6. Things arn't good? Ill admit they are not a perfect but we have had one of the best pre season i can remember, the team is playing some really good football under what looks like a really good manager, the season as been budgeted for and if the peformances continue then fans will start to come back. We could be in a far worse position than we are in.

    I'll leave on field analysis for once we've actually kicked a ball in a competitive game. For now, I just see crowds dwindling, no money in the pot, no forward vision, selling our best players for a pittance, investors saying cheerio and the ground situation looking bleak (literally aswell, BP has lost its magic for me).



  7. I was sat in the Main stand. Thought they were very quiet - they brought a fair few, but other than the chat of "Ole ole ole ole ole Stockport County" - I didn't hear them.

    I were in Main Stand, and I must say they were very, very loud. Think you had your tics branded ear muffs on there! :grin:


    Everyone I was around with said they were terrific too considering the had nout to sing about.

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