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Posts posted by guiri

  1. A few days ago, and especially after last night I almost got to the stage of thinkihng "sod it, I've had it with OWTB - there are so many boring assholes preaching doom and gloom that it's not worth the bother"


    Well, we lost last night. It added to the view.


    So bleeding what!


    We've lost before, we've been lower than this after 6 games before - loads of times.



    Those of us with the ability to view our past achievements with an open eye have seen what this club can achieve with the backing of the fans and a bit of effort. Sure people will have a pop back, and you know what, they might, one day in the future, prove right, we might fold, we might die, we might end up a blip in history. But you know something, what will those people have to look back on - quotes of "I predicted my club will die"? What the hell is that about? We will have the right to say "I tried to keep my club alive with every breath I had, i did not falter, i did not lay down and weep the tears of defeat, I fought until the end".

    Sod them all, be proud, be a Latic, support YOUR club - because it is YOUR club - no matter what players come or go, no matter who the manager is, no matter who "owns" it in a monetary sense, Oldham Athletic beligns to the FANS - the true fans who will be there, giving their support whaterever happens.


    Get behind the team, give them your support, hope for the best.


    If this is being a happy clapper, where do I sign up? I am 100% behind you on this. Proud to be a happy clapper!

  2. I think Rooney is an honest player. And that pen against Arsenal was an absolute stonewall pen. Yes you can suggest he was already on his way down, but if anything I suspect that was in anticipation of the inevitable hit... there's no way Almunia should have gone racing out like that - something Wenger has implied himself.


    OK. I could accept that argument. But couldn't the same be said for Eduardo? The goalkeeper comes flying out. He expects to get a clattering. Mindful of his recent broken leg, he dives to avoid it? Its possible? Surely enough doubt to escape a ridiculous 2 game ban for at worst a yellow card incident. If uefa/fifa and the rest want to cut out "simulation", surely there needs to be some kind of campaign before a ball is kicked, not retrospectively?


    If a goalkeeper comes rushing out and fails to make contact with the ball he is inviting the player to go down. If it is deemed as a dive then surely any other player that starts to go down before contact has "dived" also.

  3. It looks like Brill will be the Oldham keeper for the forseeable future. So how do you get the best out of him? By slagging him off, berating him and calling him a clown? Immediately he would become defensive. Try to apportion blame on others. Retreat into his shell and lose any confidence he has. Or do you try another approach? Work at building up his confidence. Supporting him. Give him a chance. In this atmosphere, maybe he'll look at his own shortfalls and work hard at resolving them, rather than waste time trying to defend himself. I know which approach I would use.

  4. Being an exile I haven't been to BP for a few years. Judging from the posts on here I'm glad that I haven't. Not for the standard of football on the pitch. I have witnessed many dire performances in the past. But I can't remember the over riding feeling of the fans being so negative and abusing the players. What happened to taking a defeat and a bad performance on the chin with a little humour? That for me made me proud to support Oldham rather than being a plastic fan of Man U or city.


    What a difference with my local side over here, Malaga. I remember going to my first match at La Rosaleda. Malaga were in the second division with a chance of promotion. It was a crunch match against fellow promotion chasers Real Sociedad. Reports in the local press were not encouraging. Malaga were in a poor run of form. Malaga played as poor as they possibly could. Real Sociedad were not playing brilliantly but walked off with a comfortable 4-0 win. What was the reaction of the crowd? The team got a standing ovation. No jeering, no booing. The fans continued to sing with gusto throughout the game. Now wouldn't that be a better atmosphere than all doom and gloom?

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