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Posts posted by Chez

  1. Bloody hell. A scouser who doesn't know how to nick a car. Perhaps thats what u should be doin with your time instead of being on here


    There were no decent cars worth taking in that dump. Jow Royle must have done the rounds when he arrived earlier in the week. Thieving scouse tw@t!!!

  2. Do you honestly believe you'll be goin up Chez? If you do you should put an awful lot of money on it because you will get great odds. Perhaps you could save up your next 3 giros and put it on


    No I'm saving them to buy a car to go with the hub caps I stole during my day out in Oldham!

  3. Yours is one of four league one message boards I have been on today actually. Just taking an interest. If I wanted to cause trouble I would have done. It was just a subject I had an opinion on. I, unlike most Tranmere fans, just see Oldham as one of 23 opponents we have had/and still have to play this season. I had a little gloat after the game, because it's all part of football banter. I think you really need to lighten up a bit!


    Oh and watching the aim of some of your fans throwing stuff at Ian Moore on Saturday, I think I'm safe from being hit in the eye anytime soon!

  4. Ian Moore reacted to fans calling his mother all sorts of names by directing a couple of harmless gestures at them. Quite a tame reaction to be fair, if someone said the same about a member of your family, could you remain so calm?


    These fans reacted to a couple of harmless gestures by throwing bottles, coins and food at someone. Obviously they couldn't care less whether he was blinded by a coin to the eye, but what if it happened to an innocent fan just trying to watch a football game? The fans reaction was stupid and needless.


    I know who I'd be aiming the w@nker insults at in this situation, and it's not Ian Moore.

  5. Thanks to you and your 'cyber' mates for enjoying some banter with us all season Oh no i'm being sarcastic. You've come on here after deservingly won (by all accounts) and shouting your keys off. If you had been on earlier in the season for some football natter, then maybe a bit of respect would have been given to some of you, but shouting the odds after one game, you deserve what your side will win this season, for all your trap and that's feck all in terms of respect.

    See you next season


    I actually came on earlier in the week for a bit of intelligent banter, but just recieved a bitter response from a lot of you, so I'm just repaying the favour.


  6. We are mate, we have just seen ur lot time and time again make tits of yourself, gets a bit boring after a while!!!


    Well for those of us who do come along for a bit of banter, your hardly giving off a good impression of 'your lot' either to be fair. Anyway nothing wrong with me making a tit of myself, no need to take everything so seriously...mind you I suppose being boring and miserable is in your blood what with being an Oldham fan :grin:

  7. Give over hes clueless all you are saying is it could have been 8. Watch it back his positioning is crap, diving worse. Exposed certainly but too slow on reactions. If he saved it it was luck.


    Hines reminds me of Moore from Burnley we had on loan garbage.


    I saw your goals on the Championship, and if I were RM, I'd be ensuring your GK was tested at every possible opportunity by getting in lots of shots and crosses. He looked very weak. Clayton Ince wasn't much better to be fair though!

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