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drphibes rises again

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Posts posted by drphibes rises again

  1. Just been to pizza hut and seen all the players there with quarmby and warburton. All laughing and joking like they hadnt lost a game, Hard work my arse, Quarmby is a walking around like billy big bollocks with the players, jokers sack the lot of them!!!



    And what where you eating in pizza hut? Probably stuffing you face with some sweetcorn based pizza eh?


    Gray will be associated with Penney and that is the kiss of death for him. The season ticket rush would stop in an instant and how long would the fans give him if we did not get off to a good start next season ? In different circumstances he might well be ok for consideration but to appoint him would be a pr disaster.

  3. We should not be playing Goodwin, he has been out for 2 months and does not even belong to us. I can only presume that Penney has already decided to add another Hudders reject to his already rank squad. With the news of a cut in the budget and probably more rejects from Darlo,Hudders or Donny the outlook for next year is terrible. We must all remember that while April got us the points to save our league one place it was not full of top rank performances that gave us all hope for the future. I believe Hudders and Southampton where good showings but can we really say we turned it on in the home games ?


    Sorry but Penney needs to go, he is a league one version of Megson who the Bolton fans detested. Managing a football club is a results business but you also need a bit of pr every now and then and Dave just does not seem to give a damn about the fans who are paying his wage.

  4. Penney is a good manager on paper when he has considerable backing behind him which is what he had at Doncaster and at Darlington for his 1st season. He has never achieved any sort of success when on a strict budget like ours.


    Bit like Talbot I think, success at Rushden with the Doc Martin cash but failure when the revenue stream dried up.


    We are in a similar postion to when we brought Beckett in to save us from the drop. Didnt we have to pay £50000 to get him to come to us on loan with a view to permanently signing him ? The striker problem has existed all season and now we do not have time to bring people in for a month and see how they go. Penney and the owners have to get someone in like Beckett who has a proven track record of scoring to save us from the drop.

  6. Looks like our good times are against Leeds are long gone. We have played them Three times this season and have never looked like getting anything more than a defeat and a big fat zero when it comes to goals scored. I really do hope that the reason for our abysmal showing is Penneys tactics because he has the option to change them, but if players dont turn up because they cannot get themselves motivated against the likes of Leeds we are well and truly knackered.

  7. also why is this thread called Latest interview gaff, has he done others? Ive always thought he talks the talk quite well


    Didnt Penney say that Price stays in the box and things it him and go in ? I am not sure that kind of comment will get the stayaway fans coming back to BP. After the Millwall game he said we had played excellent and set the standard for the rest of the season and also stated there was no need for extra training even though in my mind we had not hit anything like the standard required. It might just be me but I think they guy comes out with some rank bad comments.


    I read with interest the mail on Sundays brief report on the win over Walsall. At the end of the interview it stated that the Oldham fans where not impressed when Furman was subbed and booed Penney for making this change. When asked about the reaction to the substitution Penney said he didnt give a monkeys! For a guy who is struggling to win the fans over he is a complete plonker with his after match comments. Please can the club get somebody else to deal with the press!


    From Penneys Radio Manchester aftermatch interview.


    We set the standard today, carry on like that and we will be fine.


    We played excellent today.


    No need to train harder than we already are.


    Not going to ask the ref why he gave the penalty , he's going for a beer instead.


    That pile of crap cheesed me off more than the game, his interivews are shocking for fans to listen to.


    Sorry but I am fast approaching Penney out!

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