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Posts posted by northeast

  1. It's looking like I will be in Telford with work. Pain in the arse living in London and not being in London for a game that would literally take 8 mins to get to from work :(


    Pain in the arse spending a week in Telford I'd imagine. Don't forget to count your fingers and toes before you go back :wink:

  2. not the best ground to be walking up on your tod..

    My first visit. The pal who's putting me up is a Millwall fan and I've managed to coax another lad into coming too. Safety in numbers. Is it THAT bad there these days?


    We're landing around 2ish at Paddington. Coming via Reading because I get free travel on CrossCountry trains. So we'll be starting there and prob working our way across London towards Borough/London Bridge area to meet the said Millwall fan (he works near Victoria somewhere). If anyone fancies it, PM me over the weekend.

  3. Spot on. I work on board for Cross C*ntry - equally well thought of I'm sure. USUALLY, all reservations are clearly displayed on small electronic screens above each seat. And even if these fail then the staff carry with them old fashioned paper reservations that are attached to seat backs. So, if people can't be bothered to check the availability of a seat they want, they shouldn't be surprised when nice people like me come and turf them out. That said, Megson is not somebody I like so on this occasion fair play to the OAPs.


    Regular train travellers will not be surprised to learn that even if you take the time and trouble to pre book seats - usually done as a cost saving excerise - an actual seat is still not guaranteed, as stated in the Conditions Of Carriage. Any train ticket only acts as a promise that the holder will be conveyed from and to stated stations. No more.

  4. Whitley Bay's not bad you can get some good fish and chips- plus there's a chippy that will deep fry chocolate if you like that sort of thing. Its a dive yes but a lot of the Newcastle area is worse (try Byker for instance).


    That's where I live (well Walker actually) and I'd still rather walk round there in a Sunderland top singing "we'll meet again" than have another night out in Whitley Bay. However, please don't forward this information onto anybody in the area JUST IN CASE I may be exaggerating. And anyhow, Walker is handy for the dog track.


  5. I'm in Newcastle now so not too far from Durham. Sunday should be interesting up here depending on your point of view. I think i'll keep mine to myself for now :grin:


    Maybe we can arrange somet once the fixtures are out. Since moving I've got far too much time on my hands - aside from working and putting up shelves and that kinda thing - so i'm happy to get involved in organising any chaotic trips away or whatever. Don't tell our lass though.

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