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Posts posted by Terrier08

  1. Were you at the game? You were just as s**t as we were. You scored from a set piece, you shouldn't have had any penalties, and not in a million years would you have run away with that game. Oh and well done for creating no atmosphere.


    Oh yes like you can complain about us not singing not a peep from you lot in 90 minuites


  2. Im not normally one to complain but for 57 minutes, we matched huddersfield. then we gave up. we gave them a goal and then decided to let them have the win. one shot on target and nobody imparticular had a good game. this needs sorting out becuase the extra fans that made the journey to come today wont bother anymore and we will end up in this league for years. a clear out and a couple new faces in january please

    Mathced us? You did :censored: all for 90 minuites and were quite frankly garbage we should have had at least two pens and could have easily ran away with it

  3. Sorry but it had to be done.


    A very scrappy game today not helped at all by the wind. But i think that we just edged it. You were very solid at the back and if you get a decent striker to partner Abbott you would be a lot higher than you are. What are your views on Parker by the way? Ye good luck for the rest of the season. :grin:

  4. So then ladies and gentlemen what are your predictions for Sunday then?


    Aleays had a bit of a soft spot for you lot and we always seem to create a good atmosphere between us. Think we'll win it 2-1 but thats just me. Have a good game and good luck.

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