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Who was Winston DuBose

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Posts posted by Who was Winston DuBose

  1. Barry pays for his season ticket in full, and does not draw a salary of any kind.



    Aye I would pay for a season tickets for a parking space in the directors car park and all the free food and jollies.


    For me a board supporters repersentative is a ordinary Joe who will put views forward for supporters.


    Many dont see Barry as a ordinary Joe - he himself has said the he believe he would be invited to be a board member anyway even if he wasnt the trust representative.


    So for a lot of people he does not represent the supporters (Trust) but the board are using Baryy to stop a supporter getting into the board room. It is comfortable for the board to have "one of theirs" in the role.


    Simples Barry resigns from role a trust representative and is invited by the board to become a member in his own right and a new Trustee is voted at the AGM into the role - then supporters really get two representatives on the board.

  2. If you are going to have a pop at him could you at least be constructive please.


    Mods defending him!!. The guy preens himself like a peacock playing his role of club "director". Resign and let your mates on the board bring you in - if you really think that will happen - and let some one with more passion and drive who wont play the lapdog role take over.

  3. The Trust is made up of some fantastic supporters who work very hard.


    In more recent times invitation have been made for fans to visit trust meeting for the first half hour to ask questions or air their views. A number of people have seized on that opportunity and the offer is still open.


    Please be assured that my first responsibility is to represent the interests of the fans within the Board Room. I do that.


    I have had an input into the season ticket prices released this afternoon and I hope you all think the offer is reasonable.


    Contrary to some peoples opinion, your voices are heard.


    I have no desire to be on any ego trip which has recently been suggested and first and foremost I am a fan. Sometimes I am in a catch twenty two position becuase due to confidentiallity I cannot always tell you all the things that are happening.


    I have not responded to get caught up in volatile arguments that have sometimes occurred merely because I answer people.


    Recently I have been thinking about a scheme that might pay the wages of one of the younger players at the club. Times are very difficult for everyone these days and at many clubs fans are having an input into such things. Recently Tranmere Trust released £10,000 to pay for a loanee into the club.


    How many people would be up for helping such a scheme. Say we pay for Tom Eaves next season. How many fans would be prepared to chip in.


    I will start by paying £10 per month. Oh and by the way I am not on any perks at the club and actually lose money over a season. Why, because I an a fan. my wife and other family members will consider the same.





    Not a ego trip - sorry but Ha.

  4. I think Lags, you handsome beast, that the problem is being able to afford the out lay or wanting to pay it in advance. I've not been since Christmas due to us being :censored:e and I know other season ticket holders who have done the same. The ticket could be £150 and if I think the same rubbish will be served up its still not value. I won't be paying £270+ for something I don't want to use again.


    Most people in Oldham are so poor they can't seem to afford a wash these days so shelling out for a season ticket when times are hard isn't going to happen.


    Let me know when they wake up to the idea of 10 game bundles.


    WHY when Matchday admission is the same £20 pre game is is £279 in RRE and £299 in chaddy?.

  5. Very interesting discussion we have got going here. And thanks to those who have contributed so far. Please keep it going.


    Barry appears to have become - rather a fan on the board - a a board member used as a foil between the club and supporters who will do NOTHING except defend his mates in the boardroom.


    At the recent presentation on the proposed new stadium I am sure I heard him say if he wasnt one the board as the trust representative he would have been invited on anyway - great Barry - you do that leave as trust representative and let someone on that will contribute what the supporters want - lets see if you are invited on as a individual.

  6. After the recent public airings of Barry Owen and his demeaning attidude to Latics fans I am going to cancel my membership of the trust as I feel as the public head of the trust he is now bringing it into disripute.


    His public statements have done nothing but make himself look aloof and less a supporter and more a director.


    I want nowt more to do with the trust while he is on the board.

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