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Posts posted by Lawsonness

  1. Sounds like it's time to understand who does what is roles and responsibilities, sounds horribly like work


    Trust Constitution

    roles and responsibilities for Trust Officers eg who does what, lines of communication and engagement

    As OAFC is a limited company and we have a place on board we should have access to minutes etc including votes etc.....


    Am I missing something.

  2. I would find it useful is someone could point me towards where the Trust constitution and minutes are located on the site. Is the Trust a registered company or indeed a registered charity. I am happy to assist as best as I can but given I live at the other end of the country I.e. Scotland won't be able to attend in person. If there is to be further group discussions would be good to explore ways for those of us not in the town to be engaged. Hope that the team can now focus on what is their day job and redress the balance with Doncaster.

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