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Nom Pulastar

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Posts posted by Nom Pulastar

  1. For the purpose of this exercise I'm going to assume that Gezza, TP, Muzza and Byrney have performed minor miracles and kept us in the division come May and that the long running saga of the new gaffer is about to be resolved!


    Does anyone know exactly how many players are out of contract and which ones would you like to see accept an extension?


    Cisak, Furman, Croft, Simmo, Murray, M'Voto, Smith (not sure on these last two) I think are out of contract in the summer. Of these, I'd like to see Croft, Murray (player coach role under Dowie if the rumours are to be believed) and M'Voto be given new deals.


    I don't think Cisak and Furman see their long term future at a dilapidated, cold League one ground. Simmo has been a waste of space all year and (apart from battering that Coates kid the other week) I don't think Smith has shown enough over the last two seasons to warrant long term investment.

  2. I watched the match back yesterday and the last 20 minutes dragged as much as they did on Sunday. Don't understand why Skirtl and Jones weren't booked at the same time as Simmo tho (foot into the keepers face'll get ya a yellow in 99% of games) but retaliation is just as bad. Sturridge got away with his right hook on Byrney (woulda been funny to see what was left of him if he'd actually caught Byrney tho :laught16: )


    Probably the funnisest thing for me watching it back was Clive "It's not football if it aint ManUre playing" Tibberlesly failing completely with Changy and Jimbo's surnames! Did anyone else notice the faintest of touches that Boozy got on Gerrards piledriver? The ball changes rotation after it goes past his hand!

  3. Wouldn't matter which it is for me coz it's gonna be a ball ache catching the bus back down Ashton Road whenever it is, tho I think we might have to make do with a 3pm kick off on the Saturday. Heard that the Brentford/Chelski replay is being televised live by ITV that weekend because of the Europa league. As for a fee I think we'd get a bit less off ESPN than ITV. Just as a matter of curiosity, how many matches are usually televised?

  4. I believe 99.9% of us are in agreement that 99.9% of the current bunch of players aren't doing the (french) blue jersey proud and that a swift overhaul is necessary. Therefore why the chuff haven't we signed anyone? At the start of December, we were told that plans were in motion to bring Derbyshire back after the Forest game. Derbyshire apparently has other ideas (can't blame him really), Dickov then went public almost a fortnight ago telling MD to make his mind up so we can pursue other targets. Who, exactly? Why no movement to at least try and improve the team?

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