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The Bantam Menace

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Posts posted by The Bantam Menace

  1. Firstly well done for today's performance both on the pitch and off it, by far the best set of fans we've had this season. We weren't at the races at all but that should take nothing away from your lads.


    In terms of the chant - I can only remember one other occasion where it has been sung and similarly to today it seemed to be stopped pretty quickly when some of the older generation obviously pointed out the link to the singers. It's not ideal by any means as there are a lot of Bradford fans still deeply affected by it, especially when sat in that very ground, but it's taken in context and we recognise that no real malice was meant. If it had continued past one rendition there may have been some sort of reaction but thanks to the lads in your end who put a stop to it.


    Given that we remember the fire in a relatively low key and insular way it's not really a surprise that some of the younger generation aren't aware of what happened. The video is obviously shocking and a very direct way of informing people but the stories behind it, Including those from Stuart McCall, Greg Abbott, Gabby Yorath and Don Goodman (who lost his ex girlfriend in the fire) really bring home the effects of what happened.




    Good luck for the rest of the season.

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