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General Vibe...

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I think on nearly every thread I have read recently some-one is having a dig at some-one else, or fishing for a fight, putting some-one down or just being overly opinionated in the sense that they are purposely trying to cause a negative rection. To be honest as the demographic is I assume mainly mature men, it's pretty embarrasing. Most people are fine but there seems to be some that just can't help it. Why can't people just voice their opinions and have a laugh and be on the same side?


This section is pretty much the only one worth reading at the moment for me.


Anyone got any funny web links or jokes or anything to look at?


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Interweb messageboards offer anonimity; an opportunity to detach yourself from your 'regular' personality without (much) fear of repercussions.


Some people take advantage of this; others don't.


People will always offer counter-arguments to anything. Particularly something as subjective as football. Just enjoy the good posts, ignore the bad, and have a chipper time liaising with like-minded fools.


Youtube 'Snatch Wars'.

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