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Posts posted by GKing521

  1. 5 minutes ago, aaronoafc said:

    Yh a couple Tranmere lads I know said he’s awful

    We're fucked, aren't we? I check this forum out of habit if anything but the club as we once knew it is dead. 

    I caught some highlights of our heady League One days earlier. Mad that we're unlikely to play at that level again anytime soon,

  2. 1 hour ago, BradKnowles1 said:

    Anyone catch what Hogan said on TNT

    Matt Smith: 'I guess Liam, as much as we're delighted to have your company, slightly bittersweet for you. I imagine you'd rather be out there with your boots on!'

    Liam Hogan: 'It's massively painful, It's still now heightened in and around the club and in the dressing room'

    'We were in there and we let it slide, by quite a lot'

    'For us now there will be a lot of repairs over the summer so that going forward we can go for promotion'

    'We're looking and thinking that there shouldn't have been 7 better sides than us this season - but that wasn't the case and we will now look for the answers'

    'It's important to bridge the gap between the players and supporters to make sure that we can achieve promotion' 

    'We need to be better and take a look at ourselves ahead of the summer'

    This is a v rough transcript.

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  3. 17 minutes ago, nzlatic said:

    That’s a bit different. It should go without saying that I don’t think every manager gets unlimited time to get it right. 

    Unsworth had a long, poor run to start with. He then had a good 2nd half of the season but even then he didn’t pick up points at the rate that Mellon did over his first 20 games. He then had the full summer to recruit which he didn’t do as well as he should have done. And then had a shocking start to the season. He also had no track record outside of youth football. 

    Mellon picked up points at nearly 2 per game. He’s got multiple promotions under his belt all after at least 1 full season. We’ve now had a run of 6 draws and 3 defeats and we should sack him? It’s a massively over the top reaction to something that happens in all clubs, even ones that get promoted. 

    Right. Stop it.


    It’s clear the supposed negative noises in away end today have riled you up but this is a fan base that has nothing but pain for many, many years.


    There are players out there wearing our colours and on more money than most were on when we were in the 3rd tier. 


    We brought in a manager to get us into the play offs and he’s not just missed that objective - he has categorically FAILED. 


    What is there to suggest that Mellon will now be able to get these players back on his side this summer? A lot of them are sticking around…


    I’m sorry, but deep rooted change is needed. 

    • Like 1
  4. 55 minutes ago, BradKnowles1 said:

    Very bizarre interviewing from Mellon. Says hardest job he’s done tougher times ahead. Very confusing 

    Because a lot of the players will still be here next season + some those staying have percentage increases bolted in.


    It’s no wonder he’s depressed. We have absolutely fucked ourselves. We’re not leaving this division for at least another 4/5 seasons.

    • Like 1
  5. 36 minutes ago, latics22 said:

    Southend leap frog us after 10 point deduction and season of turmoil! 

    It's totally and utterly embarrassing.

    Shambles from board level to the playing staff. Everyone involved needs to take a long hard look at themselves.

    The fact that numerous bin man teams are comfortably above us genuinely makes me feel unwell with the amount of cash we've thrown at these rank losers.

    What's the solution? I have no idea, but I fear we will be at this level for many years and could become quickly comfortable as a non-league outfit. 

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  6. 3 hours ago, League one forever said:

    Good post. 

    Mellon said that Lundy has struggled playing for a big club in the division, and he wasn’t alone. I think you’re right and that applies to managers as well. The challenge of big club in a small pond is too big for a lot of them. 

    I know wasn’t this division. But the only two managers who I’ve felt didn’t seem fazed or under pressure, and consistently looked to galvanise was Dowie and Johnson, surprise surprise both left for bigger jobs. 

    The rest fall into- come in with varying past records - look full promise, then quickly unravel citing- budgets, false promises, what they inherited, defending poor runs. After a while longer they look completely haunted in post match pressers. 

    The closet I’ve seen to Dowie or LJ down here is Williamson, I don’t think anyone else touches him. (For up and coming, can handle a big club, doesn’t seem fazed) 

    LJ is available...

  7. Just had a scroll through Twitter.


    There are genuinely individuals of apparent sound mind wanting James Norwood gone.


    Give the moody fucker some service and he’d have us in the top 3 alone. 


    For some reason Mellon and Brabin have decided that thug ball was the way to in order to secure the play-offs. It’s failed spectacularly. Change the style for next season and we will see huge results with Norwood. With Grigg gone, there is no one near his quality in the division.


    I know there is a strange obsession applied by some of the fans when someone donning blue and white colours runs around a bit but c’mon…


    If we’re not challenging for the top 3 next season I am genuinely going to stop watching Oldham and get into crown green bowls or something.


    It’s too fckn depressing. 

    To have the best chance of making that top 3, why the on earth wouldn’t you want to have someone of Norwood’s quality?


    To be honest, with his reported salary, will he get much better elsewhere? 

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