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Everything posted by robboman

  1. Due to a recent 'pass away' in the family, yes
  2. Only the people I care about, friends & familys etc why should I care about what every tom, dick & harry thinks?! doesnt bother me in the slightest
  3. Yh they might be if I was taking their jobs, but I'm won't be doing seeing as I've not a nice little nest egg that will last me way into my 50's (which I'm not planning to make )
  4. Could'nt give a flying **** what you think!
  5. Good idea, although plans are already in place - Oz Perth in 6 month... happy days
  6. Your a funny one aint ya! If this country was run by people like you I reckon it would be a case of open the flood gates, let them all in, spread the peace love & harmony! I think that's what happened originally... & now look at the state of the UK
  7. Personally I don't condone fighting (unless its to protect yourself, your family...) - I just don't like being belittled on a forum by a jonny big spuds sat behind a screen - thats all ;)
  8. would happily meet anyone on here for a good old chat...
  9. I'd say your the 'big man' getting cocky behind your PC...
  10. I do... Each place has it's bad spots Although IMO Glodwick & Muslims are the worse I've seen. They seem to think we owe them something, like they can do what they please and get away with it (because they can). Everyone has their own opinions and so be it. Not everyone agree's with one another, but it my view Oldham would be a hell of al ot more of an attractive place without Muslims taking over - and that is exactly what they are doing. Call me racist, call me what you want - end of the day THIS IS ENGLAND (love the film btw). We will soon be the minority in our own country...
  11. If you had seen things involving muslims like i have, you may well brand them that too
  12. Just shows you know sweet f.a P.S are you muslim?
  13. I don't need to ask them. That place is full of vermin, they hate the english and that's a fact - if you don't believe me go and take a nice stroll through there (it's a lovely place...honest) and see how many evil looks and abuse you get...
  14. I think the muslims who own the corner shops would have something to say about that!
  15. Because they would of said yes, it does offend us. Especially Oldhams muslims, Glodwick area...
  16. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but did'nt they ban xmas decorations in Oldham a year or 2 (maybe 3) ago?
  17. Video of yesterdays disgrace for those who havent seen it (not like you would want to) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newsvideo/...emorations.html
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