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Posts posted by angusD

  1. they are all getting it out of sysytem and being positive. If they go into the game thinking were s**t and were gonna get tonked again then we will get tonked again. Start off positive and believe the last game was a mistake and gonna prove everone wrong we've a good chance of seeing a good home performance again

  2. he doesnt seem half the player he was last year. Seems to be making loads of mistakes and this year his pace isn't getting him out of the mistakes. Although to be fair citehs whole defence has been shocking this year which is suprising for a Mark Hughes team so dunno what he's said to em all.


    Think he's still a good prospect, maybe a move would be a a boost to get him going agai but defintatel think a double figure sum would be in right ball park. And that bid needs making now not at the last minute so we can do something woih the cash!!!

  3. :shock: Eh Have I missed something??


    Where has he supposedly gone??


    No I think I'd rather go for proven goal scorer if we could find one (always difficult to get tho). We lose Hughes we're gonna lose goals I think it would take time for a non league striker to adjust and get used to this standard of football and would not score half the goals Hughes would get us the rest of this season.

  4. :shock:

    hmmmmm I'm gonna struggle with this, this could possibly be my worst nightmare come true.


    Yes I know he has been/maybe still is a good player.


    But he has been in my most hated players ever to visit Boundary Park, I've given him so much stick over the years its untrue. I have never ever wanted to see him in an Oldham shirt.


    Now I've gotta change my opinion instantly!! Oh dear!! Thats quite hard for me.


    I hope for the sake of the mighty Blues he bangs in an absolute hatful but please forgive me if I'm not singing his name straight away tomorrow cus I'm gonna feel a little hypocritical!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  5. I'm surprised that we have sold as many tickets as we have.


    It's time the powers that be realised that it's not all about money.


    The only way that our attendances will improve is if we can maintain a top 2 position,playing good football and constantly winning our home games.


    We keep hearing quotes that we are in a playoff position but so what? The playoffs only mean anything if you win them and our previous record is as bad as it can get.


    It also doesn't help when your club seems to be trying to sell off the 2 players that might just give you that chance of getting promotion.


    I am a ST holder and do not begrudge anyone getting in on the cheap on Saturday.I have actually bought a couple of extra tickets for my son and his mate but unfortunately I don't think that there are too many other idiots like me in this town.


    I know what your saying and yes it is frustratinng if the rumours are true about selling players but at the minute they are only rumours.


    We're in good position to push on and go for automatic promotion in what is a very tight tough league. No one expected top two at begining of season and we all hoped for play offs. Yet because we won a few games all of a sudden fans think we should automatically be expected to be in the top two. This is a long season and the fans need to get out and back the team. Why should players be arsed playing fo us if we cant be arsed getting down to the ground to support them.

  6. I went and got my tickets today. Girl at the ticket office said only 3000 tickets sold so far. She said theres around 3500 season tickets so if they all come at mo only 6500 not including away fans.

    The board are apparently (and not suprisingly) very very disappointed apparently.


    I have to say I am shocked at the lack of interest and up take in this inititve. Top six and pushing for promotion surely we should be selling more tickets even without special offers!


    Why do people think were not selling tickets? Is is because its weekend before Xmas? Poor promotion?? Lack of interest in the club?


    The club should be out pushing this offer big style. Especially with likes of Man Utd not playing this weekend chance to target some arm chairs fans and get them down watching proper football


    And local Oldham folk should be coming to these games and getting behind their team, we managed to pack Boundary Park out when we did tickets for a quid couple season back so why not now.


    I just hope a lot more people decide to come on the day otherwise the owners may look at this and say we cant keep taking losses and if you dont want to help us then what more can we do??

  7. I have to say its rather pathetic people coming on here bragging about how they seen this set of fans of or that or fronted people up.


    Its a disgracful side of the game and these people aint true fans. If people want to go beat ten bells of dung out of each other then go do it where no one can see it and dont do it in the name of our football club, fighting has got nothing to do with the beutiful game.


    This is supposed to be the OFFICAL forum of our football club, how bad does it make our so called family club look when these half wits come on here posting the rubbish that they do?


    Come on guys lets stick to the football.

  8. No idea if we were interested in getting him again, but Norwich have got him for next season.




    Which is a shame.




    Doubt Chelsea would want him back in League One. Seems a good progression for a very decent player. Think he'll do well there. Especially with Roder in charge, seems to do well with kids.


    Got a good chance of being a premiership player in my view

  9. Wot game were you watching?


    Yes we were poor but you cant have a go at Allesandra (man of match for me) he was only player who looked likely of creating anything and unlocking their defence until Smalley came on.


    And Hazell was solid all game couldnt fault him myself, thought he coped well against a pacy striker who looked too good for their team

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