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Posts posted by Prendy_1984

  1. yeah but smalley can actually beat men and has alot of pace. colbeck seems to run into defenders not around them. i agree about smalley not showing the desire or workrate that colbeck does but the hard cold truth is that smalley is so much better than colbeck as a overall player.


    When has he beat a man? When has he put a cross in? He is gash. He put his goal away well yesterday and for the next 10 minutes he put more effort in than he has all season. Why does it take a goal for him to give a :censored:. He's a big lad but I haven't once seen him use his strength to beat a man or win the ball.

  2. Does anyone else think that without him, we'd be in a similar position to Tranmere?


    i wasnt impressed with the decision to bring him back but i take that back. he is one of the only reasons we arent yet in a relegation fight.


    (and im an optimist)


    If we aren't in a relegation battle yet when are we?

  3. There's plenty of things that make me cheerful but unfortunately Latics have done the opposite for quite some time now. You know as well as I do that most of what I say is true, whether humorous or not.


    And, yes, all being well I'll be there Tuesday night even though I'd rather eat my own snot than go to BP these days.


    Can't you do both at the same time?

  4. The borough of Oldham has a population of around 220,000. The town certainly doesn't seem smaller to me, and I've visited Colchester on quite a few occasions, and not just for football. I'd compare the size of Colchester more with somewhere like Bury, to be honest, but without being part of a very large conurbation like Greater Manchester.


    The main point I was making was that in terms of the club's history Colchester are showing some ambition, while we seem to be consoldating at the level where we're currently at-and only fifteen years after the club's best ever period.


    In that 220,000 you need to consider the culture of certain communities within Oldham.

  5. Posted this in the MoTM pinned thread; but having read this thread - thought i'd stick in what i wrote:


    This is a really difficult one; as I thought there were some very strong performances from a number of the players – and no-one had a ‘stinker’; it was a collective team performance the like we haven’t had much of recently.


    I could have gone for Deane Smalley who I thought had a fantastic 1st half; I could have gone for either Greegs or Reubes who once again were rock solid at the back (which is weird as we shipped 2; but neither were a fault for either of the goals)….


    In the end I’ve gone for Joe Colbeck. By far & way his best effort in a Latics shirt. He was a threat; had lots of space; even before the sending off, and I thought he used it well. He put in a couple a pearling balls into the box; worked his socks for the team (the chase back when we were caught out on the counter after our corner in the 1st half in particular) and his 3 sliding tackles that he got pulled up for were all well timed & he touched the ball on all 3 (2 were right in front of me; the other I had a clear view of).


    By no means is he the finished article; far from it – but that was a lot more like it from Joe on sat – keep it up Joe Colbeck & if you carry on like that; then you’ll change a few’s opinions on you. Congrats!!


    I think Colbeck has his knockers & detractors - and they are here to stay; as i think it was Latics Pete who said something along the lines; once some fans form an opinion they wont change it. Colbeck is a high L2 / L1 player. He wont go higher than that without a hell of a lot of work; but for us right now; he'll do a more than adequate job & hopefully his performance on sat is a sign of things to come from him.


    Dunno what you were watchin. To many defensive errors in that first half for my liking. How many free headers do they need to be given before you question Hazel and Greegs?

  6. Smalley is poor. And was worse than poor today. When he gets the ball on the wing, the best you can hope for is a corner, he just doesn't know how to beat the man and put a cross in. When he gets a yard of space to put the cross in he manages to turn back into the man.

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