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Posts posted by UpTheLatics

  1. So, here's a little thought. Leeds, docked 15 points before the season started, have continuously moaned about it. They broke the rules, and quite slyly so, they should be punished. Now, they're due for their court hearing with a "20-30% chance" of getting those 15 points back. This would obviously have some serious affects on more than one club.


    For example, if we were to add 15 points onto their current tally, they'd knock Donny down to 4th, and they'd be hot on the trail of Carlisle. They could possibly jump Carisle, and claim 2nd spot. Adding to this, they'd knock the team in 6th place which could be one from Tranmere, Brighton, Walsall, Orient, Northampton, and, of course, us. We may even see Southend and Forest fall from it, so add them to the mix - Leeds would affect their final position either way.


    Now just say if we're in 6th place, and Leeds won their appeal - we'd be knocked out of the Play-offs! Just what would happen? How would you feel? Similarly, the likes of Forest may be fuming, too, because they've ended up 6th or something; same applies to Donny and Carlisle, who have been knocked out of 2nd place, in favour of Leeds. Imagine Forest and Leeds going head-to-head in court.


    Would you accept Leeds claiming their 15 points back? Would you support the side possibly affected, if, of course, it isn't Latics? Thing is, though, we don't have the money to take them to court if we were in the middle of it.


    It's sure to be an interesting scenario should they win in court.

  2. Nowt wrong with Franny. I can imagine these fans of ours stood there at H/T actually moaning about this joke. Be my guest, get yer coat on, get on the pitch in the cold, wet and windy weather and put on a good show.


    There's a thing - you never see other PA's stood out when it's throwing down at H/T. Come to think of it, you rarely see other teams' PA's, all you hear is their voices...

  3. Personally, I think he's coped fantastically well this season. He's had a squad decimated by injuries, 5-6 players with no major experience, and few leaders on the field. Now what on earth do these fans want from him? Why would you see him leave the club? What reason - I'd love to hear 'em.


    In Shez, we've got a man who wants to play football - he says it all the time "nice and simple". We'd be a fool to get rid of him on the basis that we don't play quality football. The young lads are prone to hoofing it up field because they don't have the experience. These players are looking more and more confident, and they'll show it next season. Secondly, he lead us to the top of this division with yet another small squad last season, and that was in his debut season as a full-time manager.


    If a manager can't express themselves fully due to injuries/lack of experience (let's not forget that this side, in my opinion, has a future because of its tender age), then how on earth people can draw conclusions is beyond me. We've seen how he wants to play this season - we saw it last season in longer periods - so can people just start looking at the variables affecting us this season, and be a little more patient, please?


    Evidently not...

  4. Quite a lively debate brewing down below about ambition/wage bill, quality players, returning fans and promotion/stagnation. It was interesting to read Richard Money's (Walsall manager) article on the BBC website how the Chairman and himself were dismayed that the crowds hadn't returned to the Bescot despite Walsall hiting the play off's and a fantastic run of games.


    Now then a few questions sprung to mind...


    1) Do Walsall have a bigger catchment area for fans?

    2) Do you percieve Latics to be a bigger club than Walsall?

    3) Would you consider Walsall to have a bigger playing wage budget than Latics?

    4) Do Walsall have better players than Latics?

    5) Do Walsall play more attractive football than Latics?

    6) Are the players coached better tactically than Latics for each sides given talents?


    1. Well, I'd say so. Only because of where they lie in the country, however.

    2. Yes.

    3. No.

    4. Tricky one, but no.

    5. No. They grind results. I don't find that attractive.

    6. I wouldn't like to answer that one.


    I am actually surprised with their home/away following, despite their excellent position in the league. However, saying that, they might not like to see the football they play at home. Though, I have no idea what their opinions are on it.

  5. Toughy for me. I'd like to keep faith in him, so for me he'd get the next 2/3 games. However, saying that, after he got the goal on Saturday, he actually went back to his 'I-can't-be-bothered' mode for short periods, which was irritating.


    But, hopefully, the goal will lighten up his mind, so he's not constantly thinking about needing a goal. Let's hope he can find his form, which brought about a tidy 10 goals before December.

  6. Your suggestion refers only to those who have been to the Southern games. Imagine the outcry and accusations of 'superfans' if those long-distance travellers were seen to be treated in a preferential way. It's a nice thought but I wouldn't wish all the hastle on the Club - it's just not worth it!


    Not really, mate. Look what Portsmouth did, and yes, I know they have money, but it's just an example: Free travel for the Blackburn away trip for ALL fans, and they had over 1500 travel up. I suppose the owners would save a lot more if we had to travel to, say, 3/5 of our recent away games, but I think everyone should get a little gesture shown towards them, because a lot obviosuly work.


    Now I don't mean for them to put on that sort of offer Pompey did, but something where we can have a good 500+ on the South coast. That way, not only would we know the boys at the top actually appreciate the support given, but it'd also give the lads a boost via the support we usually give when we're all together in larger numbers. I could see a good lot of fans lapping any form of offer like that up.

  7. This sorta came up today. Personally, I think that those who have traveled to, for example, Millwall/Southend/Yeovil (3/5 of our last 5 Southern trips) should have been given like half-price travel yesterday. Certain offers like that.


    It'd be nice for the owners etc other than Shez to appreciate the supportwe give. Our last 6/7 league away games have been murder, and what's been said? Nothing. Last season, when we were averaging 1000+ only the manager, who's duty it isn't, continously praised us.


    A gesture would be nice. It's cost an absolute bomb. There's only Brighton now for them to at least put some offer on, but they won't.

  8. I thought we should have won that. Yes, they had the ball, but created nothing, whereas we dominated for long periods in thats second-half. I'm just disappointed for the lads and Shez, because they all worked fantastically well, and weren't rewarded.


    We failed to close-down enough, I felt, but on the other end of the scale, how good was our passing? I thought it matched theirs, if not bettered it. It really was pleasing. The new boys worked hard in midfield, and their movement was excellent.


    I thought we were really unlucky not to have collected all 3 points, and I think Martinez will be the first to say that. They weren't much of a threat, really.


    Well played, lads.

  9. I would lean towards another side who have served a long time in the same division. I would look at Rotherham, but apart from flying up and down the leagues, they're quite similar. We've even had the same manager.


    I'm looking at Grimsby. They're someone who has a decent season, nearly getting towards the promotion end, or another season, where they flirt with the relegation places.

  10. I'm happy.


    Midfield is where we've been weakest all season, and the two lads brought in should go a long way to addressing that. Having Livermore also means we can play Taylor on the right, and move Allott infield, where he's looked much more effective. I'm not too bothered about not getting a striker in, as I think young Lewis, Dean, and Davies have enough about them to score bucket loads, and if Hughes can get fit, then we'll have good competition for places. Sorting the midfield out should give us enough to supply the forward lads, even without spending silly money or taking a gamble on a journeyman.


    Totally agree. I'm very happy.


    People seem to think that we need a striker. We really don't. Yes, we've been a little off at times, but only at home. Why? Unbalanced midfield, as I and some others have repeatedly said. It's obvious, and Shez has looked at the issue, and hopefully sorted it.


    We all saw Lewis Alessandra on Tuesday. He may just be a major surprise in sorting out our front-line at home, and possibly even our season. Obviously, it my have been a one-off, but if it's not, we've got a potentially fantastic striker, who plays through the middle.


    We've now got more strength through the middle, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if Shez changes our system. Hopefully, they'll balance the team. I thought Jarrett actually went about sorting that out fairly quickly.


    As I say, I'm very happy, and to say Shez had such little time, he's brought in 2 players who have played at a higher level, Livermore consistently so.

  11. Aye, good luck to the lad. I can see him in the Premier League within 3 years. He's got a lot of promise,in my opinion, maybe even enough for a call-up to the English national side one day. Look at Lescott.


    I hope PNE stay up, as it'd be a bloody disaster for Neal.


    Good deal for the club, and we just can't reject those offers. It's a shame he's gone, but it's money we can relish. Whether or not Shez has owt to spend is another thing, though.

  12. Is it me or has the forum just attracted the worst of our fans?


    Who's calling for Sheridan's head? That's laughable.


    I suppose it's Shez' fault that players like Porter and Wellens were money-grabbing swines. He had to replace some good players, and we've had some awful look with injuries to experienced players like Lids and Gregan. So, he's then brought players like Smalley and Trotters through, which I'm for one thankful for. 20 games in and prices like £750k are being rumoured for Trotman.


    He lead us to the bloody Play-offs in his first season. Then he had to get a new squad in because 3 left for money, a few left for other reasons, and the squad was too small anyway. So, on a small budget, he's got us going to Leeds, a team who had won 10/11 home games, and playing fantastically well, then traveling to Everton 4 days later and winning again.


    Sheridan, yes, has to sort the unbalanced side out at home; that I feel he will do. He and the players have rustled up over £250k within a month, possibly more. That's a success surely. He's also set a nice club-record.


    However, he will learn, and so will our young squad. I know we all want instant success, but when does it ever come overnight? Next season will be our time, I'm sure of that. Shez will have learned some lessons, going from a successful season to a rather disappointing season, based on league-form.


    Like I say, come the end of the season, he'll have time to revise the team, bring players in who can do the job, and bloody win this club Promotion.


    I'm with oafc0000 on this one: we've got to stick by our man, because I haven't enjoyed watching us play at home like we did last season for quite a while. And this season, we're going away, to very good teams, and expecting a positive result.

  13. Get rid of Taylor, Davies, Smalley (please), Woolfy, Crossley, JP, and perhaps MaCdonald. And can we have a coach? Why bother to have a new stadium? It has been so plain. What a load of rubbish.


    I just don't see what your thinking behind that is.


    Tell us, though, what those 7 players did wrong today, and during the whole season. Surely you're not just saying that just because of this afternoon...

  14. Crossley - 7- Didn't have much to do, but stuttered when deciding whether or not to rush out.


    Eardley - 7 - Thought Neil did well today. Up and down the flanks, ran his socks off, and defended well.

    Hazell - 7 - Rock solid as ever. Isn't a fullback, so doesn't have the attributes to get forward and support our wingers.

    Trotman - 8 - Dominant in the air, once again. Got a silly booking, but made few mistakes. Also, I feel the lad could take the armband, and shine.

    Stam - 6 - Did his job without fuss, but his passing was a little inconsistent. He did, however, find some lovely 50-yard passes.


    Allott - 9 - This guy has been the most consistent player this season. His passing was excellent, his work rate was superb, and his general leadership was vital to our young side.

    Taylor - 6 - Wasn't one of his best, but worked hard all game. Crossing let him down today, for me.

    Kala - 9 - What an engine JP has. He's been solid since he came in at Everton. Does his Makelele role with ease.

    McDonald - 6 - Was slightly disappointed with Gaz. Thought he was at fault for their goal, but he recovered well. Broke several attacks up, but his runs into the box were missed.


    Davies - 6 - Started well, but fell away during the times when we needed him.

    Smalley - 8 - Had our best chances, and made their 'keeper work on 1/2 occasions. I do, however, feel he would have made a much harder impact if he would keep up the level of urgency, instead of waiting for the ball etc. However, one of the better performers.




    Wolfy - Had little time to make a big impact, which is the norm for the lad. Couldn't do anything with 7 away defenders. Shame.

  15. What mark. We sit mid table with our cup run over. The crowd today was magnificent which is more than I can say for the players. I lay the most fault at the feet of our Manager and his wily assistant TW. Tactically inept I think some one else has typed. well I agree.



    A mark on the FA Cup... Everton...


    Personally, I thought Allott was very good today. And JP, too.

  16. I understand they need to ignore it, but isn't everyone saying we're a young side? Inexperienced. Look at the bench today, for example.


    Then from the game it's on here. Your constant morbid attitude to everything helps no one. You're entitled to your thoughts, but I don't think some appreciate at certain Everton result, where everyone is loving everything about OAFC. We lose one, and we're "toothless".


    We've made a good bit of money out of a positive cup run, and any player we buy will be because of it.

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