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Posts posted by Nez

  1. we have not scored in the last 3 games and we have scored 3 in the last 7 games.


    we need to sign a decent striker in the january window, and i suggest someone from the championship with a name behind them, this will have the effect of bringing the crowds back in.


    it may cost some money but we need someone with the calibre of kevin phillips.


    I wish.


    We definately need a striker but I don't necessarily think a Championship player with a big name is the way to go. It sometimes backfires as we all know... We need someone who'll be up for cold winter games we're gonna be playing, not someone with plenty of cash in their banks... We need someone who wants to play, and when I say play I don't just mean spend 90 mins on the pitch on a saturday, I mean someone who actually wants to get involved in the football here. I do agree that the championship is an ok place to look, just as long as we don't go for a big name player simply cause he's a big name player, and we go for the player on the basis that they'll want to do well for us.

  2. Best Players, Taylor, :censored:, Blackman,Abbott


    One Injury Prone Two loan players and one that we will sell come Jan.


    This squad Has relegation battle written all over it!


    What? For God's sake a relegation battle? We're four points off the bloody play offs!


    I like how you've assessed the fact that Abbott is injury prone, when he's had just one injury, his hernia, since joining. Yes he's had his injury problems in the past but from what I can gather he's not injury 'prone'. I also can't see us selling Taylor in January either, does anyone know how much the most recent bids were that we turned down? I can't see anyone coming up with the money we'd want.


    MY Team would have been


    Brooke up front Taylor up front also playing off him (Free role), Parker and smalley out wide Furman & Whitty in Midfield, at least we would have more chances and look like getting a goal.


    And this? Brooke's not yet ready for starting in my opinion. He looked fairly sharp when he came off the bench against Leeds (That said I watched on the internet, was away this weekend so couldn't attend), but he offers just as little goal threat as Parker at the moment. I'm not bashing Brooke as I think he could come good but I don't believe he's ready to start against teams such as Leeds.


    And you'd drop :censored: from midfield? He's the only one with any bite genuinely in him who's fit at the moment. Furman gets stuck in sometimes (Yeovil springs to mind) but not every game. Without :censored: we'd have struggled even more in the middle.

  3. COG is doing very well at Dale becuase he is getting games which means time on the pitch !!


    His contract is up next summer and he will be able to talk to clubs again in Jan so with this in mind I wouldnt mind taking Dags on


    Stephens is also a good player who never got the time on the pitch for latics


    2 Players COG and Stephens who's careers have been put on hold for signing for a club that didnt really want them !!!


    I think nowadays it's only foreign clubs who can talk to players 6 months in advance mate, I'm pretty sure it's one month for clubs in the same country. However I could be wrong so I hold my hands up and apologize in advance if I am.


    Either way I think Dagnall looks a good player and wouldn't mind him here. Not sure if 'Dale would be interested in letting him go, as mentioned, without cash involved too.

  4. Our fans are the most two faced in the country possibly.


    They ironically cheer him upon catching the ball after a mistake earlier in the season (Hartlepool).

    Then he makes a good save against Carlisle and the same bunch are chanting his name.

    A mistake against S'ton yesterday and it's ironic cheers and abuse again.




    Some of you question how he has the nerve to pick up a pay check? I question how some of you call yourself fans.


    I'm not justifying his mistake yesterday, yes it was a bad one and everyone's gonna be disappointed and a bit p'd off, including myself, but to go back to the torrential abuse again is inbelievable. It's hardly like he means to make the mistakes.


    And some of you also need to realize, in form or out of form, premiership or non-league and beyond, every goalkeeper has the potential to make a mistake and, being the last form of defence, these mistakes are usually punished.


    He might not be the best keeper, he's a bloody long way off, and I'm sure he, and DP know that. But I'll tell you what, we could do a damn sight worse than Dean Brill. And all of you know that.


    If we had Petr Cech, Casillas or Buffon in goal and they made a few mistakes in their first few games would they suddenly be useless? No.

    Some of you go on about how he conceded a lot of goals at Luton. Well, they hardly had the best defence did they? And I'm sure that after all their off field problems their morale and confidence was low too. A lack of confidence can cost dearly.


    I also wonder how many of you saw a lot of his games at Luton as well.


    Get off his back, be disappointed when players make mistakes, but get on with it and accept that it's part and parcel of the game. We did alright in the last few games, we lost yesterday but it's not the end of the world. Come the end of the season who knows where we might be. No one knows.


    You never know, we might get into the playoffs, and Brill could end up pulling off a MotM performance in the final. You never know.


    And believe it or not, although we lost to Southampton, there's a long way to go, and it's not impossible for us to get there.

  5. Sheehan for me too. Thought he did well all round today, some good runs and a fair few dangerous balls in. Was also impressed with Pav, Furman, Whitaker and Lomax though, and lastly, another special mention to Brill, he did well today considering some of the stick he's put up with, I just hope we can build on today's result!

  6. I agree regarding the sponsor's logo, mine's started to crack and I always wash it how it's recommended... As for the Coca Cola badges when I went and had mine printed they couldn't get them to stick, ended up wasting two shirts trying before they finally gave in and told me, so in the end I just had the name and number...

    It's odd since the name and number have never peeled or cracked on any football shirt I've had.. Are they the same stuff as the coca cola badges and the sponsor's logo, does anyone know?

  7. everytime he feks up he holds his arms out like its not him that fooked up he doesnt learn he isnt some kid and if he carries on playing will do more halm than good.


    cant setup a wall for freekicks

    cant get in a correct possition for freekicks

    cant kick a ball

    cant come out for corners to punch or catch a ball

    likes to blame everyone but him for his mistakes


    but nah we should support him everytime he feks up give him a big well done cheer celebrate build a statue of him outside the ground maybe start a brill religion.


    or just tell him exactly wat everyone else is thinking and not be a black sheep id think diffrent if it was some young kid then i would support but he isnt and needs to know he cant get away with it.


    That post sums up why I don't post on here more often. You're so negative and sarcastic that it's repulsive in some ways. I wonder if, in time, when Brill does pull off a decent save, whether you'll cheer him then? As Senor_Coconut said, he's all we've got at the moment, so we really ought to get behind him. If you can't do that, at least don't point out his every fault, or jeer his every touch with sarcasm like many did last night.


    If Ollerenshaw was ready I'm sure he'd have had his chance, I'm not for one second saying Josh isn't a good young keeper, I've only ever seen him against Sheff Wed in that friendly a few seasons back when he replaced Crossley, but at the moment the REALITY is that Brill is our only experienced goalkeeper and should be supported.


    If we put Ollerenshaw in net for a few games and he made a few mistakes, what would be the reaction then? Sarcastic jeers and boos and insults being thrown at an 18 year old lad? With the abuse our fans dish out it's no bloody wonder we haven't given him a chance.


    Brill is our first choice keeper at the moment, I highly doubt it will change until someone's brought in either on loan, or permanently come January. Yes he's made mistakes, and I highly doubt Dean's delighed with them. His confidence is probably rock bottom now and all this abuse isn't gonna help him. Either support him, or don't, that's everyones choice.


    I don't care if you want to moan about him making a mistake, but singling him out amongst all the other underperformers last night, in the way some fans did, was awful.


    I don't care about the money some of these so called 'fans' bring to the club, I'd rather a lot of them stayed at home. If it means we struggle even more, at least we'll struggle without morons jeering every touch our goalkeeper gets, or abusing every other mistake we make with the words 'tw*t' 'cu*t' and 'basta*d' thrown in at the end to top it off.


    At the end of the day, the true reality of it all is that we're a League One club, we should expect League One performances, that includes the poor league one performances that every club suffers at some point in a season. I'm confident that there'll be away days where we see off a team confidently by 3 goals. Things can, and probably will, come good at some point.


    Yesterday was the worst performance of the season granted, and now the next few games will need the team to stand up and be counted. At least give them a proper chance to, without jeering their every touch with sarcastic cheers, or a torrent of abuse mixed with numerous insults every time a pass goes astray. Hartlepool's fans must have wondered where we got half of our fans from last night.


    Call me stupid, call me over confident, call me whatever. There's a key part of the word supporter, and as bad as the performances have been of late, I'd like people to start realizing what the word support means, or don't bother coming and ruining it for other fans.

  8. I too thought the criticism aimed at Brill tonight was awful too. Yep he made mistakes, but the abuse he got was shocking. If the fans who were jeering him etc were on that pitch and had that abuse aimed at them, they wouldn't like it.


    I couldn't care less if you've paid £11, £20 or £300+, don't pay it if you're gonna give him that much grief after a mistake. Help the lad pick himself up, it was a horrible mistake but sarcastic cheers whenever he catches a ball in the HT warm up are only gonna knock his confidence further, probably leading to more mistakes.


    I ended up moving seats tonight cause there were that many idiots causing such a negative atmosphere.


    Oh, and another note, saw a few fans leaving after conceding the first goal... Wake up call to those who left after Brown's goal, we're not invincible, but we're not out of a game after conceding one goal.


    Awful performance yep, but the ever growing amount of negative fans just spoils it even more IMO.

  9. Agreed if this was just a one off then the grief would be uncalled for but this has happened time and time again and for me it has already cost us automatic promotion. I will say now that we will beat either Leeds or Leicester but we will just mess it up by dropping points against the divisions dross


    Would you genuinely say that was a totally realistic target at the start of the season? I'm no pessimist but I'd have thought the play-offs would be our most realistic target.

  10. dont talk crap booing that :censored:e is justifyed


    Oh do be quiet. I dread to think what you'd have been like had they lost. A point is a point and yes, I do see it as 2 points dropped, but it wasn't a loss, and it wasn't through a lack of trying that didn't lead to a win today. You can't win every game, the sooner you figure that out the better.

  11. I can not believe some of the comments made today, and the booing at half time and full time.

    Ok granted, todays game, on paper, should have allowed us to collect another 3 points for the seasons tally, but some of the treatment players get is shocking.

    For example, Kelvin Lomax today didn't have a stormer in my opinion, but was much better than he has been of late, but his first misplaced pass resulted in some bloke screaming 'Why are you wearing the f**king shirt Lomax, every f**king week'. Do people like this not realize that they're hardly helping by turning up every week and getting on the players backs?


    On the Lomax subject again, another bloke near where I was sat (the RRE), was saying how 'Eardley is much the better player of the two, but people don't realize getting on Neal's back doesn't help his form'... and then less than 2 minutes later 'oh f**k off Lomax, s**t ball after s**t ball'.. and of course, that's helping Lomax's form isn't it?


    And according to another 'fan'... Lee Hughes is useless as Swindon's centre back Ifil beat him to a header. So people are telling me that Hughes is useless after chipping in with what, 15 league goals this season? 'Fans' like this are hardly useful to the team themselves.


    Then another bloke complained that Brezovan was claiming too many crosses. Fair play, some of Latics crosses today could have been better, but Brezovan is what, 6'6 according to Swindon's site. He also trains what, 5 out of 7 days a week on how to catch/stop a football. Of course he's going to claim some crosses, it's his job!


    Granted, people were right to go to today's game expecting three points but Swindon defended resolutely and their keeper Brezovan had a good game, making some good saves. Booing them off at half and full time was, in my opinion, disgusting. It wasn't a lack of effort that resulted in the 0-0 scoreline, it was a lack of luck, and a decent performance by Swindon themselves. If we're going to start booing when we pick up draws, how the hell is that going to help the team get winning again?


    I'm sure many people will come and have a go back at this post but sod it, I feel strongly about the booing and abuse some fans give to the players, and whilst I appreciate they can have an opinion, I can have mine too, and I personally can't believe that the players were booed off today... it was by no means a breathtaking performance, and I myself expected 3 points before the game, but booing? Pathetic.

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