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Posts posted by millsy82

  1. :shock:


    All I'll add to is, if would you walk through Moss Side or North London or St Helens (Nottingham) or Compton, Los Angales or Helmend Province (Afghan) would you not expect a bit of aggro. If you pre-meditate come into the home end as an away fan you have to be prepared that some people are going to take an exception to you being there. That is called human nature and unfortuatley it's here to stay.

  2. If they sold 2000 and still had demand then they'd make more so they could make more money for charity.


    I am glad that there has been a lot of profile around this and that people want to buy them. I am not one of those people.



    Yes if 2000 people bought a shirt and more wanted one they would make more. But they are making them to order. This is the reason it is a limited edition. They are not making 5000 shirts in the hope that they will sell all of them and being left with surplus stock. Every shirt made will have an owner. There has to be a cut off point with the chairty, they can't be giving cheques for £10 here and £30 there in 18 months time. All the money will likely be donated in a few months in a one off payment. After that there would be no need to make any more pink shirts ever again.


    Edit: It would also seem that even Leeds fans appreciate what our club is trying to achieve. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/606/F12777517?thr...588&show=50

  3. :lol:


    Limited Edition?


    Even if you take your (exaggerated in my view) number of potential customers....


    2000 shirts

    4000 hardcore

    6000 fair weather


    2000 shirts shared by 10000 people would mean that 20% of these people would have a Limited Edition shirt that is every fifth person!


    BTW, there is no way they'll sell that many


    Yes it is a limited edition. Why? Because only a limited number will be made, thus making it a limited edition. I didn't think that would have been hard to grasp.


    Who's to say that 1 in 5 people (oh and now they have kids shirts as well, so that means I'll get one for me the wife and my daughter) won't buy one. This kit has had a lot of positive feedback for the club and has made news all over the world (New York Times). Even my mum said it would be a nice way of donating some money to charity and she doesn't even like football. When Hudderfield had a pink shirt a few season ago they sold out and had to make extra. Because it is different it caputres peoples imagination and they will want to buy it. Its not like this kit is just another kit, it is a one off and never to be worn again and something that will go down in the history of our club. For all those reason I would expect us to sell around about 2000 shirts.

  4. You think we'll sell 2,000 shirts?!?!


    Yeah, why not?


    The ladies will most likely get in on the act as well as the blokes. A hardcore fan base of 4000ish (turn up whatever) and then probably around another 4-6000 fair weather fans (turn up when it suits/live miles away (myself included)). So I see no reason why we couldn't sell around 2000 shirts. Plus with it being for charity and a limited edition shirt it makes it even more collectable. I'm glad they are only taking pre-orders though. It would be a shame if we bought a load in and had surplus stock.

  5. 1. Pogs GK (1st Spell)


    2. Eardley - RB

    3. Armstrong - LB

    4. Hall - CB

    5. Hill - CB


    6. Murray - CM

    7. Wellens - CM

    8. Taylor - RM

    9. Eyres - LM


    10. Hughes - CF

    11. Wijnhard - CF




    12. Kelly

    13. Gregan

    14. Porter

    15. Andrews

    16. Sheriden






    Worst Team


    1. Pogs (2nd Spell) - Gk


    2. McNiven. S - RB

    3. Lomax - LB

    4. Swailes - CB

    5. Branston - CB


    6. Innes - CM

    7. Baduet - CM

    8. Rickers - RM

    9. Why can't I think of a bad left sided midfield player???? :unsure:


    10. Allott (1st Spell) - ST

    11. McNiven. D - ST

  6. Yeah. We should start a spectrum of group classifications :wink:

    Well thats what I was trying to emphasise too. Those who live away from Oldham, yet still have the passion for the club, are still fans. Regardless of whether they go home games or away games. No doubt we will have some fans who are passionate about latics but aren't in the position to go any games.


    I unfortunately fall under that category. Living in North Yorkshire I am a subscriber to Latics World and go on the OWTB boards as well as the Oldham 606 board and try and keep up to date with everything Latics. I try and get to as many games as I can and always go when I'm 'home' in Oldham. The trouble is I still have over-whelming feelings of guilt when I see that the attendance is low.

  7. First thing yesterday there were 12 people against the one off kit idea, fine that was before the announcement of our clubs support for an utterly worthwhile and deserving local cause.


    Now this morning 5 more are against, 5 isn't a lot I know but its 5 too many isn't it? Can I ask those against what it is they have against this idea. Not so everybody can rip them to shreds I am genuinely interested to know what the problem is.


    As far as I can see 1 of the original 12 has admitted to a d'oh moment, but what of the others?


    Would any of you please kindly explain why you don't support the initiative and therefore why it's a bad idea.


    Like I say genuine question.


    Okay I'm going to admit to only reading the opening post so sorry if something along these lines has already been mentioned.


    I am against the pink kit idea as it stands at the moment. I feel Latics are going about it all wrong. Its all good and well wanting to raise money for a very worthwhile cause and help raise their profile but as it stands at the moment, how much money do they think they are going to raise?


    Lets say each of the 16 matchday shirts are auctioned off for between £200 and £500 each that is a minimum of £3200 and a maximum of £8000. Now lets say out of the whole Rochdale Road End that Leeds have been allocated 1000 of their fans throw in a quid thats £1000. Now lets assume half the Latics fans (reduced numbers because Leeds have the whole of the RRE) throw in a quid each and that is around £3500. So I make out that Latics could make, if everything goes well, £12500. I'm sure the recipent of the charity would be very greatful, but I'm also sure that Latics could do alot more. They could have taken orders of the shirt between now and the Leeds game when all orders cease. They then put the orders in to the manufactor who supplies the demand to Oldham Athletic with all profits from the £40 shirt going to charity. I would hazzard a guess that they would sell at least 1000 shirts at £40 a pop, then you can have your auction and your bucket collections and probably make over £50000 for charity. A freind who I work with has just raised £7500 for charity on his own for running an Iron Man event in France and he is only one man. Surely Latics could be doing alot more? Although like I said I'm sure the Victoria Breast Unit will appreciate all the help and exposure the club are creating for them, yet £50K is alot closer to £250K then £12.5K.

  8. Yes I'd buy a pink shirt, but I'd like to see a % of the money go to charity and the rest split between the club and the manufactoers. Why should Latics lose out?

  9. Didn't Spurs play in a home kit which was half blue and half white for an anniversary game last year. I don't think that got registered at the start of the season, and I don't think the rules have changed since Man U introduced their third kit (yellow and green one) halfway through a season once in the 90s. Plus, haven't us (and probably some other teams as well) played in third kits which have only been needed due to a cup game so I would wager the kit wasn't registered at the start of the season then.


    I like the pink kit idea but then again I had the idea as our 'permanent' away kit a few months back.



    Also the anniversary of the Munich Air Disaster last season. Both M*nch*st*r clubs wore the old fashioned shirts to commemerate the anniversary of the event, did they the authoroties approve this before the season started or whe they was told to by United?

  10. Not a bad idea really but a few problems:

    Say if we state 10 poor games and then we end up having an amazing season and everyone on Oldham wants to turn up (unlikely though).

    If every season ticket holder brings 5 friends to every game then the people who pay on the day wouldn't get in plus the ground only holds 10,500 at the mo.

    If we get promoted then season tickets will be in demand and there will be hardly any poor games.


    Probably better for the club if they did 5/10/15 game season ticket deals but i doubt they'll say owt until we know what division we'll be in.


    I ain't saying its a perfect idea and plus I had the idea a few months ago now. Maybe they have tweaked it a little. Either way I'd want my free shot at the crossbar at the very least!


    If you limit the amount of people you can bring to one game at a time to one then you'd be fine, even IF everyone turns up on the same day then you'd still have pay on the day spaces left, considering our season ticket sales are (and I'm guessing here) between 3000-4000 that would make a max of 6000-8000 leaving 2500 pay on the day spaces, minus a couple of hundred for away support.


    If we get promoted and season tickets are in demand then fair enough. There is no need for any kind of promotion.


    At the end of the day though our attendance are falling and its already been pointed out the TTA can't keep this level of finacial backing up forever so we need to generate bigger crowds on matchdays. Our average gate for the past few years has looked like this:


    03/04 – 6566

    04/05 – 6462

    05/06 – 5796

    06/07 – 6334

    07/08 – 5325

    08/09 – 5806 (so far and we've played Huddersfield, Leicester and Stockport @ home with Leeds the only other well travelled team left to come)


    We need to be averaging over 6000 a game if we want any chance of keeping hold of our top players and getting out of this division.


    I'm probably completley wrong and this idea is way of topic, but you never know?



  11. I proposed this idea on BBC 606 board with regards to attracting more fans. Maybe they read it!!!???!!!


    *This has been copy and pasted directly from the 606 page*


    I have one idea that could do well long term for the club:


    When you buy a season ticket you get 5 vouchers to bring somebody for free to any of the 10 lowest profile matches. This would be known as a first year season ticket.


    The following season you get an option to renew your season ticket, this would be known as a second year season ticket. If you do you get 10% off. If one of the people you brought to the game from you 5 vouchers, buys a first year season ticket you get an additional 10% off. So in theory you could earn upto 60% of your season ticket, but the club won't lose out because they will have 5 people paying full price.


    After that you go back to season 1 and have to pay full price although you could claim 10% off if anyone of the people you got to buy a 1st year season ticket stays on for their 2nd year.


    I think it sounds like a good idea. What do others think?




    If it is the big announcement, then I want at least a chance of hitting the crossbar at half time AND a Bovril. :lol:

  12. were does this leave jones


    I personally hope we keep Goldbourne for a bit longer. He is much better in defence than Jones and is pretty good going forward, he also has a nice habit of getting goal line clearances (thats two now). If he does stay that gives us the option to play Jones (a natural left footer) on the left and keep Taylor on the right, with Smalley as an impact player from the bench or a good 2nd option for either flank.


    I'd also like to say well done to Neal Eardley. I thought he was outstanding tonight and had Dyer in his pocket, will surely keep his place in the side now. Kelvin Lomax, you are the weakest link. Goodbye.

  13. To use your example though - what when the team just doesn't work? What if the unit is taking it easy as a whole, if they don't care enough? OK, in your line of work it might cost lives, in football it costs points, but on the other hand maybe there are some footballers who don't care. Letting them know that the manager is in line might not bother them - but it might if they see that players who act the tosser (Ricketts, ...erm I'll say no more) get shipped as well. Not saying it's right, but it's a common way of doing it.


    We are 7th though, not bottom. A complete over reaction. If he see's the manager not pulling his weight, then pull him on it, warn him of his future and if he feels its right then get rid of him. If he see the players not pulling their weight then inform the manager to pull them, if he doesn't or they don't respond then do it yourself. I am pretty sure he didn't drag Hughes into his office and say "Look here, your daft antics on the pitch could ultimatley cost us £20, 000. Now pull your finger out and start acting like the professional footballer you are paid as, otherwise you will find yourself looking for another club". Instead Hughes found out about Simon Corneys views via Latics World, without any prior warning.


    If the team doesn't work, it is ultimatley the owners fault for employing the wrong personel, like I said in my previous post, it starts from the top.


    Didn't Ricketts get let go for punching Chris Taylor, in which case thats gross misconduct and in any other proffesion he would have been fired and the correct decision was made. Just like it was whe Redfearn punched Milligan in training and he was a good player for us unlike Ricketts.

  14. Maybe it's one of those ironies of the current age that traditional employment relationships are stronger in the private sector than in the Forces, where I suppose you might have thought they'd have survived longest. I've certainly seen a lot of it myself, including as a motivational tool for me, at which it was far worse than useless, I don't work hard because my boss asks me to - but I have seen it where it was beneficial as well in other areas of the business, where teams of people to be honest knew they could be slack because that was the model set by their immediate managers.


    I wouldn't say employment relationships are stronger in the private sector then in the Forces, especially given the current state of the British private sector at the moment. We are currently engaged in two conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, for that to work with any chance of sucsess you have to have good working relationships. This can only be achieved with respect being shown to all people regardless of rank. As the Navy recruitment advert says "The team works". The same principle should be be applied to Athletic. It starts from the top and Mr Corney (being an bussinessman) should know that. To be honest, this episode wouldn't have bothered me so much if he had already had words with Shez/Gregan/Hughes and nothing had been done about it, then fine, show to us (the public) that you have already vented your frustrations with the said individuals but nothing had changed and that was the reason for the public outburst. Don't on the other hand just come out moaning and ridiculing the manager and players when you have not addressed the situation with the staff.

  15. Really? You wouldn't have lasted too long in a fair few places I've worked in. I've never seen anyone beaten up by a drunken boss, but I've seen senior people torn down big style in front of entire floors of staff, and it tends to flow downwards. I'm not saying it's the right way to go, but for that to upset Tommy and Shez so much is like a star player crying because he doesn't get the nicest seat in the dressing room. Responsibility, pressure.



    I'm in the Airforce and believe me the days of tearing people a new a-hole in public are well and truly over, simply because it is counter productive. People get upset that they have been embaressed in public. This leads to people going sick/not trying/doing worse. If I get torn a new one, it happens in an office away from my fellow peers.


    Try to look at it in this context. If a Commanding Officer (Simon Corney) slates his Sgt and Corporal (John sheriden and Tommy Wright) in front of all his troops (the players) then his troops will lose confidence with the Sgt and will not be battle ready (matchday). If on the other hand the Sgt tells the CO that he's out of order for what he said then his troops will feel like somebody is sticking up for them and will want to repay the faith shown and not let him down.


    What Tommy Wright said was also unproffesional, however, due to everything that had already gone on it was necessary. At the end of the day he had a right to stick up for himself and the players.

  16. I can't see how anybody can agree with the actions of Simon Corney.


    I actually cringed whilst listening to his interview on Latics World, it was truly unprofessional and not needed in the slightest.


    If he had problem with Shez’s preparation for the Yeovil game, then why did he not mention it to him? Ask him to explain what he was doing and why, after all he is the boss and has the right to know what his employee's approach to the job is. If he didn't like what he heard from Sheriden then he could ask him to reproach his preparations or sack him, its that simple really. If he noticed it before the game then he is not doing his job of pulling his staff when needed.


    Could somebody also inform me of the football qualifications that Simon Corney holds as well? I didn't realise he was a UEFA qualified coach. In all seriousness what does he know about match preparation? If he's so knowledgeable then he should take the hot seat and see if our league position improves, which I highly doubt it would.


    In my place of work, if my boss has a problem with me or the job that I am doing, then I am pulled into the office, asked to explain myself, then told what is expected of me in the future and warned as to my future conduct and punished (I'm in the military). This approach should have been taken with Gregan and Hughes. If my boss would have taken the same approach as Mr Corney then I would have him hung out to dry. It is not on and out of order to publicly slate them.


    I appreciate everything the three amigos have done for Latics. Without them I would not have a club to support. This latest episode has left a bad taste in my mouth though. Simon Corney and Alan Hardy know what they did was wrong and that is why the video has now been pulled from Latics World. You can have passion and pride, but do not let your emotions run your mouth, especially in public. Something did need to be done, but the way they went about it was completely wrong.


    In future, could Mr Corney also try and look like a Managing Director when giving 'interviews'. Wearing a tie and jacket never hurt anybody. Try standing up instead of sitting down with your arms folded and always turn your phone off, that’s just plain, rude.

  17. My XI out of the two squads would be:-




    Eardly Hill Hall Armstrong


    Taylor Murray Allott Eyres


    Wijnhard Davies










    I think Eardly and Taylor combining on the right would work really well and I hope they get a chance to play there together this season. Clint Hill and One Size were both excellent centre halves (besides Fleming and maybe Jobson the best I have ever see put on a Latics shirt). Armstrong was by far and away the best left back in our league. Murray had the ability to score goals and his link up play was quality on his day. Obviously Allott has proved all the doubters (including myself) wrong and has transformed from a useless striker to a very good central midfield player. Eyres = Legend. Wijnhard edges it over Huges purley on goals scored. Davies beats Andrews simply because no matter how badly he plays he never goes missing and always wants the ball, the same could not be said for andres, they are very similar players tho.

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