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Posts posted by BlueArmy1989

  1. Evening all, I know we sometimes have differences on here, its to be expected as we all have diff opinions, however with whats going on off the field, is it possible that at the gayfarm tomorrow, we get behind the lads and sing for 90 minutes, for those that were there a kind of dagenham atmosphere, lets bring 3 points home and get them playoffs secured, No matter if were 1 nil or 2 nil down or whatever the score for that matter lets get behind the lads, this season may be our last, lets get behind the team.

    In dickov we trust



  2. Very optimistic Harry, but give us a clue where you think there's land in Oldham to build a new stadium, sounds to me as if you are thinking on the lines of a stadium with far less capacity than BP or Failsworth.

    Do you see Latics going the way of Oldham Rugby, remaining within the borough, but at a non league style ground ?



    derker is 90% empty , :blink:

  3. what we owe the tta will never be agreed by everyone on this board, my opinion on this is that they pulled us from the :censored: and have kept us afloat, yes they have made a few poor decisions but the amount of momney they have poured into the club is incredible, most other people would have pulled the plug a long time ago never ming the dave penney season!!! From my point of view they have done what they believed best and if he decides to go in the summer then someone will come in i hope, remember the good times, everton, notts forest ny day and many many others, infact 99% of this season


    thanks simon , simon , danny



  4. There is no land viable to the CURRENT OWNERS.


    30 acres is needed for the current owners to finance the new stadium. Why can't we get new owners in with a different plan, one that doesn't need as much land? You don't need 30 acres to build a football stadium. There are plenty of places in Oldham that would a football stadium on it's own. But that options is unavailable to the current owners as they don't have the finance to do it.



    ok i will put us in the loot, im sure someone will buy us, what with us losing money left right and centre!! just one thing though, all this doesnt seem right to me, corney must have had an incline that something was wrong with it not going through and prob knew that is was gonna be rejected, so why not sell assets and buy the richards clause out and be done with it, nope i reckon he has sonething up his sleeve, maybe the a team who knows

  5. Me either. I do understand the gripe against Oldham, it's a cesspool of failure getting worse by the minute run by an incompetant council.


    but just because we have an incompetant council doesn't mean we should abandon the town the club is from. Oldham is not the council and the council should not be used as an excuse to leave.



    macca!!! there is no land that is viable, there is no option of re developing bp and the council are useless!!! the cock everything up, i mean look at the vance miller case!!! the whole thing is corrupt, get out of oldham while we can before it becomes even more of a shanty town

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