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Posts posted by razza699

  1. Feel for young David IF he is ill but the lad looks as if a good meal would kill him, picks up injuries quicker than A&E and really dont think the club should be saying "he couldn't run!" he is a pro athlete....????? It might well be true but a statement of "David has an underlying fitness issue we are working hard to get to the bottom of." gives him a chance. Can see next game idiots shouting. "Pick your legs up lad and run with em!" "Oi Bolt RUN!!!!!"


    Seen him a few times away from club and he always looks tired. B&Q last time with his partner he actually dropped what he had in hand and didnt notice just walked on. My wife said "Hes a dozy booger" not knowing who he was. Hope he gets sorted and back on track for club and family.



    He clearly wouldnt have these problems if he used TESCO....

    That could be the fact he's just had a young child. I never knew what tiredness was until I recently had a child with severe colic..

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