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Status Updates posted by mwingle

  1. Took me a while but I finally got a nibble

  2. Wonder how I get Will Mead Ollie Murray and Nick Gedge to bite this evening???

  3. Justice for Lee Rigby, they won't last long inside though

  4. What's the story morning glory whereereeeeee

  5. Its okay UTD fans you have only been :censored: for a year Liverpool have been :censored: for ages and Oldham even longer than that

  6. Our Peter thought I'd gone out and I could hear him reciting the start of storage wars ha ha ha

  7. Kiss me where the sun don't shine, The past was yours, But the future's mine

  8. Pork Pie 0 Ingle 1

  9. I go for a piss come back and the swans are level

  10. Took draw for England, looks like we'll still be the only home nation there

  11. How many empty seats at city!!!!!

  12. What's schweiz? No man swiss

  13. Franky fryer away days never gets boring, who is the daddy oooosh

  14. I still think rugby is gash...both codes...noone will ever convince me otherwise but each to each there own

  15. Sneezing and farting at the same is the most horrifying thing in your day

  16. 1 pint with James Nolan turned to 4

  17. Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy Wright

  18. Wouldn't it have been amazing if Jesus turned water into gravy not wine!!! What a wedding that would have been

  19. Cannot put into words how much I dislike one direction...ellie goulding class...Noel Gallagher hero

  20. Barcelona are going appeal Demichellis's red card as they hope he is available for the second leg

  21. I'm a proud mancunian but tonight I'm support Barca!!!!!! TOTS UNITS FEM FORCA!!!!!!!

  22. 6 weeks today Salou 2014 begins BOSH

  23. Pretty girl wrecking bar rar rather rar rar

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