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    MK Dons

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Brian "Killer" Kilcline

Brian "Killer" Kilcline (1/15)



  1. I'm a Dons fan (don't boo!), with dons and crewe called off, me and my mate decided at 4pm to come to Leicester (just up the M1 a few junctions). Despite the fact it was on sky, we thought it'd be a great game to watch, and what a fantastic game it was. Ref, and particularly line-o in our corner (we sat in your end) were awful, but still, great game. Just wanted to say you guys were fantastic supporters, one of the loudest crowds i've heard and the blues did a great job on pitch. You deserved to win that, you deserved a pen instead of a booking, you deserved a thousand throws (f'n line-o). Also, loved this song you sung about your cap'n How many pints? (how many pints?) Did Gregan have? (did Gregan have?) How many pints did Gregan have? He had a w@nk, in the chippy, How many pints did Gregan have? Anyway, we had a fantastic trip up there, and were warmly greeted by you all, including the lads behind us who chanted "Bovril give us a wave", and the guys behind to physically fell to the floor laughing when Leicester missed the pen. Thanks again, and Windass for England Goalie. Oh, and a big thanks for holding the crisps to a point, i know we're still 11 behind with a game in hand, but like tesco, every little helps.
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