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    Oldham Athletic

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Brian "Killer" Kilcline

Brian "Killer" Kilcline (1/15)



  1. Just a few questions that I'd really like answering about this flag. 1) What exactly is the purpose of it? 2) Does it raise money for a charity? 3) Does it raise awarness for a charity? 4) Do the people who drag it from match to match, country to country etc etc do this for the purposes of holidaying? 5) Does this flag actually serve a purpose in the real world? i.e. the one in which Ernie died, because let's face it, the 'creators' don't seem to be doing anything to help their next young hero who will be killed by this real illness. 6) Why are the people who carry this flag around not doing what Ernie wanted and what he specifically asked for? He asked for awarness and funds to be raised for the illness that took him away, not for a pointless piece of nothing to be dragged around Europe etc. 7) Can any of the flag's, (I don't know exactly to call them) dragger abouters??!!! name the illness that Ernie died of and tell people what he went through? This should be the real purpose of the flag, this would be good, fantastic even. But for a flag with no meaning/purpose to be tied to stands, held outside grounds for a photo just seems a total and utter waste of time. 8) Do ANY of you see the importance of research into this illness? 9) Can anybody explain to me why this illness takes people so quickly and so defiantly? (going along the lines of it being one of the only cancers without a cure or concrete treatment, severely under-funded etc. this should help you answer this one). Thanks
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