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Everything posted by clarescfc09

  1. Thank you so much for your support. I'm actually pretty gobsmacked we've had so much support from a club that on match days we share a mutual dislike!! I'll always remember that you're doing this, and I appreciate it a lot. I agree with what was said further down. It is a case of cheshire sports screwing us over, and unfortunately in the way things are run now there is absolutely no way that we can make a profit. The only money we can get via Edgeley Park is ticket sales. Everything else goes to Cheshire Sports and Sale Scummy Sharks. Its pretty bad...but even worse to think that the county Trust signed a deal to actually agree with that. What were they thinking?! I'm keeping my fingers crossed..hoping that I have a team to follow next season. Things really are that bleak its not good... Apparently we're in talks with Macc FC and Northwich Vic to discuss a possible ground share...EEK! Some good news is the council have said they will support us...but can't afford cash...just wondering what the help may be?! In my mind i'm trying to convince myself its about a new ground...how class would that be!!! Again, thanks a lot :-) x
  2. Thank you to everybody who has signed that, its really nice of you :-) And to answer the doubters, the money has been building up for some time, but the sale of the club from cheshire sports to the supporters trust left us with FA assets. At the end of the day, the club is owned by the fans but we don't exactly have much say, and the people that have previously been running the club (if we're to believe what we've been told - Mark Maguire), then bills were hidden and nothing was conversed to the fans, therefore we did not have a clue about what was going on until its been too late. 100K is much easier to raise than say 500K! We were lied to, and told that figure of debt was less than a quarter of what it is in reality. It actually led a lot of people to question how valuble our support is, why would they not tell us what's going on?? Basically its not about asking the council for money and only money, obviously that would be really nice, its more asking them to agree to help us. Its about having a guarantee that next season I can actually go and watch my team play. Things, as have been mentioned are REALLY bad. We don't own our ground, and from match day most money goes to cheshire sports/directors etc, and all marketing money and from hospitality goes to sale sharks - we have no way of actually making profit!! Its also not good that each time we sell a player we actually come out with around 1/5 or 2/5 of the actual amount thats paid for them! Without County, I actually do believe that it would be a sad day for football. Stockport County is what puts Stockport on the map...if I was to ask people to name something they'd associate with stockport 9/10 times it would be Stockport County! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that something can be worked out. I think i'm one of the biggest critics of the supposed fan that has ruined county, and the club as a whole. My massive concern is who would want to invest in or infact buy county right now? They'd be buying a business with no assets, with no margin to make profit? Its looking pretty likely that the only way we can improve and gain a position of success is to move elsewhere or gain back control of Edgeley Park. EP I love so I hope something can be sorted there! Thanks again for your support :-) x
  3. Thanks guys :-) I'm going on channel m tomorrow (poor i know) to try get the point across - hope that works a little too! x
  4. Hey guys, I've actually been bowled over by your support on our petition so far, its really nice to see that you're putting all rivalries behind you and seeing that we are in need of positive help, and by signing, we feel the council are more likely to see the help that we want and deserve, at the end of the day, ask someone to name one thing about Stockport - they're likely to say County!! Right now Stockport County FC are in a lot of trouble. I'm a massive county fan, and it would be a sad day if we were to go out of business - just think, no more local derbies with us, that would be rubbish right! Why County? I don't know really, just the pure buzz and friendly feel around the club, it’s a lifestyle!! Anyway, we're in huge debts, to the tax man, to our previous owner, so numerous people, and we've been given a deadline during May to raise a significant amount of money or face going into administration. At this point liquidation would be more than likely we fear, as other than players were have no saleable assets - who would want to buy/invest to that?! Basically, Stockport County is a trust run club, meaning its run by a fan elected board, so we're the ones being told 'we must' etc. A number of meetings have been held with the council, but they seem quite reluctant to help us, and so a number of fans have come up with the idea as getting as many signatures on a petition as possible and handing it over to the MP of Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council. Why you? Well basically we're looking to get as many signatures as possible, and it would help towards that if you would be kind enough to take a few small seconds to sign this! I'm aware a lot of you have probably already signed, but for those of you that haven't, please do, it only takes a few seconds!! *SIGN HERE* http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/savestockportcounty/?e Thank you very much :-) Clare xxx
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