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Pine Villains

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Posts posted by Pine Villains


    No, I don't smoke that much, and never in front of my lad who comes to games with me. But others do and they might pay money to come and watch us if we could somehow accommodate their terrible habit without inflicting it upon others. Oh, we could? Nah lets not bother anyway. Not like we need the money is it.


    i say its the fat dollar that we need to get back at bp, they eat more, drink more, they are generally quite jolly and they make the place look fuller.

  2. I think some are missing my point here......


    Its THE CLUB that are constantly telling us they want the fans to be involved and to be more TRANSPARENT, its been said at Meet the Manager events and SC himself has always said that if people want to know something come and ask.


    If THE CLUB dont want people to know then just say so then its case closed simple as that.


    This situation has come about because Barry OFFERED to arrange something following my original post, if he had said its none of our business then fair enough take it on the chin but at least we know where we stand....am I right?


    I don't know Barry and to be perfectly honest had no opinion either positive or negative however as I have said previously the lack of COMMUNICATION coming from the fans voice on the Board and simple unwillingness to communicate (when it seems to suit) because of a minority (his words) is helping me form one.....


    I am very flexible and open to change my mind but it aint looking good.......I'm sure he will lose sleep over that :laught30:


    barry position is useless, corney thinks the trust are just a box ticking exercise to keep the fans believing we are all in it together. but fans are not part of the ownership, so in a non-confrontational way they are saying:- pay your money and keep yer beak out of our business.


    I was in the camp of giving Shez until the end of the season and if it didn't work then completely rebuild the squad and backroom staff in the off-season.


    is completely rebuilding the squad actually ever planned to happen in football? and if it is, why? or is it just a reactionary throw away fan comment that means absolutely jack :censored:?


    Barry went into the club in the position of fans representative......The only way forward from this, would be to have a liaison between Barry and the fans, someone inbetween who could disperse information quickly, when needed to, with Barry being busy, involved and making some major decisions within the Board room.


    isn't one of his minnions a media officer? i'd shy away from creating another job though, especially a liaison to the fans/trust director, a ridiculous position anyway. if we need to have a fans liaison to the fans representative on the board of directors it's time to :censored:ing rethink the whole shooting match,

  5. is it just me thats not a football manager? its a :censored:ing disgrace that at a club like ours which has so much tactical potential in the stands, has to make do with just any old charlatan that bobs along. surely Simon can just pluck one from out of the :censored:ing main stand when things go to :censored:?

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