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Posts posted by mattsgrandad

  1. We gave up our STs (3 adults & 2 kids) after last season's debacle and despite some encouraging pre/early season stuff I suspect our mid-table finish this season (my prediction), coupled with the ground uncertainty will result in a decision to remain payg for the forseeable future.

    Funny thing though is that each season I had my ST, I always experienced that 'never again' game and consequently never attended the full quota of home games. With payg, however, I've still suffered those moments (Dale, Exeter, Carlisle) but I've always turned up for the next game.

  2. My immediate reaction is to think about the best managers we've had in recent memory:

    Joe Royle - no previous experience when he took over

    Ian Dowie - short spell as a caretaker manager at QPR and then as Latics first team coach prior to appointment as manager

    John Sheridan - no previous experience


    What they all brought (as with Dickov) is a freshness and enthusiasm which percolates through the team as well as a respect of their achievements as players. As long as that continues, we'll make progress. The only thing the management team has yet to achieve is to get the players to really believe in the 'Can win - will win' philosophy. We're half way there in that the performances this season have shown that we can win but all too often, that extra resilience that comes with the 'will win' bit has been missing and games we should have won have resulted in draws (and some defeats).

    Let's not forget that after last season's woeful efforts, virtually everyone associated with the club (owners, players, fans)would have regarded survival as being a major achievement so to question our current position (and our potential to remain a viable promotion contendor) seems a bit harsh.

    Whatever the end result for this season, the final analysis has to show it as progress and the main (if not sole) reason has to be the influence of the management team.

  3. I think the aspirations of the TTA were founded on the American ideals/principals where much of the professional sporting activity is privately owned/sponsored and, duly influenced by their NY lifestyles, these guys chose to similarly indulge their passion for football.


    Why Oldham? - who knows? - what you can say is that Oldham was available and, by all accounts, cheaply - with the added bonus of potential profit and football club self funding via the TTA ground redevelopment scheme.


    So, on the face of it, good intentions all round.


    The drawback however, is the fact that these people aren't in the Abramavich or even Glazier class when it comes to personal wealth and consequently, when Plan A (BP redevelopment) fell by the wayside, they hadn't the money at their disposal to allow the football side to continue on the path that had been set out so were left grasping at whatever a joint OMBC/OAFC/AN Other venture promised to deliver. Unfortunately, their seemingly naive trust in OMBC to deliver a flawed (as it seems to have turned out) solution in the shape of the Failsworth proposal has once again exposed them to the reality of funding a football club out of their empty pockets.


    Why is Simon Corney still persevering with the club when others might have walked away? - imo simple - he's the representative for the other two (now Brassbank) to ensure that when the inevitable happens and they call in their loans, he's there to ensure they get the best possible deal out of it.


    Is there a solution? Only time will tell. Despite what's gone before, the only practical solution is to work collectively with the council, local business interests and the fans to provide a realistic stadium capable of sustaining OAFC in it's current and aspirational (Championship) tier of football. For me, BP still remains an option but for that to happen, SC & Brassbank have to accept that they took a chance in choosing Oldham as their vehicle for indulging their passion/whim and unfortunately, the gamble hasn't paid off. Perhaps OMBC & Brassbank can negotiate a land swap deal that allows Brassbank to realise some value in their investment and releases the debt on the club to allow local business to invest in the club.

  4. The situation is as clear as the beer swilling around the gutters of Oldham on a Friday night.


    Is the Charities commission refusing or deferring the application? Conflicting information (as illustrated by Councillor Bashworth's response) only fuels the situation as the fallout from this descends into yet another political/media headline grabber to the detriment of Oldham and it's townsfolk.


    Whatever the outcome, there is still the most relevant issue of funding a ground development - whether that's in Failsworth, Rochdale, Ashton, BP or elsewhere in Oldham. Let the dust settle and wait for the most crucial person in this debate (Simon Corney) reveal his plan(s) for the future.


    PS If he is considering suing the council, perhaps he should offer them the option of alternatively investing the value of that claim (costs included) in rebuilding the knocked-down Lookers stand - it could even include a kitchen showroom for a certain Vance Miller in lieu of his threatened legal action.

    I'm sure there will be many more suggestions for included facilities in the design of the new stand :wink:

  5. imagine it? all those millions spent, we finally get the go ahead and there'd been an oversight in that we're not allowed to move so close to another club.


    would it surprise you?


    No need to worry on that front - the club are well aware of the rules. It was the reason why the option of moving to the Kingsway Business Park in Rochdale was ruled out.

  6. I think at the time the deal was signed for the rest of the 2008/2009 season plus a further three seasons, with the last season being 2011/2012.


    Although I really really hope I am wrong, as I think the quality on these carbrini kits has been nothing short of appaling, especially the uber cheap transfer on the latest home shirt that looks like one of the fake replica shirts you expect to find in the souvenir shops in magaluf.


    On that point.......


    Has anyone ever seen a Latics shirt (real or replica) on sale in a shop outside Oldham?

  7. You can't criticise the club on this one.

    I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong but I suspect the club charters the coach (or coaches) on commercial terms and then hope to recoup their outlay by selling the seats to fans. It was a lot easier in the 'old' days when supporters coaches were run by private enterprise (remember Barlows?) who stood all the costs (and in turn took the profits). Nowadays, the club has to take the risk and consequently, they have to factor in the likely take-up so I suspect the price is set to reflect a less than 100% take-up (I'm guessing at say 70%) plus possibly have to provide some stewarding on the coaches so all in all, a £20 fare doesn't seem that excessive.

  8. Does this not constitute a breach of our rights under the DPA?


    I'm assuming people receive letters relating to unpaid parking 'fines' based on the information held by the DVLA from whom the parking company get the car owner details. No doubt, that's a nice little earner for the DVLA but whilst it's probably a perfectly legitimate business transaction, it doesn't seem to be morally right.

  9. I remember the football specials back in the 60's. I grew up on Fitton Hill and would catch one of the specials at Hathershaw (used to be a bus terminus in those days). As far as I can recall, there were a number of points in and around Oldham frome where the specials would depart. Funny thing is though, I can't remember where we used to get the return bus back to Hathershaw. I don't think it was from outside the ground - more likely they were parked up on Rochdale Road. I'm sure someone will enlighten me.

    I think I'd be inclined to use a service like that again (subject to cost and convenience of course).

  10. Simple answer - three games in 8 days - Swindon not being the biggest attraction, I reckon most will have opted for 2 out of 3 and gone for the 'dale and Soton.


    Not in a position to spend money on all 3 games so after the Dale game I decided on the Swindon game rather than the Soton game on the basis I hoped for a win in the former and expected a defeat in the latter.

    Good decision for the Swindon game.

    Hope I'm wrong with my prediction for the Soton game. I'll follow the game on the web.

  11. Just logged on the OAFC site to pick up on news about tonight's game and saw the item on their home page.

    I've not been on the web or listened to the radio for a couple of days so this was the first I knew of it.

    Read it in total disbelief.

    For once, Bill Shankly was wrong. Football isn't more important than life or death when it concerns young men like Richard.

    RIP & condolences to his family, Macc Town FC and everyone close to him.

  12. Just don't go there after a great Oldham win or he might get his best asset out :shock:


    Your quote reminded me of our glory days. Me & the missus went to the Casa Belmondo (Italian in Royton) on a Saturday after a Latics game (can't remember who we played or the score) which we had won and as we were dining, Gunner Halle came in with a couple of the other players. Gunner had played magnificently that day and, as he was being shown to a table, everyone in the place stood up, applauded and the chant of Gooner, Gooner (an exaggerated Gunner) rang round the room. Never seen that happen before or since. Great memories.

    Would that happen for today's players? Hmmm!

  13. Is it just me who thought that when we were breaking forward, Taylor in particular, that heads were down and not looking for an option to pass, happened a few times when we had a good break on; we just ran into the back line, also I thought there was a fair bit of ball watching...rather than looking for a space to run into and give the defenders/ midfielders an option of spreading the ball we were rooted.... :unsure:


    I can agree with some of that as, the goals apart, the best chances we had did come from counter attacks that ended up with either the player on the ball running into a blind alley through not seeing passing options or a defender getting the block in on a goal-bound shot.

    However, on the positive side, it was good to see CT attempting to get back to what he did best - running at (and hopefully past) defenders and getting into or creating goal scoring opportunities.

    Just one minor niggle for me - why oh why does Dale Stephens think the only effective pass has to be a 60 yard cross field David Beckham type pass. Granted, he does have the ability to execute that type of pass but for me, a quick 5 yard interchange with Furman yields far better results.

  14. Great win considering Swindon dictated play for large parts of the game.

    The early goal from Taylor helped to settle us and Amos had a good debut considering he probably hadn't a clue as to how good(?) his defenders would be or what style we played.

    I thought we ran out of steam in the second half (particularly our front two) and consequently defended deeper than we should have but fortunately we had a sound defence (one or two glitches apart) and, for once, we drew the long straw when it came to the penalty. Undoubtedly Stephens best contribution to the game.

    Very encouraging.


  15. Well - glad to see the majority vote (including mine) was correct (just!).

    Would have liked a figure nearer the 4k mark but - hey, ho!


    Let's see how it goes next Tuesday - sadly, I won't be there (along with probably a few others who are finding £60 a lot to pay for the three home games in a row).

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