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Posts posted by mattyg101

  1. Want to wish all the fans that are marching tomorrow the best of luck and i hope that our message gets across. Im quite ashamed im not going to be there for it, i consider myself a passionate Latic who would do anything for his club, but with the amount of work i have on in Leeds, i just dont think i will be able to get over for the day, im going to wear my scarf and shirt all day though. I will be there in spirit blues! Do us proud!!!


    Keep The Faith

  2. Cheers Si


    Its neither here nor there... they dedicated quite a large space to the protestors (*cou-tossers-gh*) and not very much to the club, also threw a few words in there in bold, trying to highlight that the club are bitter about the decision. I didnt know that an 8 storey block of flats was part of the deal, i think that was a major factor for rejecting the decision.

  3. Every man is entitled to his opinion. Kyle should be free to speak his mind, yet Kyle, you cant expect everyone to see things your way... Were all fed up with results since Feb, but i dont think that sacking Shez is the way to solve the crisis. Need to have some patience.

  4. I think if we get an offer good enough we should offload. But you cant blame the kid for just lining it every time, its mostly the manager thats telling him to, so maybe Shez will notice and encourage a more passing approach - Passing: what made Shez great, you would think he'd cotton on.

  5. I like Sheridan, always have liked him, and the last thing i want is for him to leave our club on these terms. Unofortunately, his lack of tactical ability worries me greatly, and there is very little i can say for any of the signings he has made. We have no match turning capabilities, either on the bench or in Sheridans managerial ability. I hope that he can turn it all around, it may just be a new team so it takes a long time to gel. Im not screaming for Sheridan to get out, but im not overly comfortable with him being in at the moment. Guess im going to just sit on the fence for a few more months, with my legs over the 'IN' side.

  6. Another notch on the deal... thing. If not only to add more depth to squad, then to keep Thompson at bay. How many times have we seen teams crumble towards the end of the season due to exhausted legs?


    Sheridan shouldve approached more players like this before signing them on huge contracts i think. Especially Thompson, fair doos if other clubs were bidding for them as well, cant really arse around offering trials n stuff in that case.


    Back to effing lectures i go! :disappointed:

  7. I heard that Gregan shouldve been sent off for slapping someone :S I couldnt make the match and i was told by a mate. He did it right in front of the ref but didnt even get mentioned.


    Reading these comments it sounds like we did ok though, il make more games though.

  8. Superb post SW. Its about time someone put things straight and make people (not meaning anyone inparticular on OWTB) realise the efforts that we have going on in the club. As for blackpool whinging, that just takes all the shine off their efforts, i bet the moaners didnt even give us a hand when we were in admin. Fact is, the passion is fought on the pitch, not outside it. We have thanked blackpool for their support and are grateful, il be sure to give to them if ever theyre under the cosh. Lets show em who runs this county.


    COME ON OLDHAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111

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