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Posts posted by willp

  1. I presume there are two types of top we are talking about here.


    1) A football top reproduced in a similar way to what the original was.

    2) A T-Shirt that looks like it.


    I myself would pay £40 (probably more) for 1) and not alot for the latter. It has to be done right, but this would outsell current tops IMO.



    Yeah I was thinking of an actual replica shirt, not just a naff tshirt with a screen print on it!

  2. Glad he is still going to be a part of the club, was shocked when I found out about his illness - he does put in a hell of a lot of time as said earlier, well above the call of duty.


    I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for Alan the club would no longer exist.


    People on here don't seem to understand just what he actually does, and that he always has the clubs best interests at heart - no matter how strange some of his decisions may seem!

  3. Crawley had to change theirs really as it was a blatant rip off of Uniteds....




    Our new one isn't bad....compared to a lot of UK teams out there...


    examples of ones worse than ours...agree or disagree as you will:




















    Bristol City














    MK Dons






    Sheff Wed








    not even going to bother going into League 2!!!




    end of the day its a badge...team is still the same, your support should still stay the same. Our old one was as bad but people learnt to live with it!


    As I'm sure they will with this new one!




    Like it or not - we are latics :lol: this is our badge.

  4. Sorry if this has been done on here already, had a quick look couldn't see anything.


    Was a bit bored this morning, and was looking at other clubs that have changed their badges (crests) over the past decade or so.


    Firstly (sorry) Citeh!




    Massive change, they kept the ship thingy (ships in Manchester?) totally dropped the name 'Manchester City' for MCFC?! and where did that chicken come from?! AND!!!! 3 gold stars? Someone tell Alan Hardy we could of had some stars on ours!!!


    End of the day though - an improvement? I think so!







    Again a massive change - simplified loads, again kept the main thing from the old badge - the cannon, but dropped the latin! (added gold to the badge)


    Improvement or not? in my opinion A HUGE improvement!







    Yet again, kept the main item, but a vast improvement on the lion 'style'. The old one looked dated at the time and even more so now! (again gold added)


    Improvement : DEFO!!!







    Erm...ok then! You see, if I was a Fulham fan, I would of been pissed off with this one! Yes their old one was crap, but new one, erm!? bit too simple?


    Improvement : erm...I see this one as a step sideways...no better or worse, maybe cheaper to manufacture?!



    Dirty Leeds




    Kept the main rose and ball thing here - but their 'new' one looks amateurish?! with that stupid LUFC typeface?! Too much big thick yellow lines going on I think


    Improvement : again, I think a sideways step, not really an improvement!







    This one I feel is a huge improvement on their old one, adding a shrimp to denote their nickname, but this is a huge change from their old, only thing you can argue it really retains is the sheild shape? but colours, and items are totally change! (gold added, see where i'm going with this gold thing?)


    Improvement : YUP! Big time!







    Their old badge I feel, as ours was very dated, they have kept the CFC and colours, added a, erm, thing! (apparently its some spire they have) but it is something that represents the town, doesn't have to mean anything to anyone else! BUT is this not exactly the same shape as the arsenal badge?


    Improvement : I think so, although not too keen on the pointy thing!


    The Mighty Blues!




    Ours has also kept the main item(s) the owl, and the diamond thingy, dropped the ball (as are alot of clubs these days, look around yourself) the owl looks a hell of a lot meaner! and is a lot more detailed (yes a bit american but never mind, I still love its 'what the f*ck you looking at' eyes)


    The 'hills' ok, fair enough, means something to Latics fans, but as chesterfield other may miss it - clever simple little addition tho!


    Think someone else pointed out the typeface looks a little 'Oldham council' mmmmmmmm maybe this should of NOT happened taking everything into consideration! but all the same I don't mind it, much nicer than the times new gothic (or what ever it is) we used to use! I hated the way the on the old crest the name was on that scroll, and following it around, hard to read for some?


    I am personally glad the club have dropped the red! ewwww red...grrrrr


    I have had another look around and the crest, does seem bespoke to our club. I can't see any others that are the same (please if I am wrong, I will stand corrected)


    And I love the gold! think it doesn't come across really well on the version seen here, but on the kit, stitched in that metallic gold, it looks the dogs!!


    Improvement : Yes, although I did 'like' the old badge (never loved it, I think I only liked it because it was my club badge) I think this new badge is defo a step in the right direction, defo and improvement. It is simple, and people will soon recognise the evil owl where ever we go!





    I know my thoughts on the new crest will not be matched by all Latics fans, but give it time!



  5. If you think about it all Latics did was set up a 'We Are Latics' webpage with a slogan and a countdown clock. The rest of it was fevered speculation from Latics fans!


    Although I did lower my expectations I was still a tad disappointed, as I was hoping for just a little bit more. If Latics had announced a new kit manufacturer, rather than Carbrini, with a new first choice strip as well, I’d have been a little happier.


    Nevertheless, I’m sure the club will conclude that this has been a successful marketing campaign. Whether it brings in more money to the club remains to be seen!




    My point exactly!


    At first I thought the countdown was a bit OTT for the sake of a new crest and new kit. But it got the fans talking, nobody at Latics every said it was anything to do with a new ground, new owners or anything really! All the speculation came mainly from this message board. People on here only have themselves to blame for getting their hopes up.


    End of the day the marketing campaign did as the club wanted. It got the interest of the fans.


    I really hope the club use more 'interesting' campaigns like this for things in the future, hopefully though next time we wont set our sights too high on the outcome!

  6. support oldham for the club and the team, not the badge, does that really matter?


    i think the whole 'evolution' isn't just a new badge though, especially as the word 'begins' is being used a lot. so maybe that means investment, or a stadium, or something following on from this. if that happened, would people be slagging of the over-hyped campaign then


    also, the www.wearelatics.co.uk website is down now... anyone else got this?



    site is still there for me mate?!


    and agree totally with your comments!!

  7. I registered on this forum a while back - been keeping an eye on this topic as the countdown, as i'm sure it did everyone else got me thinking what it could be.


    Had a giggle every now and again over the last month or so reading over various topics what it is, could be, or just what people want it to be.


    If I may, here is my conclusion:


    Yes the countdown may of been a bit over the top for the release of a new crest & kit, BUT maybe only because a lot of people set their hopes too high and where always going to be in for a fall , can we really blame the club for this? personally I don't think so.


    Latics fans complain that the club doesn't market itself enough, or in a good way. Again I think the countdown may not of been right for this 'event' but it did what the club wanted, it got people talking, look at the size of this topic, and this isn't the only one. But people are still complaining even when the club puts together a marketing campaign for something!


    In my opinion the new crest wasn't necessarily needed at this time, but I do like it and is a satisfactory replacement for the old one, which to be fair after 27 (or so) years was looking a little tired. The new badge brings the club up to date. No its not to everybodies taste, no its not perfect, at the end of the day its a badge! Not everyone is going to like the change (especially Oldham fans, seem very scared of change at times) but the team still remains the same does it not? We will still be going down to Boundary Park to cheer on Oldham Athletic will we not?


    I think some people on this board need a reality check with comments like "I won't be buying anything else whilst that crest is on it" its still Latics! just with a face lift!


    Do you think that a new badge would of gone down with this kind of reaction if we where top of the league? or even guaranteed a play off place? i'm not too sure?!



    At the end of the day everyone is entitled to their own opinions, I have enjoyed reading them all too! Just wanted my two-penneth!



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