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David Currie

David Currie (2/15)



  1. Yeah I guess he could but there is quite a bit of general abuse hurled by fans across various different football grounds each week. In terms of your second point you are correct. But as we have found out just in the last 3 pages it is considered enough by people to brand him as an inherent racist (which is what the FA and especially the media have effectively done). Even though in their statement both the FA and Evra said that they don't believe Suarez is a racist. But anyway I think I will do Break the Silence a favour and piss off. Good luck to Oldham for the rest of the season!
  2. What? That he would lose quite a bit of money in his lawyer's fees? Who would he be suing exactly and for what? I think even the balance of probabilities would be in the supporter's defense (unless of course it was the FA who don't need much evidence to convict a person of racism).
  3. So instead of providing any coherent rebuttals to my points you just tell me to go away? Fine I have no problem with that. I'm a racist after all!
  4. Who said it made it okay? Liverpool handed the matter of both cases over to the police like it should have been. One of the supporters has already been cleared (unless you want to start your own Kangaroo Court to bring him to justice) and the other case is pending. In fact your own club commended LFC with how we have handled the Adeyemi case (but of course you still know more than them right?). And if Liverpool have a problem with racism can you tell me how many Liverpool supporters have been charged with racist chanting over the last 3 years? Grand total of 0 (with only the monkey gesture case pending with the police). That is the lowest in the PL (along with only a couple other clubs). But yeah we are the only racist club in Britain.
  5. You are clutching at straws now mate. Would you like me to provide you with a number so you can ring up the police and take the matter up with them? I'm sure after you have a word with them they will immediately go and apprehend that supporter and bring him to justice!
  6. Well you know you are fighting a lost cause when you start arguing with a bunch of sheep who can't cannot put in any effort thinking for themselves and would rather believe any odd tripe that the media puts out as opposed to engaging in objective analysis. And personally I don't care about not being heard on an Oldham football forum. The fact that none of you have so far been able to make a coherent rebuttal of my post (which I even provided a link to this time) says more than I need to. Faced up to the facts hey? What facts? Like the fact that the police found the supporter to be not guilty in the charge of racially abusing Adeyemi which some on here still cannot face up to yet when it comes to Suarez he was guilty and should have been ostracized the day Evra opened his mouth. Those facts? Pathetic. Now if you can read tell me how many Liverpool fans have been charged with racist chants over the last 3 years? How does that compare to other clubs in the PL? Oh but wait that doesn't matter. The Daily mail said Liverpool are racist. Burn them! Burn them all!
  7. Yes I'm sure that's exactly what happened. And did he rip off his shirt to reveal a Liverpool jersey and start chanting Suarez's name as well?
  8. :censored:ing hell can people not read on this forum? It seems like I am repeating myself over and over again. Before going on your rant did you read my previous comments on the issue or the lengthy post that I asked others to read? Why exactly would we have condemned Suarez from the outset? So just because Evra made some allegations we should condemn our best player as definitely a racist BEFORE any evidence is brought forward, not trust a word he says and banish him to the sidelines? Yes that would have been quite the logical move! Give me a break. And if you had actually bothered reading the FA report instead of taking any old media tripe as gospel you would have come across the facts that: 1. No actual video evidence was brought forward confirming the allegations made by Evra. 2. No actual audio evidence was brought forward confirming the allegations made by Evra. 3. No Liverpool players testified to hearing the allegations made by Evra. 4. No Manchester United players testified to hearing the allegations made by Evra. 5. No match officials testified to hearing the allegations made by Evra. But no of course we should have publically ostracized Suarez from the outset. What a racist club! As I have said so many times before I just wish the police had handled the case. For the rest of my opinion regarding the matter take a bit of your time to read this post of mine. Post number 39 on this link: http://www.owtb.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=37368&st=20 And do you really think in a football ground (not your home) with so much noise and commotion it is not hard to confuse "Manc" with "black"?
  9. Hasn't he been cleared? I don't think anyone is asking for compensation. Also no one is even contemplating asking for an apology from Adeyemi or Oldham FC (instead I have only heard praise about how Oldham handled the situation). The only apology a few posters are asking from is Gordon Taylor (head of PFA) who publicly "confirmed" that the alleged offendant was guilty before the matter was even handled by the police. Anyway gotta head off. Cheerio!
  10. Sorry I stand corrected the number was actually 0 instead of 3 (with just 1 case pending in the current season).
  11. Constantly defended a racist hey? So have you had a chance to go back and look at the reply I keep going on about? Even in the official statement BOTH the FA and Evra said they do not believe Suarez is a racist. And contrary to what some people would like to believe Suarez did NOT admit to racially abusing Evra. But no of course we should have made no effort to defend one of our best players against the allegations. That's exactly how it works isn't it? Give me a break. We did NOT defend racism. We defended one of our players who we firmly believe is NOT a racist. There is a slight difference you know. How hard is it to comprehend? And how exactly have Chelsea handled the case? Have they publicly condemned Terry yet of being a racist? No. They are letting the police handle the matter. Unfortunately we couldn't do the same thing. Just wish Evra had reported the matter to police. Also in regards to "no-one is saying all Liverpool fans are racist". You might want to have a look at Heath's post just above.
  12. Bloody hell weren't you one of those who couldn't come up with a coherent reply to my explanation on the Suarez case?
  13. Was there a hidden rule in the terms and conditions that I failed to read which said that only Oldham supporters are allowed to post on this forum? Secondly is it so hard to read what I said in my previous post. GO and read back my reply if you want my opinion on the Suarez case. Do you believe any tripe which the media serves up as gospel? Also did you read the FA document which went over the Suarez case by any chance? Third of all in the past 3 years a grand total of 0 Liverpool supporters have been found guilty of racist chants. The lowest in the Premier League. But sure it's Liverpool supporters who are racist.
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