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Posts posted by IceStationLatic

  1. We should have made a sub as soon as they did in the first half? Look at our bench guys but, moreover, going 4-5-1 (cue negative accusations post match about not trying to kill off the match; PD, booooo) might not have led to the chances Wes and Crofty had to almost kill the game off. Just because they didn't score, that means not making a substitution was wrong?!!


    The reason we lost was that we conceded two sloppy and avoidable goals to let them back in it before their superior quality took over. Having said that we still created chances - but on a side issue, why couldn't Smith win that header at the death despite being in front of his man and taller even if the defender had an arm round his neck - frustrating. As PD has said, he needs to be a bully.


    I think PD is right in that we stopped doing the things that had been working. The right service to Slew which then created more space for the midfield and Simpson to get on the ball.


    When Slew failed to feed in Croft or Simpson for simple one-on-ones in the second half, I hope that's not a sign of egoism. But if he keeps scoring, he'll get away with it perhaps.


    M'Changama looked fine on the left in pre-season, adding good passing options - rather than having another out and out winger and getting mullered in central midfield as a result - the good old England way. Should we abandon this just because it hasn't worked after one game? I think the idea is to have two banks of four in defence, with Simmo helping out, but then a lot more positional flexibility on the ball - to counter the drawback of 4-4-2; that it's too static.


    But I agree about the issues about overlapping full-backs to compensate for the width. I thought Brown worked well in pre-season because he could do this which meant Croft couldn't be marked out the game so easily. Must admit I thought Byrne would start in central defence. Maybe he got the nod because of Wednesday's height and physicality for set pieces - Brown would have got bullied? You can't win, because then they had Antonio's pace. We kept him quiet for a while at least.


    The worry is mental fragility. When you concede daft goals, it makes you more likely to concede more. We'll learn a lot more about the character of this season's time on Saturday. I just hope they don't play like rocks for 89 minutes and then concede a late winner to nullify all the positives and effort!

  2. Ha! Spot on! The owner of Steels gives me special treatment thanks to my positive endorsement of the place on twitter! Did you ever manage the 'jumbo'?


    I guess clubs are out for a 'bargain'. Last summer, Jamie Vardy was a similar type of player out there on the market. He was plucked from Halifax by Fleetwood for £50k I think - they had a bit money to fend off rivals and pay the most amid a slight element of risk I guess - and then 12 months on, after he continued to bang them in, he's worth £1million when he signs for Leicester!



    No I guess not. Used to work with a lot of Mariners, bit rough round the edges Grimsby but made some good mates there. Lived in Laceby too which is not bad at all.


    Yeah sounds about right! One thing that can never be faulted is the haddock and chips in these parts - epic

  4. I asked my neutral mate, who had no idea about this friendly, what he would expect ticket prices to be if he was a Latics fan. I said City likely to field a handful of their top players - which is the most likely outcome.


    His response, taking into account prices for other friendlies around the country, was: "Premier League champions. That's a glamour friendly for Oldham. I'd expect tickets to cost £20."


    When I said they will be £15 he was surprised, but he did think season ticket holders could have been given tickets for £10, or some form of benefit.


    So seems like £15 is a meet in the middle price for everyone, which is sensible. Because how many non-season ticket holders and City fans would go if they had to pay £20 to compensate season ticket holders going for £10 or less - if that price structure was allowed?


    Making money is one thing, but the club at least needs to break even from a home friendly against the Premier League champions, otherwise that would be madness.


  5. It's £10 for all fans to watch Grimsby v Doncaster tonight...


    All very well season ticket holders feeling rotten because they can't use a free voucher or get in for £10 rather than £15 - but do you honestly think the club hasn't done the maths about predicted attendances etc Clearly the conclusion is that it has to be £15 to cover police costs. It would sell out at £10 but half-ful at £15? The club clearly doesn't think so, and is it worth the risk? Won't City diehards be on the tour abroad rather than go to BP too? Some fans seem to be ignoring reports that some of the big-name Euro players will feature - so they are lies are they? Or is it just a doom and gloom woe is me prediction to justify the argument. So rather than being treated like sh1t (really? Bringing the PL champions to a three-stand ground in our back yard?), wouldn't we be treating the club like sh1t by demanding prices that would result in a loss as a reward for getting this match. This is a rare chance the club has to make some £ at a time when our financial problems have been documented, at a time where we are missing out on a goalscorer as we can't afford him, at a time when revenue from season ticket sales is down, at a time we'll need funds soon for a new stand. This is a one-off showpiece, I'm quite happy coughing up knowing it is helping the club. Corney has said he will do something for season ticket holders after the golden ticket offer, but it appears that is HAS to be this friendly game, rather than something in the season. When people bought their season tickets, surely it was because they support their club - not because they wanted a free stub to watch City. If those ppl aren't prepared to pay the same extra money (compared with £15) as a trip to a cinema or two pints of beer to see some world-class players (oh no sorry I forgot it's cast-iron certainty it will be kids), then just don't go. This boycott talk is nonsense - well done on a boycott, deciding not to help the club you supposedly support. If you've bought a season ticket, you should be proud of your loyalty, not using it as a stick to throw out the pram over what's clearly a coup money-raising friendly fixture that was always going to be used as a tool to help the club's financial position. Give the club a break. Do you honestly think they would take this decision lightly?

  6. We're still after a striker - is this target dead in the water? He was linked with Donny when it was reported we were interested, but that move didn't transpire. Now non-league clubs like Wrexham are being linked with him. I know some non-league clubs might have as much financial power as us these days, but surely we could match Wrexham (their future was in doubt not long ago) and the lure of a league club near where he is now would tempt him? Maybe we know other clubs are after him and he's just holding out and playing the field still - but missing a decent professional pre-season in the process...!

  7. Feel for the fans of Portsmouth, but to play devil's advocate - what about the fans of clubs that were relegated while Pompey occupied the higher leagues effectively cheating in terms of splashing cash they couldn't afford at a time when smaller clubs played by the book? The likes of Portsmouth and Rangers in millions of debt and surviving (albeit only just about now) must be galling for fans of lower league clubs that have all-but bitten the dust for being in debts that have been miniscule in comparison? It seems the League are taking this into account with the whole protecting the integrity of the league angle. But even if they go down again, Pompey will still remain a Football League despite ridiculous debts and financial management, and have been given an olive branch to survive. Meanwhile, another L2 club that has probably played by the book is relegated to non-league (far greater punishment) and faces a mountain to climb.

  8. Reported on and regularly interviewed Alan when he was at Grimsby through my job. He's a great pure goal scorer. Little pace and muscle, not a 'team player' as such, but a real quality finisher. He always said he wanted league football (check), but he also hinted he wants to be down south due to family reasons etc (doh!)

  9. 0,,10337%7E10964629,00.jpg


    anyone think these two use the same barber shop?


    If Taylor Is crap Im sure they will be PARTING ways sooner or later!


    I'll get me coat


    Will he be a fringe player ?


    Hopefully the lad will have some cut-ting edge, particularly against, um, Crewe.


    Maybe he'll have some spectacular goals in him - perhaps a scissor-kick.....

  10. See my original post. I said I know it's sacrilege to open all or part of the Chaddy to away fans - but im just putting out there for debate that needs must when we only have three stands and plummeting attendances? Better atmosphere would lead to better attendances. Obviously, wins and great performances would up the atmosphere, wherever the fans are. But while 50 ppl in the RRE are more audible than the whole Chaddy, it's becoming a joke. We can't afford more golden ticket offers.

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