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Posts posted by SavageTheBeast

  1. If we are still in trouble by the time we play Crawley at home we should slash the admission prices to 10 pound that should get bums on seats. Also this would not create a loss because how many pay in anyway.


    Also liked to add the bandwagons finally halted. Where's that drummer who was so eager to get the drum into Everton.

  2. Today the body language was all wrong. You could see it from the start when they are shaking hands, heads down not caring. If that was a team up for it they would be bouncing. They also need to have a bit of urgency in their game which would also lift the crowd. It was like being at Old Trafford today quiet and bloody boring. Come latics show a bit of passion prdie and belief

  3. I was thinking what a team we had in 2006/07 with the mixture of youth and experience. The likes of the youth of Chris Porter Taylor Eardley. Plus the experience of Paul Warne Andy Lidell Stefan Stam Will Haining how did we not get promoted. You wonder why this is all relevant because do you think we should take this into next season and use this as the transfer policy no matter what league we are in.

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