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Posts posted by Alec1954

  1. Out muscled still top



    But to add a comment...Hudds were not dirty, OK, they shojuld have ben down to 10 men, but they pushed and pushed and pushed and the ref let them. We stood off them and they played their bog game. But, they did not have a crafty or clever player amongst them. We were off the boil. Only Taylor and Hughes emerged with real credit.


    Why did Shez bring on McGrath???? Surely this was a Davies game? Time for Fleming?

  2. "The problem with the stewarding is the 'recruitment' of them, mostly by private companies that have no connection to the club at all. In Manchester they use showsec ... a private firm that only people with 'door badges' can join. "


    Can I just say that my daughter worked for Showsec, as student, and has never been anywhere near "door badges". She is did it to help pay her student debt during the summer.

  3. After the game, in the pub, I spoke to two Latics fans who no longer go. But they both said that there were thinking of going.


    Asked why they didn't go.. the answer was the same. £20 = 10 pints of beer. Now, irrespective of habits, the simple fact is that for a working class town, £20 is too much for Third Division football.


    Any answer has to involve incentives for supporters to come back to football and leave shopping/boozing/TV.


    Drop the price I say.

  4. How did Kieron Lee play

    Lee had a steady game. But if he was part of the first team he would look far better. Very able on the ball. Fleming had a good game. For me, he is better than Crossley but we are waiting for Crossley to cock up before he gets his chance.


    Stephens looks class.


    Stam was solid.


    Thompson was good.


    Black was very good till he left the field with concusion.


    All in all a very good first game for the stiffs. But they need to be in a league.

  5. Squad includes; Fleming, Bell, Stephens, JP, Thomo, Black, Stam, Lee and Smalley .... just shows what a strong squad we have this year.

    City's rererves have a Central League match away against the Lashers this afternoon so goodness knows what team they will put out. Mind you, I bet that I only know 2 or 3 of their first team players.

  6. Taylor at left back, O'Grady leftish wing, Davies running about and wining few balls, ..how many more permutations does Shez have up his sleeve? Liddle was great on Saturday on the wing, Taylor was equally good. Why change it? We will never have a settled side. And where is this passing game?

  7. I saw Droylsden wallop Ashton United 4-0 at Hurst Cross a couple of weeks ago.

    If the above lot of full time professionals can't improve on that then I think the manager may have to ask some serious questions about the quality of his squad.


    Saw the stiffs and left 2/3 through the match. THe pitch was the great winner. Tidy performances from most but the weakness was converting possession into strikes on goal. Stam looked rusty. THomson was OK. Lee looked tricky but lost the ball a bit. Not a great game but useful to get the rust off.


    Really we need to be playing better quality stiffs on decent surfaces. Bit of a waste really.


    Wish we had a good quality coach at the club.

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