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Posts posted by Midsblue

  1. £150k was sanctioned to sign Kilkenny. Unsure how much of the £500k is to be allocated too but as it's unexpected and not in the budget then surely some or most of this should be given to Shez. That gives us in region of £300k-£400k to sign one or two permanently plus another one or two on loan; especially when we have freed up wages previously spent on Kilkenny, Bertrand and allegedly Ricketts.


    We need that striker, extend Jarrett's loan, draft in a leftback, a winger and now a central defender. If Sheridan has a list of targets then tomorrow will be busy unless he's making the most of the extended period to sign loans.


    With the money available, surely we can look at a decent striker now?! With Hughes a doubt, Davies struggling to hit the back of the net and the young 'uns bedding in, we need someone and someone fast to captialise on the two games in hand and move into the Play Offs.

  2. Not exactly what's needed though, is it?!


    We need a target man to allow Hughes to feed off. Ricketts could have done the job before the critics stuck their knife in - unfairly I may add. Ricketts loan was up last night wasn't it? What's the situation with him now - is he off, returning? Shez should give him a second chance get him back in and concentrate on a winger perhaps.

  3. If he goes and nobody comes in immediately to replace him then this signals the ambition of our club for this season and perhaps for the next 2 to 3 seasons too.


    We - the club AND the manager - should convince Trotman that his future is with this club and that success can be achieved here rather than at Plymouth. However, we need to convince the lad that we are strengthening, additions are imminent and they reflect the ambition that keeps the lad here on an new contract.


    FFS, we're not far off a Play-Off place and with a few additions, we can achieve promotion and be on par with Plymouth. No disrespect to Plymouth but can you see them getting promotion from the Championship? IF we get promotion then we have just has much chance with the off-field activities and IF Sheridan comes good on capturing effective new faces and molding an effective team on the field. A load of IFs but this is Sheridan's job (and those at the club) to convince the lad that IFs are WHENs.


    Early signs are that we haven't rejected Plymouth's approach but their initial offer. Therefore, we're keen to sell and this signals the lack of ambition on the pitch. We have funds available to strengthen, do not need to sell to buy so WHY are we considering this?


    If we can't convince this lad that his future is better here than Plymouth then we need to seriously review the manager and those involved in "selling" our club to prospective new players.

  4. But that would be contrary to what Shez said:


    I won’t just sign anyone – they have to be players who will help us – but I want three to come in and give us a boost."


    Hmmmm Malonga (or whatever is name) instantly springs to mind along with a few others who were desperate signings just to bring bums (and the true meaning of the word) into the squad.

  5. The clock's still ticking, there's only five days left to secure transfers and there's not even a sniff of news on the official site.


    I'm concerned, very concerned over the lack of activity.


    We're effectively 3 wins from a Play-Off place so there's still every chance of doing it. We shipped out Ricketts because of his form, the boo boys or something else and with Hughes and Davies missing a game each, we're threadbare as a squad. Add to the fact that Davies' form is on the dip and chances go begging game after game.


    We've brought in a decent amount of income from the Cup Run, there's the budget from the Kilkenny and Bertrand wages and we still can't secure a player or two. The news filtered out from BP is that targets have excessive demands and asking the earth; admittedly all this is coming from the Chron but surely this is expected, is it not?


    What about the "contacts" we have within the game where a loan can be subsidised? It's happening all over the league with other clubs so why not with us? Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal and even QPR - clubs where the owners regularly speak with according to past newsfeeds - so why not a favour or two where we give their stiffs valuable experience?


    We haven't even shipped in a trialist or two for a run out in a reserve game......

  6. A clean sheet and at least a point away from home is better than nothing at all and conceding. However, it's only good if we're winning consistently at home but we're not. Therefore in my mind it's definitely points dropped because we need to be winning away to compensate for our home form.


    Even more worrying is Davies' failure to convert the chances and missing easy chances at that. Add to that the obvious inability to form a partnership with Hughes and ignoring him when he's in the much better position.


    The signings we've made were ambitious but our form on the pitch doesn't match that ambition at the moment. We've lost one or two vital sparks in the team and they need to be replaced asap and we need to bring in someone who can click up front with either Hughes or Davies.


    I don't want to spend yet another damn season in this league and I seriously thought that the signings made was a realistic chance of succeeding - this is what is making it even more frustrating for the fans and resulting in unfair and unwanted criticism.


    We need new faces quickly and time is fast running out. Picking up a point last night means we are only two or three wins from a play-off position and then it's luck on the day. It's not over just yet but Shez needs to weave his magic to prevent an early and disappointing end to the season. Harsh but we expect progress and that's to go one better than last season!

  7. The QPR Play-Off semi-final obviously. Travelling in was full of excitement even with us at 1-1; straight from a meeting, picked up wife in Reading, drove into West End and a few pre-match drinks in that pub that we took over.


    It then got really surreal........Chris Moore and his "mates" laughing and joking with us in the pub and Clyde Wijnhard walking along the touchline waving at us all in that white muscle top that was six sizes too small for him (XXXL?). A win must have been on the cards and then Furlong went and kicked us in the knackers!


    Clock tickied down with all the stewards totally smug and the worst ever tube journey I had in my life. Consolation from the QPR fans in the same carriage but it was just words, empty words.


    I actually felt physically sick last week when I read about it again in Holloway's book.


    Another one springs to mind is the game when we were 3-0 down to Wycombe in the first half (can't remember season) and I then had to endure a totally smug mate who supported Wycombe and I then had to be a "good loser" in the player's bar afterwards. Journey back up the M40 was terrible and the only saving grace was witnessing Gary Kelly going one on one with a fan at half-time and almost climbed into our end to take the fan on.

  8. Do you think we actually have anybody watching players in this division, or the division below, or god forgive non league?


    Has anyone read Ian Holloway's autobiography? Unsure who his scouts are/were but they spotted Barry Hayles, Bobby Zamora, Jamie Cureton, Carl Saunders, Nathan Ellington...the list goes on. All of which were unfancied players who had dropped down divisions or from league to non-league.


    I've done a spot of scouting in the past and the quality in the lower leagues and especially the level below the conference is amazing, especially the way Prem clubs turf out the young uns nowadays.

  9. What message will it give out to the club, fans and fellow players if we sell Trotman?


    A major mistake if we do and goes against our ambitions. To replace him could well cost more than the £500k we could get and could we really guarantee finding someone of similar ability and potential?


    Granted we got our fingers burned with Porter so the club needs to act now and get this lad signed up on a longer contract. That way we will receive a fee that reflects the quality of this lad.


    £500k now or we can multiple that figure by six (or more) in a season or two?

  10. Redknapp's just being diplomatic and not biting the hand that feeds him. He ain't going to say that he was keen on leaving but couldn't due to the demands imposed by Mort.


    Besides, by all accounts, he's profited from it was a big pay rise on his current deal so if he was soooo loyal then shouldn't he turn that down and say "no mate, I love the club enough to stay on same terms as before I was approached?".


    PLUS, if he was that loyal then why did Portsmouth force him into making a decision? He was going to take the job and tried to negotiate a commuting clause but Newcastle wanted him lock stock and barrel up north. He didn't want to do that because he didn't want to upheave his family. That's right, his family...not the club, the players, the fans...his family.


    Not really loyal, is it?


    Anyway, you can analogise it as much as you want but the two don't compare. We agree to disagree and I'm probably biased as I heard it from the horse's mouth.

  11. FFS Lags, give it a rest eh? Did he run over your cat in said BMW or something? Your comparison with 'Arry has so many holes in it, you may as well call it a fishing net.

    Respect your view, I believe it's wrong. I dont have a cat. Did Harry show loyalty this week? yes or no? where are the holes in your yes or no answer?. Harry said he stayed cos the club had been good to him and he'd been good to the club, or don't you believe Harry's reasons? an analogy not to unalike. Kilkenny can take a hike which he did.


    If you read the papers - and it's been quoted in more than three or four - Redknapp was to take the job but turned it down because it couldn't commute from south coast but had to move up to the north east. That was the reason - nothing to do with loyalty - but because he didn't want to upset family life. Was this not the same Redknapp who moved to Southampton from Portsmouth?


    Also, Redknapp has millions in the bank and is the in twilight of his career so the comparison is completely inappropriate.


    You're just bitter because the lad turned us down. He developed a fondness for our club whilst here and helped us out when we wanted him. He wanted to get out of Brum even on loan so the arrangement satisfied both parties. He owes us nothing though and can move wherever he likes. He's got a fondness for the club but he's never grown up a fan like we have.

  12. Well I hope you're right cause that is 4million plus for latics.


    If we get that amount (or more) then what impact will it have on this club?


    Would the owners use all of it to wipe out the whole debt or provide some of it for players?


    I was just wondering that it we didn't have a debt then would our annual income - ST income, advertising revenue, concessions - cover our current wage bill?


    Do you think we're near our limit, overspending or have some scope if we weren't burdened with this £40k a month (or whatever it is now) debt?

  13. This time around is totally different, he pleaded with Latics to give him the chance of spotlight first team football, we did it. Then proceeded to big up his status by our offer and hero symbol support. Good to see Harry prove all you doubters wrong. Cheers Harry.


    A few facts:


    NK did have a choice of a number of clubs last summer but wanted to come to Oldham because of his love for the club. At the time Brum hadn't indicated that they were releasing him but simply that he was available for loan. From NK's point of view, a loan was a loan but Oldham headed the queue from other clubs (even Championship ones) because it was Oldham. Therefore, there was no pleading but it was a mutual interest between our club and the player.


    Prior to January, circumstances changed at Brum and NK was told that he could leave. As a result, a number of club took interest and a small number came forward with a formal offer. He was allowed to choose between them. He went for two reasons; money and potential. I can't blame him on either because it's a job at the end of the day and if I was in his position then I'd put money first because careers are short and can end tomorrow (I've witnessed this first hand and I can't underline this enough).


    He's not a mercenary and whoever slates him are doing so without the full facts and with complete ignorance. He never used us a stepping stone but purely to help us out under the current circumstances i.e. Brum were loaning him out.

  14. That seems to be the battle ahead


    Oh Dear !




    Some players are simply bulky and trying to trim them down has a negative impact on their play. Take Hartson for instance; always a fatty but when in his prime his was successful. If Clarke was unfit at Southend and still scored goals and was their top scorer then I'd hate to see him if he did get fit. Seven goals or 1 goal in every 2 games isn't bad.


    Probably he was sidetracked at Southend when he realised that other clubs was interested in him?


    He's reaction when he scored against us shows that he has respect for us and perhaps fondness of his time here. He knows Davies from his time at Wolves (and played well together when they we're fielded in the same team) and the possibility of playing alongside Hughes is a major factor too. Remember this lad grew up in and around the Black Country when Hughes was plying his trade at the top - who better to continue to learn from (echoing the statement made by Davies)?

  15. I really can't see us selling our best assets unless a completely stupid offer comes in that is too good to turn down (and that's probably a lot more than what we were offered for Porter because we've learnt from that lesson and in a more stronger position in respect of finances and future).


    These assets have come in for very little outlay - either as freebies or youth players - so we can afford to bide our time. Also, these kids will only get better and will become more valuable whilst with us and whilst we're succeeding. Eardley for instance is adding to his value via the Wales games as well as the performances for us and will continue to play for Wales even whilst we're still in this league.


    We also haven't budgeted for this cup run this season and the planning permission approval has given the club a major boost in terms of future revenue; not only securing the future of the club but most probably wiping out the club's operating debts (admittedly over time).


    The future of our club was pivotal on us getting this planning permission and following this decision there is new found optimism and ambition from the owners regardless of the Everton tie i.e. comments like "money will and has always been available to Shez".


    I can only see us building for success rather than ripping the heart out the team. References to our operating debt is still made by the board but not as negative as it once was.


    The impression I get is that the owners and board can sense that Shez has turned a corner, "his" players have started to come good, we are close to offloading the likes of Ricketts who not only is a poor signing but will free up sizeable funds to carry on the rebuilding.


    The future's bright and ignore the doom mongering from the Chron.

  16. I never thought for a second that I would convince some of you because I have to admit that I would have loved Neil to stay with us, help us get promotion and forge a successful career with Oldham. That's the Oldham fan in me.


    However, I don't begrudge the lad maximising his income in the short career that footballers have. The same goes for me in my career and probably everyone else out there. If you could earn 3 or 4 times what you were offered at your current employer for the same job then would you take the money and run? Of course you would and if you reckon you wouldn't then you're lying.


    Most of you are bitter because he turned us down. He wasn't employed by us like a certain Mr Porter who shafted us big style and DID owe us after we funded his lifestule whilst he was injured. Kilkenny was a "temp" and served a purpose whilst he was here.


    Neil owed us nothing as it was a short-term deal that we could have been terminated by us at any time. He was a free agent and not committed to us.


    We'll find new players to carry on our plight for promotion. That's brings me back to my reference to Leeds. I'm not saying that Leeds are better than us but they can offer more money NOW to players due to their crowds. Their attendances can help fund more signings, which provides a greater opportunity to succeed than us at the moment. In respect of Oldham, hopefully the off-field activties will allow greater opportunities for us but at the moment we have to wheel, deal and maximise our scouting to bring in players cheaply with the hope of succeeding for us. Out team ethic can out perform Leeds and other teams in this league without the need for big name players.


    Good luck to Neil; I'm an Oldham fan first and foremost so it's a shame that he won't be here when we succeed but I have a feeling that we will succeed anyway and we'll soon forget about Neil and be talking about the next new face that comes in and succeeds.

  17. I can't believe how much some of you have slated Neil.


    During his two periods here he has given his all and he has openly admitted how much he loves our club. However, the opportunity to join Leeds was too good to turn down both financially and career wise.


    Ignoring the fact that it's Leeds and take off your blue-tinted specs for a second but Neil has joined a club that is larger in terms of revenue generation, scope and fan base plus a club that is more likely to succeed and prosper at the next than us. That may well upset you or cause shock to some blinded but it's the stark truth.


    What I do know is Neil is upset with the reaction of some fans, which is totally understandable because , IMHO, the criticism he has received is totally unfair and ignorant to the point of blind stupidity.


    Forget all this analogy talk because a true analogy is Paul Scholes - he loves the club, wants us to succeed and could have quite easily saw one of previous contracts out and moved to us for free. That would never happen because he has a wife and kids to support despite earning millions. The same goes for Neil, where in a short career, Neil needs to move to maximise his income. In relative terms, players at this level can only dream of earning the same as those in the Prem and it could take years to accomplish this so you need to get it whilst you can.


    For me Neil has give more to this club than hundreds of players who have come here either permanently or temporarily. He has shown far more commitment than some with the comfort of a long-term contract that has crippled us in the past.

  18. Name? Midsblue



    Location? Midlands



    How Long Supporting the Tics? 21 years



    Best away match you've been to? Wycombe a few seasons back but very hazy so Huddersfield this season followed by Swindon two seasons back (Liddell's wonder free-kick!)



    All Time Greatest Player? Carlo Corazzin (seriously, Andrew Timothy Ritchie)



    Biggest Rivals (in your eyes)? Nowadays it's Tranmere I guess and Blackpool (all credit to them though)



    Do I pass the test?



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