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Posts posted by Rocky_Latic

  1. Lee. They're on the wind up and putting a little dig at one of their own. Read the first few posts and it mentions a poster called Tazzy (who's real name is Mark Davies). The opening post from the Latics fan is pretty much something he'd do. Speak to a few of the lads you go Latics with as a number of them have him on their facebook and will tell you what he's like. Most think he's a dick, including 'dale fans.



  2. Don't even sweep the stands etc like they used to, not even sure they clean boots anymore either. Instead they go to college - fair enough, help them see the bigger picture but a bit of hard work never hurt anyone.

    They do similar things with changing rooms, etc.


    The youths cant "muck" in as they play at 11am on Chapel Road most saturdays.

  3. When a club calls for an inspection the day before a game, it is usually because they know themselves that it is unplayable and want early official confirmation. There is no way that they will be able to announce it as definitely on tomorrow, so the only possible alternatives are that it is definitely off or that a further pitch inspection is scheduled for Saturday. My money is on it being called off tomorrow.

    Dont home teams have to pay for the away teams transport if it is called off after they've already set off?


    Most games in the lower divisions of the football league this weekend will have P-P next to them by 3pm saturday.

  4. they actually took around 940 to wednesday. there support is nothing like latics.

    How do you figure? They get about 1,400 less than us most home games yet have taken similar amounts to places we have this season. If not more in some cases. So how exactly is it "nothing like latics."


    Dale's away followings this season


    Brighton - 304 - (Oldham took 152)

    Brentford - 229 (Oldham took 322)

    Bristol R - 343

    Exeter - 214

    MK Dons - 462

    Orient - 362

    Southampton - 539 (Oldham took 409)

    Wednesday 940 - (Oldham took 1,045)



    Yet again I cringe when you comment on Dale.

    Cringe all you want Paddy. Simply putting the point to Lee that Dale's away support is similar to Latics in terms of numbers.

  5. Dale barely get much over 3,000 for home games, that was my point and anyone who has been to Bury/Dale games at Gigg Lane knows that they never travel in great numbers :wink: They won't fill the big section of the RRE imo.

    You've never been to a dale/bury match then prozac as the last few years they've took up full allocations, bar the night match on sky when just over 2,000 were in the Manny Road End with a couple of flares.


    Dale like Oldham have one of the best percentage ratio's in the country for away support. They took 1,000 to Wednesday on a night match the other week. They took 600 to Southampton to name but a few.

  6. Just been sent home an hour ago and after seeing and hearing the many tales from the drivers and escorts of the minibus' trying to get our kids into school, I can say it was a bit daft to open this morning, but do understand why. Having so many kids in wheelchairs/vulnerable, trying to get them into school and home again within the space of 4 hours must be a nightmare.

    Safety first folks.

    It's even worse for our lot given the amount of wheelchairs and vulnerable kids who rely on minibuses dropping them off at their doorsteps. Most cant get down the side streets. This will be just as difficult if not more so, when it turns to ice. Then there's the staff who are coming from miles away. Huddersfield, Rochdale, Bury. All things that have to be taken into consideration.


    I went outside in the playground earlier to find two diggers moving snow (just as they had done yesterday). What an absolute waste of tax payers money from Oldham Council.

  7. Where was that? There was a bit of trouble between Latics fans and police. Didn't see anything involving Dale.

    There was never going to be any trouble with 'dale fans yesterday. Certainly not like that tuesday night game as all the dale lot were in the regal at 9am on their way to Preston for the EDL march.


    The only trouble was with the police who were being very heavy handed. The 4 riot vans, 3 cops cars and TAU vans summed it up outside the regal after the game. When they shut the bar, I spoke with a female copper who was from Accrington so god knows where half of them had been drafted in.

  8. Good.


    Let's get them up here on a mid-winter sub-zero temparature Tuesday night at Boundary Park. Freezing their ásses off and a lesser following it might make the difficult task of shutting them out a little bit easier.

    It was too be expected but i'd much rather have them brought a thousand up here again that a few hundred on a tuesday night.


    They'd of still be freezing their arses off on a cold saturday in January.

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