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Posts posted by Clifford

  1. The thought of standing on the terraces alongside some of the absolute :censored: who have surfaced since Sunday makes me feel ill so for that reason, but not only that reason, I'm out.

    The saddest thing I've read on here. People with extreme different views so your off? At dale I had 3 middle aged fans spouting all sorts of racist bile about our own players. Awful stuff. I still went and followed my team the next game.


    This is how I see it all. Forgetting the morals, and even the 'footballing decision' argument, the negatives outweigh any positives.


    I'd argue it wouldn't even be a good footballing decision to sign an unfit player who hasn't played in 3 years and will probably move on in the summer.

    Key bit being move on in the summer. If his names cleared we'll pocket 1 or 2 million

  3. Ched has the right to say he's innocent to anyone that will listen, thousand of prisoners will tell you they're innocent,. The hounding (if it really is happening) isn't helpful to anyone and is something Ched and his family should speak out on.


    Does the victim have sympathy for Clayton McDonald, putting an innocent man through a rape trial just because she couldn't remember?


    Great second point as remember Clayton is definitely innocent in the same way Ched is guilty. Not that she remembers.

  4. He wasn't jailed for being morally abhorrent though.


    If Evans signed



    If you were playing for another club and Latics were after signing you would you sign? (think about the reaction from your family and friends)

    If you were currently a player at Latics would you want to be seen out socially with him (again think about the reaction)

    When he scores then as a player how would you celebrate? Run and mob him etc.etc?


    Bottom line is would signing Evans make it more difficult to retain our present squad and sign new players?





    I know 3 ex Latics players who think we should sign him. I think most footballers who have done a bit will have some sympathy
  5. I agree with that but I think that's were the separate verdicts has been formulated from. She went back with Clayton, Evans rocked up later uninvited. Just putting across why I don't buy this "two or none" argument


    So she could consent to the first one but not the second when in my mind she would have been more sober? All seems odd to me. His conviction seems to be based on her not being capable of saying no yet the other lad was fine to get his end away. I'm sure there must be more to it but does seem weak.

  6. If I was a Latics player, and Evans signed, my transfer request would be on the managers table straight away.


    How many players would refuse to join Latics if he was at BP?

    How many loanees would refuse to come?

    None. Many players will have great sympathy for Evans as mamy will have had women target them because they're footballers.


    Not saying its right but it's the truth.


    It's interesting that this quote from Jesus, speaking in John's gospel, has come up several times on this thread. The story (in John chapter 8) is of the religious people who were trying to trap Jesus into permitting them to carry out capital punishment against Roman law. They were asking if they could stone a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. In other words this woman was just a pawn in their attempt to catch out Jesus.


    In the case before us here there is a woman also who has not been very prominent in our discussions. According to law she is the victim here. She might also be portrayed as a pawn. But surely any rehabilitation of an offender has to give at least equal if not more consideration to the victim herself. What would we be saying to her and to other vulnerable women if we were to give this person "a second chance"?


    I do not express a public opinion. But I simply point you to the Scripture.

    The church probably has more rapists working for it than any other organisation. If your going to take a stance against giving Ched another go have a look at the organisation you work for.



    If you believe that, you're insane.


    Damage has been done but it can be mitigated by backing out. Far worse damage will be done if we do actually sign him.

    Our owners want him, our directors want him and our sponosrs want him. We've spoken to his team and almost arranged a deal. No other club has got that far. PR wise we are tarnished now either way. That's if you care about the thoughts of a mob of shrieking do gooders.


    I'd prefer to see the lad elsewhere however fully believe that bar padeos and serial killers we should all be allowed the chance to work. His main skill is football, let him play.

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