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I'm more nervous........

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....than I've been before a Latics match in ages. Anyone else? Probably because I'm 12,000 miles away and this feels like the first big match since I moved to Oz. I know we have nearly half a season left and time to turn things around. But I reckon we have got to win today, simple as.

Incidentally, I am willing to declare that I jinxed Latics by moving here. When I flew out, we were in the play-offs, above Leeds, Chris Taylor was still good and Keigan Parker was someone else's problem. It's all my fault, I admit it!

Anyway, it's going to be a long night. Time to put the feet up, get the beers in, watch the Mersey derby on Fox and then PRAY!


Come on Oldham....

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If you had to watch them every week you wouldn't take it so serious. Like me I suggest you adopt the same general attitude to each game as the current squad of players - it's much easier on the blood pressure and the fur on the cats ar*e has started to grow back

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Incidentally, I am willing to declare that I jinxed Latics by moving here. When I flew out, we were in the play-offs, above Leeds, Chris Taylor was still good and Keigan Parker was someone else's problem. It's all my fault, I admit it!

It's not your fault mate. this is the first season i've had a season ticket.i first starting following Latics in th 93/94 season. I take full responsibility for our fall from grace over the last 17 years.


If you had to watch them every week you wouldn't take it so serious. Like me I suggest you adopt the same general attitude to each game as the current squad of players - it's much easier on the blood pressure and the fur on the cats ar*e has started to grow back

You've been taking out your frustration at our players by shaving the cat's arse? Even by the standards of these boards that's weird.

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