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Massive favour for a friendly owl

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I am on here asking for a huge favour for anyone who has some spare money during these hard financial times.


On Sunday I will be setting off to Scotland to take part in a sponsored walk from Glasgow to Fort Williams over 5 days to raise money for The Christies cancer unit. The walk will be between 16 miles a day to 24 miles a day for 5 days. Last year the club I coach at (Chadderton Park FC) lost an amazing man called Steve Lynch to cancer after a long fight, anyone in the area involved in kids and girls football will know the great lengths Steve went to for kids football for all, he was a truly amazing man.


I have put a lot of effort in getting ready for this walk, mainly by losing two and a half stone in 4 months so my knees and glass ankles can handle it. Now I am hoping people will give me one last push to sponsor me. Even if its a pound it's a pound which will be hugely appreciated. If anyone is in a position to give a larger amount I will be forever grateful. I hate asking people for money as I know how skint people are but this is a cause very close to me. Even if you can't afford any money, just promoting it to work colleagues or friends may just generate a little bit more.


To donate please either go to https://www.justgiving.com/Chaddy-the-owl/

Or you can message me on here with donation amounts, I'm happy to come collect it once I've finished it.


Any messages of encouragement will be appreciated too as I will be on here during the evenings while I'm soaking my feet and crying :)


Thanks in advance



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