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Yard Dog

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Posts posted by Yard Dog

  1. I think a scheme similar to the one run at Bradford can work, albeit on smaller scale. Unfortunately, TTA do not.


    I agree that with the reduced capacity next season it should probably be avoided for now though.


    With these Bradford-type schemes, people rightly worry about the loss of income from the pay-on-the-dayers....can we make back what lose from pay-on-the-dayers by seeing other income streams increase..???..I don't think we will lose ALL our pay-on-the-dayers, there will still be some pay on the days from both Latics and away fans. There is also the increase in both match-day and non-match day sales to consider, plus I think Latics would be able to increase their income from sponsorship if they can say to sponsors that there will be twice as many fans in the ground and that the club's profile is larger.


    Anyway, a scheme similar to Bradford's is not going to happen.....and other ideas need to be thought of....I know this is one that crops up often, but I really think entry should be free for kids...they are the future.

  2. So, although you'd have bought a ticket, someone else wouldn't have done? 'cos they'd be getting 21 games for nowt.


    The only way to do a huge discount is to make it non-transferable, so that people can't just ticket-share. With Hudds, they had someone prepared to udnerwrite the losses too. They will be picking up a fair tab- remember that hudds averaged 9400 last season, even all on ST's at £300 that's £2.8m leaving a shortfall of over £1m to stump up.


    Here you go again with your fantasy figures and claims to understand the inner workings of accounts at football clubs.... The chairman of Hudds was on talksport this week and said they've generated the same income from season tickets this season as they did last season already....and there's still plenty of time before the new season starts yet, although the deadline for the scheme has passed

  3. Jumped on this thread a bit late, but the sniping from the Lib Dems was unbelievable and, really, reminded me just how desperate politicians can be. Fair play to the Lib Dems for their effort though...must have had 3 or 4 propaganda leaflets from Nazia in the election run-up...even got one posted through the door in Royton North at 8am on the day of the election.


    I am not proud to say I voted for Anita as a protest....but this country needs a wake up call, and the current 2 party system is a shambles.

  4. At the more well attended England away games I've see an Oldham flag quite a few times....quite a few FYC Oldham fans (some of you probably won't class them as fans) are notorious followers of the English national team and I have seen a FYC flag on a couple of occassions.

  5. On Friday I was talking to a 8 year Ford Stand season ticket holder who had just returned from the club having got a refund on their season ticket.


    The ticket was bought as soon as they went on sale and the position of the drum was a major factor into purchasing a ST in the RRE - especially Mr Sweatman originall stated on these boards that he was to stay in the Chaddy End.


    AH has assured them that the drummer will have to be in the closest block to the away fans (I) and if there are complaints that he will have to re-locate back to the chaddy end.


    After much thought and reading of the many posts on the topic they where that cheesed off by the problems this is causing that not only did they not want to sit in the RRE with it but theu didnt want to go at all next season.


    Wonder how many more have been refunded or not bought at all?


    I can't believe that...surely there's gotta be more to it than the drum...risking getting pelters here, but you've gotta question the loyalty of guy if he's not bothering anymore because of a drum...a bloody drum....you'd just move stands wouldn't you ?!


    Where were these people in the 89 - 93 period when the ground was deafening on many many many ocassions ?? Were they moaning then at the air horns that used to blown etc etc

  6. Sorry to drag this up again but just read this article, scroll down to have your say bit, a very well balanced review of the whole Manchester fiasco for all the Rangers hating /Celtic lovers amongst us http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/foo...icle3941512.ece

    Bit of a long read but well put.


    I had a great day in Albert Square...really friendly, top atmosphere...the likes of which I have never seen before and will never see again. Was really surprised to see the images from Piccadilly Gardens the next morning.


    Follow, follow

  7. Yes I do think Rochdale is a better town than Oldham otherwise I wouldn't have said it.


    It's not about what areas nicer that another, the people in the town etc ..... for me its the simple fact is Oldham have always had a council that no matter how hard the people of the town work to improve the town , they always seem to try and squash progress. Look in recent years how Tameside as developed ahead of Olldham.


    In term of sports they nearly killed one sports team in the town and this year alone they are doing there best with another. Would they be happier if TTA moved the club to Tameside, because that could happen if there are any further issues with the new stadium and the council.


    Spotland is co-owned by the RL / Football and yes the Council ... who together have paid for the re-developemnt of the stadium. Why as that not happened in Oldham ????

    My point was I am glad a grew up in a Borough with a council that wants to see a town develop not hinder it.....



    EEEeeeeeeh....I do love these post from these 'oldham-knockers' who think Rochdale, Tameside, Kirklees etc etc is some sort of promised land....and that Oldham council are on a mission to destroy the town and it's sporting clubs.


    I could make a list pages and pages long of what Oldham has that Rochdale and Tameside doesn't, but I'd be wasting my breath and feel the the words bowling alley and cinema would be used an awful lot...


    Good luck 'Dale today - please don't mess up.

  8. Not sure having the option that us Dale boys support Latics as we are glory hunters is just commical or simply rude .[/b]


    I'm very proud of my home town and quite frankly it was the best decision my parents made bringing me up there and not in oldham...


    Now who's being rude.


    And, do you seriously think there is much difference between the two towns...think not....having family in both towns (as I suspect you have) it is clear that both towns have their nice and not-so-nice areas.

  9. 1: Cheaper Tickets

    Not going to happen. Its just not possible with the money issues the club still has and I firmly dont belive the numbers would increase enough.


    2: Better football

    16% drop this year in attendences mainly down to the fact we just not as good as last term. Think it will be a different story this season though! So yes I agree, better football = more fans.


    3: Star Player

    Sign Scholes and add a couple of extra 1,000 fans...likely to happen though ? Not really...


    4: Better atmosphere

    Better atmosphere will come along if there is something to get excited about.....


    5: Standing/Singing section

    In my opinion the whole stadium should be signing. Standing ? No thanks, go and watch the hillsborugh videos....easily forgot...


    6: Better Stewards

    I dont think this impacts on the crod numbers....


    7: Better Match entertainment



    8: Beer at game/ people walking with beer on back

    But beer in all the stands and watch people turn up early....would it add extra people to the overall attendance ? Doubtful


    9: Better match advertising

    Could work.....


    10: TV's at back with highlights

    Coupled with Beer would make be arrive early but wouldnt increase numbers...


    11: Betting shop at back of RRE

    I dont think the current shop is struggling with demand, and it didnt struggle in the premiership so I dont think this is likely.


    12: Big TV screen

    Agreed it would make money but wouldnt increase numbers.....


    13: Football coaches bringing in fans from local towns

    Intresting thought....unlikely to be cost effective though....


    14: Friday night games - Coach to pubs/clubs after

    NO NO NO NO NO! Do this and I cant come to the games anymore :(


    Can you clarify the point you made under no.5 about standing/hillsboro' ?

  10. Would love a dale/latics game next year ... the game at Spotland would be awesome, a full 3,500 Tics outsinging and invaded em ... quality!!


    There'd be far more than 3,500 Oldham fans in Spotland if we did play 'em next year in League One. As much as I have a soft spot for Dale, I doubt they'd bring more than 2,000 to us (they don't take many to Bury although I suppose it would be a bit of a novelty playing a competitive game against us)....very poorly supported club. Hope they don't mess up at Wembley.

  11. It has been totally hijacked. It wasn't a thread about discussing the merits of living in the country.


    If someone had posted a message wishing people a Merry Christmas, I wouldn't have expected it to turn into a debate about the pros and cons of Christianity.


    Could not agree more with you Latics & England. You're spot on.

  12. Anyway, to interupt. why celebrate St. George. Wasn't he Turkish or Lebanese or such like. And what's that rubbish about a dragon I think we should switch to St. Bede!!! Oh, and for the record i think it's great round here. When i wake up I have a fantastic view of mountains and sea...oh, sorry, i live in Wales!!


    He wasn't Turkish or Lebanese....he was around before those countries were even thought of. He was apparently born in that area (if he even existed at all) and was a crusader I believe. There's loads on the Internet about him if you're really interested.


    People get too hung up on where St George supposedly hailed from. I suspect the reason he was chosen as our Saint was not because of where he was from, but because to the people of the time he signified bravery and courage and was a good christian....which at the time was probably how the good people of this country thought a person should be....hundreds of years down the line and things have changed....we don't applaud people who slaughter and crusade about any more, and nor should we.


    Each of us have our own ideas about what signifies Englishness - St George and the English flag to me are nothing more than symbols. Mr. George himself and what he did or didn't do, and where he came from is totally irrelevant. St George's day for me is simply a celebration of England and its people.


    Take a look at most Patron Saints and you will see they rarely hail from the countries they...erm..serve (?). They nearly all have daft myths attached to them - does anyone really believe St Patrick banished the snakes from Ireland ?? Do the Irish go on about St Patrick actually not being Irish - apparently he was a Roman-Briton. Why do we English have to go on about it ?


    This is a great country we live in. By no means perfect, but that's the world we live in.


    Was great to see the flags up in Royton yesterday - made me very proud! Believe Hollinwood had flags up as well. Anywhere else ?

  13. Because the Chaddy end is filled with yobs, chav's and the great unwashed.


    What an arrogant pompous feck you are. I can't believe you've just said that. Most of the people in the Chaddy have sat/stood there for years and haven't an ounce of yob or chav in them. Course, there's a few, but there's a few in most parts of the ground - including the Lookers, you skidmark.

  14. I personally can't pick fault with the prices for STs and match-day tickets....as Lags has said a few times 13 quid per match if you get a ST is not a bad do. But I don't think the ST prices for next year will get lost fans back.


    Why I do get behind the ST incentive scheme so much though is because I think the atmosphere at BP is very very poor. Don't mean any disrespect at all by that, it's just mine (and quite a few other's ) opinion. I would think that more people in the ground would go some way to improving the atmosphere and people's overall enjoyment of BP on a match day.


    A lot of people like me go to the game for the atmosphere and the crack with the lads as much as we go for the football...we don't get much of this at BP. Atmosphere is normally non-existant, and it's hard work dragging your mates out of the pub to go to BP to watch poor football in a what often resembles a morgue so the crack with the lads isn't what it should be when there's just three of you and a few years ago there'd be a dozen or so. Away games are a different story and prove that there is an interest in OAFC from local lads, but just not when it's Leyton Orient at home in a nothing game.


    Too many fans don't go to BP these days and I think a lot of it is down to the prices, poor football and atmosphere....maybe these people aren't hardcore fans, or maybe the buzz has gone. People need to be tempted back to BP...too many people are giving up their STs. Been shocked at some of the lads who have told me they won't be renewing next season...if these people aren't hardcore then I don't know what is hardcore. Sure some of those not renewing will be replaced younger fans just getting into Latics, but something needs to be done to get lost fans back.

  15. Yeah carry on yard dog. You've fine tuned a scheme haven't you? Or do you just, fingers crossed, closed eyes, ooh please let it work, *think* it could work. Funny that TTA don't think so, but then it's easier snipe at others if you don't say anything that amounts to anything.


    Ha ha..we are all only *thinking* pal...no matter how many times you mess with your abacus and makes claims as if they are based on real figures.


    I wasn't at the OASA meeting at Chadd Reform Club, but apparently it was said by Corney at the meeting that if they thought could get 7 - 8,000 STs sold at a reduced price they would do it in a heartbeat....that tells me that it is possible, but clearly they don't think we can sell enough STs. Shame they're not prepared to try......but perhaps understandable given the poor response they've had to other schemens.

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