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Posts posted by aidan_latics

  1. We're a fickle mob us latics fans. Admittedly Simpson had a stinker yesterday and it stands out as there were a lot of good individual performances. In recent weeks he's been at least as good as most others on the pitch, had a decent game at pompey and his effort is never in doubt. He was devastated after missing the pen, and while I agree that maybe he should have a week on the bench as a foot up the arse, (and it should probably be with smith taking his place if Baxter isn't fully fit as Dickov has stated), he isn't a bad player and shouldn't be flung on the scrap heap. I'm more worried about Grounds - he was terrible against dons, and mediocre at best against stevenage and pompey, and should have done better for county's first yesterday. I hope he comes good and it might just be taking a few games for him to settle, but he'd be my main concern over simpson.

  2. Gentleman,


    Next Sunday (22-07-2012) at 12:30 we will be having an imformal kick about in Hyde Park, in the hope of rousing interest in a five aside team in the near future.


    The standard will be poor and after match drinking encouraged!


    If you want to come but don't know me face-wise send me a PM and I'll give you my number!



    (and Slash)


    Only just seen this now, I'm definitely up for the five-a-side if you do get a team going. On another note, is anyone planning on getting together to watch the Wednesday game on Monday?

  3. You can get into Liverpool Street from various bits of East London and Essex, you could also look at areas that take you into London Bridge which you can walk across in 10 minutes. I would use http://uk.easyroomma...CFQ0KtAodhTphCg this for somewhere to stop initially and http://journeyplanner.tfl.gov.uk/ for how your journey works out from places you are looking at.


    There hasn't been much organisation in terms of regular home visits this season, but we have got to a lot of the southern ones and met up for televised games etc. We have had the odd summer meetup before for cricket or just drinking.

    Aldgate, Mile End, Bethnel Green if you want to be near work. Not the classist areas, but no as bad as there reputation. London snobs slag them off, but they are still nicer areas than the majority of Oldham. Welcome on board.

    If you find yourself booking train tickets, please do it via PlayerShare WebShop. Especially the expensive ones.


    The Virgin link below rebates 2% of the cost to PlayerShare funds, so supports Latics. Even if you're not travelling on a Virgin train.





    Thanks for your help everyone. I used that easyroom website and secured myself some accommodation for 3 months. I'll find something more permanent while I'm down there. It's in North Woolwich which I gather isn't the most delightful of places, but I'm from Bacup and have been living in Salford for the last 3 years so I'm sure it will seem like paradise to me! I'll make sure I use the spend and raise website for any train tickets I book as well. I'll look forward to hearing on here about any games etc. what are being organised. Thanks again. Aidan

  4. Think you can find room for one more in your close knit community down there? Got a job starting the 6th June right next to Liverpool Street station (not quite sure what part of London that is). Don't know where I'll be living yet but it'll be somewhere close by (I best pull my finger out really and find somewhere). Any tips as well on where might be best to live working on a relatively small budget (ideally just a short-term contract to start with until I decide where I want to set up a more permanent base)? Any help would be much appreciated. What's the crack with you guys anyway, do you have folk going to every game home and away or just away days nearby?



  5. The sooner he's back the better, Adeyemi's been below par the last couple of games IMO. The lad does put in a shift though, can't deny him that. I think he's just not as confident a player as Furman so doesn't come looking for the ball as much and the midfield ends up getting missed out and the result is punted long balls from the back that are difficult to create much from. Not sure how he'd pair up with M'Changama though, they seem quite similar players. Are we expecting Wes back before the end of the season?

  6. The problem is that next years budget will now be even lower


    Not sure it's PD's fault that Kuqi hasn't scored for 11 games

    Mvoto can't defend properly

    Simpson had a poor second half

    Firman was really missed in the middle

    Every cross was under hit, over hit or mis hit


    Just on that note, excluding their goal (which wasn't just mvoto's fault), he was our best player on the pitch tonight IMO. Overall I don't think you can really point the finger at individuals (although I have to admit I was doing in the heat of the moment tonight), more a case of a young and quite naive team having no patience in the second half and just trying to lump the ball forward. You have to tip your hat to Tommy Lee as well, he's been incredible and immensely frustrating tonight and in both the games at their place this season. Massively gutting but lets focus our attentions on the league now. Also a pretty decent turn out tonight as well compared to usual, especially for a weekday televised game - lets hope everyone there tonight starts turning up to some league games as well.

  7. Scapuzzi looks class, different game at this level though, hope he can adapt. A City fan tells me he hasn't really heard much about mini Manc; however he's had a solid start on FM12 for me! There's a chance we went in for Scapuzzi and Bobby Manc said we can have him if we take his lad n all. Be good for them to come to the club together though, especially as it appears Scapuzzi can't really speak no Ingleesh, probably help him to bed in (and be translated).

  8. Just a bit of a side note, but even if Cisak was at fault for their third (which I'm also not sure of) he pulled out a couple of really good stops, especially in the first half when Preston dominated for a short period, including one where he made an amazing save turning a point blank rocket over the bar. I've been really impressed with him this so far this season.

  9. Just asked a pne fan and he says directly across from the stadium at the moor park council run carpark but theres the Deepdale retail park you'll no doubts pass on the way in ( about 10 - 15 min walk ) this will give you the easy direct way back onto the M6 for M61

    Failing that theres a Sainsburys on the other side of the main rd but please check for limits or charges, Both are open till 11pm I think


    See you all there and safe journey over!


    Cheers for that

  10. You think he's alone? I know many more mate. Why just make a comment like that as opposed to trying to think of reasons to get people back. No smoking, high prices and general unenjoyable afternoons mean that a lot of people find other things to do with their Saturdays.


    Because they're entitled to voice their opinion that all lower league football is naff which is a bit of a generalisation, as am I entitled to voice my opinion of one of the many stay-aways that are hampering this club. Also, you have to ask the question - are people staying away because of the high prices, or are the club having to put these high prices in place to try and make up the gates from all the people staying away. Also no smoking is league policy not club.

  11. I had started to wonder recently whether PD is the man for the job, we started like a train last year but the wheels came off after the Rochdale defeat when we lost Mvoto, combined with other players missing too. I didn't expect us to beat the Blades and was pleased when we matched them for the first 45, I thought we should have beaten Carlisle but we couldn't get the ball in the net and Yeovil was woeful.


    Then the trip to Scunny came, PD shuffled the pack and got the result. The day after I watched his post match interview and fell in love with the man all over again, he talks so much sense about everything and to see the players in their interviews saying that they were happy about the win but more importantly pleased for "the gaffer" to get the win speaks volumes.


    When Talbot came in I agreed with many of the things he did, making players wear suits and I think he stopped them using mobiles at training, for some players, this kind of discipline is needed and can get results. Shez was too close to the players, always hard being promoted from within as it is difficult to maintain the balance, the dogs incident had been waiting to happen for a while.


    Off-field and on-field Dickov is the man to take this club forward. He has engendered a fantastic team spirit, stuck to his guns regarding the type of player he wants at the club, through necessity or choice isn't scared of playing the kids, if they're good enough they're old enough and he always references the fans with regard to results and thanks their contribution when they've travelled to see a win or a loss. He knows how he wants the game played, how many times has he said "get the basics right", we've lost when we haven't done this and won when we do, it is a pretty simple game at the end of the day.


    He will drop some right rickets over the coming seasons but I can see him getting more right than wrong, I can see us having a problem keeping hold off him rather than having to dump him out of the back door. We as fans need to back him and stump him the old hard earned to get behind the team and enjoy the football on the pitch, it isn't going to be the same standard as Messi & Xavi as we don't have that budget but when the team clicks it hasn't been bad to watch.



    Bang on! Hit the nail on the head

  12. Seriously, no goals in open play in 3 games is shocking. Yeovil away and we can't even get 1! He needs to go now. One of the smallest squads in the league, his own doing, and now Furman is out (sounds like the season) we're in deep trouble and it's only 2 league games gone! For all of you about to reply it'll come good just need time, he's had plenty of time to get it right and I'm still not seeing it.


    Can I also predict the post match interview, Dickov blames the team for not keeping shape and not doing the basic things right. He says it every time we lose. I'm sick of his excuses and always blaming the players for his complete lack of managerial nouse, get rid now before it's too late!


    That's the spirit! You're a joke even starting a thread like this. Why is it one of the smallest squads? It's the only way the club can afford to pay anyone wages over ten quid a week. We could probably spread those wages out and have a larger squad but with less quality. But I must agree with you that it's definitely Dickov's fault that Furman is injured shock.gif. Your whining isn't going to help the club in anyway - put the same amount of effort into backing the club rather than spitting your dummy after two league games and it will be a step in the right direction!

  13. I also thought that Reid put in a shift - maybe someone a bit more nimble and pacey would probably work best with Smiffy up top though but i'd like to be eating my words after they've paired up for a few more games. I thought that Marc seemed like he'd fit in quite well, work rate was excellent and the amount of running done by him and Furman must of seemed like we had 3 or 4 centre mids at times. Thought we defended well too but needed a bit more communication between M'Voto & Diamond on occasion which will come with time - all in all a promising performance.

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