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Posts posted by Snookmeister

  1. He was crap! I normally respect your opinion BP but he never once impressed me. The definition of big dozy pillock! Him Sinnott and Graham playing in the same team used to give me nightmares, sometimes Warnock would have Redmond in there too. It was only when Stitch brought Garnett in alongside Graham we looked okish at the back.


    Hodgson was a social moron and a pisshead to boot!


    Hodgson was a legend!! One of the hardest players ever!! I remember him breaking his nose at Cardiff away once, having 10 minutes of attention off the pitch, then comes back on and takes the ball full in the face again after about 2 mins. Just shook it off and carried on.....


    Rubbish footballer, mind.....

  2. Just as matter of interest what would you expect to / want to pay for a season ticket in the new stand?


    I would imagine the new main stand will become the most expensive ST. And rightly so. I'd be very surprised if it isn't the most occupied of all the stands when it's eventually unveiled. If the price is reasonable, I'll certainly be looking to get a ST in there, but I certainly won't mind paying a little more if the standards go up in line with the prices.

  3. I think the fact that the price is the same as 6 years ago is something the club should be applauded for. Can you think of ANY other leisure activity that hasn't increased it's prices for such a timescale??


    I can't believe people are whinging at £13 a game. I really can't.


    I haven't had a ST for the last three years but now my girls are getting into it a little more, I'll probably take one for me and a couple for them as well.

  4. The way he brought the ball down and in the same motion put simmo who had his shot saved through was immence, that was worth my entrance fee


    This for me. It was one of his first touches of the ball after he came on. On a day where all players were struggling to control the ball on the poor surface, JB brought it down beautifully and played Simmo in. The bit of quality we'd been lacking all game

  5. What bewildered me was that in the RRE, they had the kids penned in by blocking the exits at the end of each set of stairs, then lost the advantage by retreating to the pitch. Had they stayed where they were they could have concentrated on those choke points and not been so thinly spread. No point in retreating to the pitch if all you're going to do is let them run on anyway.


    Not blaming the stewards, it was those bell-end kids that caused it - but the tactics didn't help......

  6. I think it's largely down to how we set up going forward. It seems that our plan is to get it down the right and try (try being the operative word) to whip it in the box. Either that or lump it long to Simmo or Smithy dependant on who's on the pitch at the time.


    So may times I've seen Barney in acres of room on the edge of the box, just gagging for a ball in to his feet after having made room for himself, which would surely put him in, but we seem to be ignoring this/not aware, and always go for Crofty on the right instead.


    Like many have already said, give Barney the right service, and the goals will come......

  7. If it were to happen i wouldnt bother with football at all anymore.Im already bored with it, if it doesnt involve Oldham. I have Sky , but dont really watch much football on it . Starting to wonder if its worth having as i only really watch test cricket on it , and for what i pay i could watch it live i suspect.


    I'm exactly the same. Can't be arsed watching footy if it's not Latics, and even then, it's a struggle!!!


    A merger would just be the death of all 3 clubs. Any "phoenix" team would get little or no support and die in a matter of months......


    WORST. IDEA. EVER........

  8. Lee Croft put in one if not the performance of the season . The applause he got leaving the pitch said everything.

    Since our so called fitness guru left the club Crofty has been transformed , boundless energy , commitment , enthusiasm .......get him signed up.


    For all their pressure , Bouzy had precious little to do and caught everything.

    Brown & K Smith got better as the game went on & confidence grew throughout.


    A terrific free kick effort from Mellor , another player grabbing his chance.


    And as almost every game in 2013 , Mvoto as solid as a rock.



    A job well done.


    Agreed. A superb showing tonight. Nowt fancy, but worked bloody hard - especially Crofty.


    Front to back put a proper shift in this evening - that's how to grind out a result.


    It's not often I've come home from BP with a smile on my face this season, but tonight I did.


    Wasn't even cold either........


    I took my little girl to the 12 quid turnstile and to my surprise the bloke behind the counter asked if i was going in too! So i gave him 31 notes and in we both went.


    It was an absolute shambles of the highest order there today. There were hundreds of seats empty, but according to one bury steward "the capacity has to be reduced when there are so many standing".


    There must have been 20-30 standing in the corner just as you came in. There were literally HUNDREDS of empty seats elsewhere in that end. An absolute farce and a sham by the authorities at Bury. It even took them about 5 minutes to respond to the trouble which inevitably erupted when we scored.


    Completely unacceptable.


    So the Shakers are going down and going bust??


    You reap what you sow.....

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