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Posts posted by oafc_ok

  1. I wonder how well the current division 3 team would do against these two sides of the seventies?


    Oldham Athletic 2008/09 Current Div 3 Team














    (starting team vs Cheltenham - do please propose your best starting eleven)


    Oldham Athletic 72/73

    (Finished 4th in Div 3)


    GK Dowd

    RB Wood

    CB Mulvaney

    CB Edwards

    LB Whittle

    RM Robins

    CM McVitie

    CM McNeill

    LM Blair

    FW Garwood

    FW Shaw


    Oldham Athletic 1973/74

    (Div 3 Champions)

    GK Ogden

    RB Wood

    CB Mulvaney

    CB Edwards

    LB Whittle

    RM Robins

    CM Blair

    CM McNeill

    LM Groves

    FW Garwood

    FW Lochhead

    I appreciate that the teams above may have varied, I can only go of the info I've got in front of me - I was born in 1971! :grin:


    I would love to read the imaginary match report from that game. :)

  2. Just tried to book through this site for a trip to Manchester - even with the £5 voucher it is still more expensive than through www.nationalrail.co.uk. I suppose it might be cheaper for trips within their region e.g. Swindon - worth shopping around though.


    Does anyone know any other sites that might have cheaper prices than www.nationalrail.co.uk?

  3. If you can get up to Lincoln (plenty of trains from Grantham) we go to most home games and will usually have a spare seat. If you're intersted PM me and I'll give you my phone number


    Do I sense a merger of L.O.A.F. and N.E.M.O. in the pipeline?


    I hope you realise, even if you do join together, you still won't be anywhere near as big as our B.A.L.L.S.

  4. Alan Hardy.









    Furious about this. Not only are players popping in on their way to work, now high ranking club officials are doing their shopping on the way home. At ten past five as well. POETS Day for Alan today, obviously. All this when we are supposed to be mounting a serious promotion bid. Another example of the lack of ambition at the club. :angry:

  5. Fans of The Smiths may be interested to know that Johnny Marr has been appointed Visiting Professor at the University of Salford. His inaugural lecture will take place in Maxwell Hall, Salford (where The Smiths famously played in the past) at 17:30 on Tuesday 4th November. Open to the public - follow the link below for more details.




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