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Posts posted by oafc_ok

  1. I used to access Windows Media Player through an icon on my desktop. I don't know what I've done but it is no longer there. I've tried to put the icon back on but can't find Windows Media Player in my list of Programs, although I know it is there because it automatically opens when I put a music CD into the drive.


    Can anyone please advise me how I can get the icon back onto my desktop for ease of access?


    Thanks a lot

  2. 1st rearranged date i'm sure was March 16th


    It certainly was - I lived in London at the time and got the train up from Euston. Just before the train was due to set off they announced that the match had been postponed. A few Spurs fans got off but I was visiting Irish friends in Manchester for St Patricks Day so carried on. As I was wearing my Latics shirt every time I went to the buffet car or toilet I kept getting stopped by well-meaning strangers telling me the match had been postponed - must have had to explain ten times that I already knew!

  3. My claim to disdain is the fact I had enough money from my paper-round to go to either the 'Boro game or the Sheff Wed game. Having been to Meadow Lane on the Satdy and our complete inept, "can't be arsed we're already up attitude" from the team that day, my 14 year mind decided the title had gone, so might as well go to the 'Boro game, a rather straight forward 2-0 win ensued with the highlight being the Chaddy end inviting Becky Want to get her tits out for the lads. at 2-0 down on the Satdy, I felt vindicated and whilst it could never make up for not being there, sat at home living through a roller-coaster of emotions through Pykey's commentary was an amazing experience!



    I wasn't at the game either. With Mr and Mrs Sideburns stopping over in Oldham for Roger Palmer's testimonial the appeal of having the house to myself was too much for this 17 year-old.




    In the days before the delights of Roy and Gordon I had to listen to the last few minutes on Clubcall - Diego really would be angry if he knew that he was paying for a premium rate phone call all through the delay before the penalty!!!!



  4. What did you go for, Matt?


    I'm in the same situation now - Norton's about to expire in the next month. I feel better about buying something rather than using free stuff (not like me :wink:), and have had no problems with Norton at all, and don't find it at all intrusive!


    I went for Comodo which seemed fine. It then started prompting me to update as support for the version I had was about to expire. I updated but since then have had all sorts of problems with my pc crashing. I did a system restore but am now still on the original, unsupported version. Don't really know what I'll do next. May try to re-install the updated version when I get chance. Unless anyone can suggest an alternative?

  5. I read somewhere that it is filmed and set in Grimsby.


    Quick question... is this the first time it's been shown on council telly or has it been on before?


    By the way, I've seen Somers Town. It's a lovely little feature, great acting (again by Thomas Turgoose) and 'just right' at an hour in length. I think his next one is Le Donk (Considine playing the titular roadie for the Arctic Monkeys). Shandy posts quite a lot on his messageboard about future projects in the can.


    Paddy's Le Donk character is even funnier if you know the person who the character is (allegedly!!) based on - I suspect ThaiLatic does!

  6. Here's a playlist I did last February. The music hasn't really changed greatly since so it's a a decent idea of what you'd expect...


    Don't really know the more recent stuff on there but everything else looks good to me. We'll definitely be going. Are you DJing on 13th Dec?

  7. It depends what sort of indie you like mate.


    5th Avenue/42nd Street plays your indie-by-numbers baggy/Nu-indie and the odd sixties. But it's music you can set your watch by and you feel like a dinosaur if you're over 25.


    Star and Garter - 'Smile' is Manchester's longest running indie club. My favourite (Bit biased because I DJ there) and a bit more eclectic than others. But it's far more homely and welcoming.


    Brickhouse/Venue - Not been in these places for ages but it's kinda like 5th Avenue but for more of an older crowd. Brickhouse I'd say is the better option.


    Not much changed since my student days (early-mid 90s) by the sound of it. I definitely think I'd be a bit old for 5th Ave / 42nd St now. Used to love My Generation nights at The Brickhouse circa '94.

    Was also a regular at Smile - can't believe it's still going. Might give that a shot, we are staying at Ancoats Travelodge so it's not too far to get back after. Just hope it's as good as it used to be. They used to play a decent amount of sixties garage / girl groups - is it still the same?

  8. If anyone has the old style enamel lapel badges of just the club crest - only about 1cm across I would like about 10 to get me through the rest of my life as they don't stock them in the shop anymore, only the big ones.


    Third from left


    Do you mean like this one? I only have one spare.


    I also have spares of the badge on the far right in the above photo and all of the following available:


    FA Cup Semi Final badge set


    Everton Match badge


    Play Off badge Set


    If anyone is interested PM me for prices.

  9. Yer grey matter is playing tricks with you exile. It was a 1-1 draw about 2 seasons after and I believe it was his debut too. Wright equalised about 5 or 10 minutes before the end.


    There was no after-match brawl in the 3-1 cup win against them.



    Unless my grey matter is playing tricks with me I seem to remember Wright kicking Earl all over the park and should have been sent off before he scored the equaliser, after which he (and Merson, I think) gave the Vs to the Chaddy End.


    I suspect this may have been the cause of the abuse, not the colour of his skin as he has claimed many times over the years.

  10. I'm up in Manchester for The Pogues gig on Saturday 13 Dec and am looking for a club to go on to afterwards. Has anyone been to Clint Boon's night at South on a Saturday? Any good? What's the music / atmosphere / clientele like?


    Any other suggestions for good nights playing Indie / Manchester / Sixties etc on a Saturday night? It's been a while since I was out on a Saturday in Manc.

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