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Posts posted by jimsleftfoot

  1. And have another episode like Chris M**re i dont think so! There is no need to take a massive financial risk, we already have the ground development happening so we need to keep an eye on the financial situation and can relax a bit once the ground is completed in around 5/6 years time.


    In business you can take calculated risks you know. I think the term is called investment.

  2. Too right, it isn't the opera or the theatre it is football, if people want to lose their inhibitions and sing and shout then how can anyone have a problem with it? If people are offended or wound up by others supporting their team in the way they see fit there is something wrong.


    If someone is annoying you with rubbish clapping then make more noise yourself - simple. Keep up the good work scotty.

  3. Personally I think managing a football team is easier than a lot of jobs but I probably wont ever get the chance to have a go because i'm not a footballer.


    Put it this way, I bet the average footballer/football manager hasn't got 5 GCSE's at A-C.

  4. Two points:


    (1) I agree that support was good on the whole and was shocked by some players lack of effort on Saturday.


    (2) my real problem is the idiots who not only criticise the players for little mistakes or even when good moves do not come off and call the players certain names e.g. calling Taylor a Ginger C-word every 2 minutes. I can put up with the swearing, but I was insulted by having to sit within 5 ft of a guy with such a low level of intelligence for 45 min. He disappeared at half time thankfully.

  5. Forgive me if I am wrong but didnt we make the play-offs last season? Forgive me if I am wrong yet again but arent we within grabbing reach of a play-off spot at the mo? Granted, we aint doing the biz at home (I only go home games myself so am more frustrated than most who manage to see us win away from BP) but I still stay to the death and clap the lads off. Shezza IS getting frustrated with lack of goals but he loves Latics and will pull his tripe out to get us winning again. AND by playing the ball along the ground, not by RM's hoof ball tictacs - come on guys, I know tis frustrating but FAITH IS SHEZZA please!!!


    Ill support Shez but lack of plan B is annoying. Lack of support on the bench is annoying. This is his second season and he’s not learning from mistakes from his first.


    If we are going to use the “he’s still learning” adage then we need to look at the best way he can do that. We need an experienced coach as his assistant.

  6. I really hope my Mon or Tues of deadline week prediction comes true. I really don't think there'd have been the same furore over making signings this past 7 days if....


    a) Hughes hadn't been suspended for yesterday or


    b.) We'd not have been playing in the FACR4


    We notoriously wait for the last week to get signings in....whether that's right or wrong....just what we do. The need is a bit more desperate than normal (highlighted ever more so yesterday) but for me and many others, nowt was ever going to happen until this coming week. Sadly though, the above two points are why I feel some have got a bit carried away this past week on the lack of signings front.


    Roll on this week and some new signings.....and not the female, dancer variety (unless fans can hire them out for personal HT dances :grin:)


    The fact that we didn’t have Hughes and were playing in the FA Cup highlighted an existent problem. Through lack of preparation the club has shot itself in the foot in terms of attracting new fans and further revenue in the cup.


    The club has hedged a lot of bets this year on the likes of Kilkenny, Ricketts and Hughes. Yet none were there yesterday and we had no real cover for any of them. For that reason you have got to ask why we have waited until the last week in Jan to sign anyone (if we sign anyone).


    For me TTA, Shez as well as the players all need to put their hands up and take responsibility for the loss on Saturday.

  7. I agree that home games are boring but I dont think the football is, I think its the fans. Fans like you. Your obviously stuck in the past and you probably just sit there expecting us to win... which is why we dont. We've got a very young squad this season and the expectations of people are breaking them. You really need to shut up about the players not being arsed at home. The players are only people and they will respond when fans get behind them, which explains our excellent away record. Craig Davies is one of our best players and hes very gifted also. Just shut up about players not caring FFS!!! You probably like players like Paul Warne who "have the heart" as you would say... but in reality are very average and never achieve anything. Just dont come to home games if your going to say things like this FFS!!!


    Sorry Scotty but if we are (a) not winning and (B) not scoring, how is it actually that exciting. Personally I think like many latics fans who love Davies that you get bamboosled by his flashy attributes. Look at Huddersfields 2 strikers and how they chased down every ball. Why did Davies not do the same. Shez has no plan b, it looks like were not going to get anyone in in the transfer market. Its just not exciting.


    Why have we got no fans - its because its not exciting.

  8. i would of taken a point at the start of the night but to have a keeper sent off and play against ten men i would of liked three points but i see it as apoint gained, whats your views???


    ktf oafc


    Please can you explain why it would have been easier to score against 10 than 11?


    95% of the time, teams who have players sent off just stick all there players behind the ball. The result is not many goals scored at either end, especially when the clubs are of equal standard.

  9. You either trust the 3As or you dont..... They say yes we can afford it and its a good use of money....we shouldnt question...unless you think they are misusing money...it is that simple....


    I think if you talk to shez about being able to do better....aka getting young qaulity players for no money....he would probably laugh at you....


    Here here, I think the development changes a lot of things and so has the last two matches. I think they are pissed off with the Donnies and the Leeds nicking our players. They probably have more money than the donnie chairman but are trying to run the club as a business but I think they understand that they need to keep investing in the club for there dreams to come to fruition.

  10. I do think they will bring more for the cup game. In a manner of speaking it could be seen to be like a cup final match for this division so to speak. The way I see it, we could get a big team in the next round, or a very fortunate home draw again. If we were drawn against teams similar to what we got in 94, then there would be no reason why we could make it to another semi. Though if we do beat Hudds, it would surprise me if we got Plymouth or Palace away in the next round.

  11. Heard a report on the radio in the light of the Funeral comments by fergie on what clubs are trying to do to improve the atmosphere. Many clubs have introduced singing sections including city that have worked well. We could do that with Rocky but im sure that people would rather do nothing as I have been told many thousands of times.

  12. Ive voted for the 4th but have pleaded to the club to not be too hasty with regards to the tangerine colour. On saturday, someone brought tangerine balloons to the match (well it was actually my mate) whens the last time someone brought balloons in the away colours of a club.

  13. The issue for me at the moment is whether to get a season ticket next season. Last year I went to about 15 home games and paid on the day ( would have been more had I not broken my ankle) and 11 away games. I have always loved away games and much prefer them to the home ones, but as the club doesnt receive the ticket money, I thought it would be better to get a season ticket and go to less away games.


    This year, all seasoned ticketed up but have only been to 3 away games. I really am starting to question whether I want a season ticket. Games like Wallsall and Northampton at home are just miserable. i don't mind the football, we are Oldham after all. Some of the "fans" though with there negative attitudes are so depressing. In comparison, you go to Bournemouth away with a few hundred others, and you have fun, you have the siege mentality and you get behind the team. If you lose, you still sing. People moaning make watching Oldham at home hell and I hate it and theres been a few games this season when I have just not looked forward to going.

  14. What commitment has he shown to us.................


    He up sticks and left the first chance he got, he used us to get out of Brum. Sorry no commitment there.......


    Apparently he wanted to come to us over championship clubs and surely it has been beneficial for us to have him here. If not, why are people so bitter at him leaving. If he has played well and got a deal with a better club because of it, then surely we must have benefited.

  15. To be fair, on the radio, Moyes did give us some credit. They cut that same interview which was shown on MOTD. The only real disappointment for me was that they never showed Hughes' chance at the end of normal time to make it 2-0. Great work by Davies and thought Hughes was gunna bury it....thought Rennie was gunna give a goal kick, but fair play he saw the defenders touch. Just a shame he can't count 3 mins properly though.


    I heard to full Moyes interview and he mention them playing the same midfield as they did in the last Uefa cup match.

  16. Good luck Neil. We helped him out with first team football which is what he wanted rather than being a bit part player in Championship. He helped us out to. Not sure why it has come out of the blue to some people, his agent will have touted him around a bit, Leeds were short of mids, he signed the deal witht that fantastic performance. (Ironically O'Driscoll has been complaining that he had been touted about, I wonder if Shez actually tipped off Wise so that Donny didn't get him).


    He has his chance now, he will probably play better with a bit of pressure for places anyway. He needs that as he's too inconsistent without competition... bit like Wellens with that.


    If he does well and Leeds don't want him, someone else will. If he doesn't do well then it will probably be his own fault. Not really that bothered really as no matter how good he is on his day, he doesn't consistently do it. Yes i'd love to have him but not at any price.


    Leeds, we won't play em again. They will go up as champs and we will be the only team to have got a win at there place. If Shez can bring some more decent players in, who knows....

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